Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Decade In Review

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

Here we are at the end of a decade. It has been a tumultuous one, with it beginning with the cracking of the economy which was preceded by a massive economic collapse and the nation clawing its way upwards. The first black president, a brilliant Democrat, brought the economy back from the abyss, not without its problems. We also had a brilliant first lady, as well, who worked hard to make an impact upon our society and way of living. 

Then, the nation filled with racist, haters, uneducated, and those who felt disenfranchised voted for a dumbass, bombastic, moron to move into the White House so he could further his wannabee gangster crime syndicate with his corrupt daughter and son-in-law as his chief lieutenants. The Cretin decided to exploit his position in the White House to steal cash from the people, and build his personal wealth by violating the Emolument's Clause. We witnessed an American government fully embrace Market Leninism from White House Central, The Congress, and state government offices.

The irony of the decade was that the popular voted elected Clinton, but the Electoral College chose The Cretin by only 6 million votes and 77,000 votes in three key states. The decade also ushered in hostile foreign actors funneling cash into the Trump campaign, and professional hackers poisoned the Internet's social media platforms with fake information and propaganda on behalf of The Cretin's campaign. And, the campaign's hired guns were found to be intersecting with Vladimir Putin and his Russian crime syndicate, i.e., oligarchs. So, we had a guy placed in the White House by Vladimir Putin, propaganda, Russian organized crime, and voters who didn't object to authoritarianism. Fascism was elected president.

The decade brought real change to the world. Climate Change--Global Warming had seriously impacted coastal communities, farmers saw their fields flooded or parched out. Farmer suicides rose. Sea levels rose, as well, and sea ice quickly disappeared. Polar bears began to disappear as a result of their habitat melting, and other species began to permanently die off. Fires rose, too. The Cretin's solution was to give people rakes so they could clean out the forest's leaves and twigs and fallen branches. Australia is under attack by fires. Humans were also under attack by racist, haters, White Supremacists and Trump supporters who took up arms against the innocent, along with religious and worship centers. The Cretin dismantled the integrity of the office of the presidency by surrounding himself with bootlicking White Nationalists and White Supremacists. Some were Jews and others were Christians who spit in the face of their faiths. We even had a first lady wear a jacket that had printed on the back, "I don't care. Do you?"

During this decade, hate and vile language was a regular expression typed out by The Cretin via Twitter, or from the pulpit at his rallies. The Cretin normalized hate and White Supremacy when he said after the Charlottesville, Virginia protesters were attacked by violent haters, "There were good people on both sides." He proclaimed that there were good people in violent White Supremacist hate groups. 

We witnessed a teenage girl from Northern Europe, Greta Thunberg, named as Person of the Year by Time Magazine for her one-person protest against climate change, which turned into a worldwide mass protest against climate change. We saw The Cretin jealous of a teenager from upstaging him as Time's cover person of the year.

We watched technology sweep the decade with self-driving cars, a mass development of electrified cars, planes, trains, buses, trucks, and homes. Artificial Intelligence swept the decade. Wind and solar energy became cheaper than the fossil fuel industry's energy production. Cellphones became even more powerful and more advanced than the computers that sent rockets to the Moon. Artificial Technology began to operate one's home or business from that very cellphone. Robotics have seriously displaced human workers on production lines. The subsurface of the ground had been Fracked and drilled into the Marcellus shale using this technology to extracted natural gas using toxic chemicals and brine water causing earthquakes, poisoning the air,  soil and water near these sites creating a rise in cancer rates and other medical conditions.

We are now beginning a decade that will either take the human race further into the abyss, or rescue it from sudden death. We as citizens are in control of this decision. Will The Cretin and his bootlicking fascists be expelled from office, or given an expansion of power. Will Darth Vater Trump be given further powers to attack the Republic and rule it with a heavier hand? Or, will there be an honest impeachment of The Cretin, or will there be a dismissal of the Articles of Impeachment against him? Will the Jedis take over and save the Republic from extinction? This struggle is coming to a close. In only the next several months we will be deciding this fate as an election of a president will be determined in November 2020.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, December 30, 2019

The Gangster White House

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The Atlantic magazine ran a story by David Frum called “A Gangster in the White House.” This Blogspot has been writing about The Cretin as a New York gangster for over a year. He is a wannabee gangster. He is NOT Tony Soprano. Tony was a very intelligent sociopath heading a crime syndicate family. t-RUMP, a prehistoric orange creature sporting a wildly blond combover hairdo, is a sociopath, but the dumb-dumb type who regularly cannot play an honest game of golf without screwing his buddies swinging their clubs with him at Mar-A-Lago. He always lies and cheats on his scorecard.
    Now that he lives in the White House, he has surrounded himself with intelligent, diabolical, criminal-types, like Pompeo, Barr, and Conway.
    In the article, The Cretin uses intimidation techniques and threats against those who cause him trouble and interrupts his corrupt gangster style. One such person is the whistleblower, who was the spark that ignited the impeachment process.
    The Cretin does not actually know who this person is, but continues to guess names. Dumb Dumb Donnie, Jr., also, was name dropping guesses in order to look gangsta.
    This is what the Idiot said in September,

