Tuesday, April 30, 2019

More Reason To Impeach Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

    President Buffoon and his sons, Dumb and Dumber, have filed a federal lawsuit hoping to block congressional subpoenas against Deutsche Bank and Capital One, no doubt, because of fears that the House Financial Services and Oversight and Reform Committee will likely unearth the Trump’s money-laundering schemes involving Russian oligarchs, mobsters, and sources in Eastern Europe.
     The Grifters of New York City are very afraid their money making enterprises, which are based on money they laundered from Russian criminals in order to avoid bankruptcy, will be exposed. Deutsche Bank has a history of laundering illegally obtained or criminally obtained money.
    Another indication of Trump’s mental incompetence came from former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who ignored President Buffoon’s outrageously insane orders against North Korea and Iran to ramp up hostilities. Trump tended to rant and rail orders to his foot soldiers, but more intelligent and reasonable minds dismissed his mental disordered outbursts.
    A New York magazine source, a former senior national security official said, “We prevented a lot of bad things from happening.”
    One order was to remove military spouses and children from South Korea. Another was a Camp David pow-wow when Trump wanted to assemble planners who could design military options against North Korea. Both fizzled out by Trump’s top foot soldiers.
    Another counterpoint against Trump proclaiming that he has presided over the best economy ever, was discussed by Juan Williams, in The Hill piece titled, “The Reality of the Trump Economy”. He asks the question, which others have asked of our middle class, “So how has the Trump tax cut been working for you?”
    The Cretin promised us, “We’re going to make America wealthy again.” The truth is unless you are already wealthy, you are going to be left behind. People who can afford investing in the stock market got richer.

    Williams wrote,

     -that “Wages remain stagnant. Trump’s trade wars are hurting farmers. Coal mines keep closing. Teachers…on strike.” “Housing prices are up; gas prices are up and student debt is soaring. This is the reality of the middle class. Meanwhile, never forget that 83 percent of the benefits of Trump’s tax cut will in the long run go to the nation’s wealthiest 1 percent according to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center.” “That adds up to a big fail on Trump’s promise to boost the middle class.” “If Trump deserves credit for a roaring stock market, then Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan do as well. In fact, all of them presided over more total highs in the S&P 500 than Trump so far.”
    “…40% of American adults would not be able to afford a $400 unexpected expense without borrowing or selling something.”

    Trump’s tax cuts are driving a deep wedge in wage and wealth equality.
    Williams writes that Elizabeth Warren has the best ideas for helping the middle class, including a student loan forgiveness plan. 44 million Americans owe $2.5T in student loan debt.

    In The Atlantic, Kurt Bardella wrote in his piece, “We Wouldn’t Have let Obama Get Away With This”,

    “…in the ‘old days’ if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism”, tweeted Trump. He whined about Congress’ continued investigation that they “only want to continue the Witch Hunt, which I have already won.”

    The Cretin believes he won what prize? What did he win? A cookie? If he believes that The Mueller Report presented him with a pay out, then he must have drank some bad Kool-Aid. If he believes he won The Mueller prize, then why is he so resistant to have his people testify before Congress or have his tax returns brought into the light?”; because he knows he is guilty.

Kurt Bardella writes,

    “There’s a world of difference between how Republicans’ hypocrisy. There is a world of difference between how Republicans viewed oversight when Barack Obama was president and their support of Trump’s obstruction”, wrote Bardella. During the Obama presidency, “Republicans issued more than 100 subpoenas, held A.G. Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, created a select committee to investigate Hillary Clinton’s handling of the Benghazi crisis, and filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging President Obama’s use of executive privilege”, wrote Bardella.

    In 2011, Republican Darrell Issa railed against the Obama administration when they made efforts to discourage people from testifying before Congress or to interfere with Congressional inquiry. Yet, The Trump administration finds it OK to interfere with Congressional inquiries, such as obtaining Trump’s tax returns through the Treasury Secretary. Trump continues to press his people to ignore House subpoenas who want them to testify.
    While the Republicans held both bodies of Congress during Trump’s first two years, “they issued [absolutely] zero subpoenas to the Trump administration. The Cretin continues to refuse “to cooperate with subpoenas issued by congressional democrats.”

    “If Trump can simply ignore Congress and act unilaterally without consequences then he’s America’s first dictator.” “Republicans won’t rise to the challenge, which means it’s up to Democrats to keep Trump in check and to support the Constitution.”

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