“Basically, that person never saw the report, never saw the call, he never saw the call—heard something and decided he or she, or whoever the hell they saw—they’re almost a spy. I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we use to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

The Cretin calls his hostile, aggressive, retaliatory style as “Counterpunching”, which can be viewed as a violation of federal law, which protects whistleblowers from such behavior. This behavior can put innocent people in harm’s way as The Cretin’s legion of mentally unstable fanatics take the law into their own hands. This makes Trump a danger to the American people!!
    He is a thug. A wannabee crime boss. He will violate the law because he feels he can because his pals, like Lil’Kim, Big Boss Man Vladimir, and the Saudi Prince are his role models.
    The Cretin’s mobster mentality can be seen when he uses his personal goon—Rudy Ghouliani—as his secret pseudo State department renegade strong arm. This loose cannon of a moron was sent to Ukraine, which is part of the impeachment investigation, and in 2018, to Venezuela to get President Maduro to resign, probably for a price. Ghouliani serves as Donnie Dumb Dumb’s personal lawyer and goon without pay. So, what is he getting for this service? A free Visa card and a free condo in Trump Tower after his divorce?
    Was Rudy told that if Maduro would go away, maybe he could become a player in the takeover of their oil and gas industry as he was attempting to do in Ukraine?
    While visiting Venezuela, Ghouliani and former Attorney General Jeff Session had connected with the likes of accused money-launderers, con artists, and mobster types.
    Sessions met with Ghouliani’s goon---Lev Parnas, now indicted by the U.S. government on charges of illegally channeling cash into Trump’s presidential campaign coffers. Ghouliani’s back channeling efforts, on behalf of The Cretin, in the ouster of President Maduro backfired because Venezuela’s “gangster” President Maduro was re-elected. Session’s connection with Venezuela mobster Raul Gorrin Belisario found himself indicted on charges of money-laundering of $1B.
    In 2019, Ghouliani was hired by Alejandro Bentancourt Lopez, a Venezuelan energy tycoon to defend him against money-laundering charges in Florida.
    The Cretin’s bootlicking goon, Moscow Mitch McConnell, is colluding with his crime boss—fascist Donnie—to rig the Senate impeachment trial. We have heard from many members of the Republican White Nationalist Party how Democrats have rigged this or that and now they are rigging the most important event of the last decade!!
   And finally, Fascist Donnie has been a key figure in the incitement of domestic hate crime murders of Christians and Jews, and Muslims. These lone wolf killing psychopaths are connected through social media’s hate and White Nationalist groups motivating the followers to do damage because their fascist figurehead living in the White House has gone unchecked by his party and justice department, let alone his own family.
    These examples fully illustrate The Cretin’s use of the White House as his own personal office to continue his role as President Mobster Wannabee-in-Chief. He uses a band of morons, idiots, and sleazebags to execute his gangster playbook, thankfully, with little-to-no success. These failures have happened because The Cretin is just a complete dumbass moron who roams the White House halls in the middle of the night rambling, and railing against his imaginary are real enemies dragging his Space Force nightie blankie behind him.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Joe Biden MUST Switch Gears!!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Dumb Dumb Donnie, the guy in the White House, is an addict, a serious addict. He is addicted to lying, cheating, and manipulation. His most serious addiction is to lying. He has lied to the American people, and the world, more than 15,000 times since 2016. It is also a compulsion. He cannot stop. He has been lying his entire life. One has to ask, “When did this addiction to lying begin?” Did it begin in childhood, or when he tried to attend college classes and pass them without help? Did he pay people to take his tests and do his assignments? Did the university administrators and instructors look the other way? If so, others were complicit in Donnie’s lying.
    As we see today, those who are surrounding The Cretin lie for him, or support his lying messages. Even people like Sarah *uckabee Sanders are still lying for him even once sent away from their White House jobs.
    t-RUMP said, “I like acting.” Now that is true. He loves “ACTING” like he is president!! The emperor has no clothes.
    Apparently, since Donnie Dumb Dumb is an addicted liar, he lies about everything, even about his golfing abilities and those golfing scores. Apparently, he cheats at golf. He gets everyone around him to lie for him over and over again; therefore, they, too, get sucked into becoming addicted to lying, such as Ivanka, Jared, and others.
    As a result of his addiction to lying, he has evolved into a full-blown sociopath, where he is always right no matter what is true. He will lie even when the facts say otherwise because he believes that if he sells his lie enough times, people will believe it. This is what Hitler did to the German people. Liars and sociopaths MUST convince their followers to believe their lies.
     This is where Joe Biden comes into the story. Biden is a sitting duck if he wins the nomination; therefore, he MUST label The Cretin as a person addicted to lying—a full-blown addict.
     The Cretin will attack Joe with his own son—Hunter. Hunter is a full-blown addict, too. He is addicted to lying, to sex, to manipulation, and more. Hunter has five kids. Three from his first wife. Then he began screwing his dead brother’s wife. Next, he left her because he was screwing a hooker who got pregnant with his kid. Now, he is married to his current wife.
    He weaseled his way into becoming a highly paid board member of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company. There was nothing illegal about it, but it sure was wrong. As a result of this lucrative position, he captured millions of dollars allowing him to buy an expensive Hollywood Hills home.
    Joe needs to speak about being the father of an addict. He needs to call Hunter an addict. He needs to talk about the struggles that surround being the father of an addict. The American people can identify with this story. So many families have members that are addicts—addicted to various substances or ways of living, such as sex, conning, cheating, and lying. They can identify with the pain and heartache being a parent of an addict.
    Once he labels his own kid an addict, and himself as a parent of an addict, he can get ahead of The Cretin’s strategy to attack Joe about his kid. Once he gets ahead of Hunter’s addiction, he can attack The Cretin for being an addict, as well. He can hit The Cretin really hard for being addicted to lying, cheating, manipulating and inciting hate and fear. This attack against Trump must be relentless. He must act like Luke Skywalker attacking the enemy.
    Biden needs to do this; otherwise, he will lose to Trump. Biden is a bad candidate for the Democratic Party. He has too much baggage just as Hillary had too much baggage, such as with Bill, their foundation, Bengazi, the emails, and more. Remember, she won the popular vote by 6 million votes, and lost three key states by only 77,000 votes combined, which cost us a win from the Electoral College.
    Biden is following in her footsteps. It would be best if Biden dropped out of the race. But, it doesn’t appear that is going to happen in the near future; therefore, he MUST speak about his own experience with living with an addict, and then, labeling Trump as an addict, as well. This is his only chance of getting ahead of Trump’s personal attacks.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, December 23, 2019

Our Fuming and Gaseous Donald Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    President Dumbass cannot stop himself for fully displaying that the emperor has no brains. Before a conference of morons, the Idiot-in-Chief said,

“I never understood wind. I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anyone. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous---if you are into this—tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amounts of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China or Germany, is going into the air. A windmill will kill many bald eagles. After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off, that is true. By the way they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one they put you in jail. That is OK. But why is it OK for windmills to destroy the bird population?”

    This is the moron supported by nearly 45% of the country!!! He claimed to “know windmills very much….better than anyone.” Here is a guy who doesn’t know “very much” of anything!!! And, he is just becoming aware that “we have a world.” And, the world is “tiny compared to the universe.” What an awakening!!
    He claimed that windmills “spew fumes and gases and everything.” What the heck is ‘’everything’’? The thing that was spewing gases and fumes stood on that stage bellowing idiocy and foolishness proving to the audience that he is very stupid and has lived in a world void of intelligence and curiosity.
    The New York Times just reported about Cecil, Township, PA has a growing number of cancer rates that are occurring attributed to Fracking natural gas in Washington County. Children attending the Canon-McMillan school district have been diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer. Fracking natural gas and the process that is occurring on the site and passing through the pipelines to various endpoints are a serious health hazard to people living near and around such sites.
    This President Moron is the energy source that spews gas and fumes. This energy source is a killer to Americans and is much worse than windmills could ever be. Sadly, this president doesn’t know shit!!! This is why he is a truly identified DUMBASS!!!
   President Moron is a Market Leninist. He is a full-blown supporter of the fossil fuel industrial complex. They are heavy climate deniers, just as their idiot spokesman---t-RUMP. This industry has bought and paid for lobbyists, and a handful of climate denying scientists, and politicians who make the legislation protecting the fossil fuel industry from liability giving them carte blanche throughout the nation to poison and destroy people, wildlife, livestock, and our environment. They had been directly involved in the blocking of the early production of electric vehicles by the U.S. auto industry, but now, they cannot stop it.
    Any Green New Deal legislation coming forward in government had been blocked by this Killing Machine Industry. Fracking has poisoned water, soil, livestock and people. We cannot say the same with wind power or solar power. Even Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the White House but were removed by the incoming president, Ronald Raygun, when he moved into the White House. The Republican White Nationalist Bootlicking Party has stood in the way of renewable energy for decades. Fortunately, this industry is moving faster than the Republican’s slow and primitive brains.
    We are now living in a climate crisis world. A question to the Democratic candidates during the last debate was ‘would they, as president, spend monies to relocate people at risk of their homes and properties being wiped out as a result of rising sea levels?’ Underwater communities is a matter of when it will happen and not if it will happen. This scary event will be a death knell for our economy, as well as, families and friends and neighbors if we don’t prepare.
    But, what we have in the White House is full-blown Dumbass who is walking gas and fuming bag of idiocy, and incompetence.
    This moron has been impeached in the House of Representatives, yet this fascist White House and supporting Bootlickers are denying that t-RUMP has been impeached because the articles of impeachment have not been sent to the Senate, thus far. Sadly, they are wrong. Constitutionally he HAS been impeached and it is a matter of time when those documents will find their way into the hands of Moscow Mitch. The administrators of the articles to impeach The Cretin are waiting to receive a detailed plan on how the Senate trial will be configured, which must include witnesses and testimony.
    What has come forward through emails turned over to Congress, in recent days, is that President Sociopath, just minutes following his “perfect call” to Ukraine’s President Zelenskiy, ordered a hold back of the monies approved by Congress for the purchase of weapons to fight the Russians invading their country because he wanted a quid pro quo in order to get Zelenskiy to find dirt on the Bidens. The House of Representatives administrators holding back the articles of impeachment are pressing Moscow Mitch to call the inner circle of the White House, such as Mick Mulvaney, and others to testify regarding these newly discovered emails and other data during a Senate trial, which is information critical to and supportive of the impeachment.
    Dumb Dumb Donnie wants a long Senate trial so he can try and exonerate himself, but Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Graham-Cracker are resisting the president’s request. The Bootlickers are resisting at every turn to show America and the world that The Cretin is guilty of impeachment.

For those who want to communicate with Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Wolf regarding his poor control and regulation of Fracking and the coming Ethane Gas-Cracker plant and related plastics industries, which uses the byproducts of natural gas extracted through the Fracking process, you can find what you need to make contact below.

Here is the governor’s address:

Office of the Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Phone number: 717-787-2500

 Fax number: 717-772-8284

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Trump's Been Impeached. What Will He Do Next?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

             The Republican White Nationalist Bootlicking party kept saying through the "process" that Trump has been a duly elected president. What has that got to do with anything? He was elected by the Electoral College and not by a majority of the voters. Nixon was duly elected, too, yet he was about to find himself impeached before he decided to resign.  He has now been impeached. That is now his legacy throughout history.

    Just the other day, the Sociopath-in-Chief let loose a serious brain fart explosion all over himself as he bloviated a foul screed over the House Democrats impeachment process and substance. Everything he said was “projection”—the way his unconscious brain sees himself and the country, yet then dumps those feelings onto another person.
    Here are some of his projections:

·      An “illegal, partisan attempted coup”.
This moron has stolen our democracy through his own  political coup accompanied by the Republican Bootlickers. The Democrats didn’t steal anything from him.

·      “perversion of justice and abuse of power.” The Cretin has been the most perverse president, who abused his power and corrupted the justice department into becoming his own personal mob lawyer firm.

·      “you have cheapened the importance of the very ugly word---impeachment.” What had been cheapened are the very ugly actions of this pretend president, who brought impeachment upon himself.

·      “only has to do with your attempt to undo the election of 2016 and steal the election of 2020!” t-RUMP is so delusional that he believes this fantasy. If he displayed competence, respect for the office of the presidency, and the U.S. Constitution, along with even a level of basic average intelligence, this impeachment would never have happened.      

    Even Carly Fiorina said, that “Trump is destructive to our impeachment” and it is “vital” that he be removed from office.

    Late in the evening, the Moron-in-Chief tweeted, “I’m not worried.” Does he expect anyone to believe that? After writing a six page flailing rant against his impeachment, which will deeply scare his presidential legacy ranking him third as presidential impeachments go, what will he do next?
    A barrage of Republicans in the public sector are calling for The Cretin’s impeachment. Lying to the American people over 15,000 times is enough already.
    There is a digital billboard in Times Square—New York City—asking, “What is Trump hiding?”

   The Socio-pathetic Cretin said, ” They want to impeach me (I’m not worried!) and yet they were all breaking the law in so many ways.” More projection by President Sociopath. He has “broken the law in so many ways” from taking money from desperate people who hoped they were not enrolling in a fake university, to tax fraud, to stealing from his own charitable foundation, to a quid pro quo, to violations of the emoluments clause, to many, many more ways.
    Trump said,  “How can they do that and yet impeach a very successful (Economy Plus) President of the United States, who has done nothing wrong? These people are crazy!” Another distorted and dysfunctional view of himself. Successful or not successful—that has nothing to do with impeachment if the official being impeached violates the oath taken or the U.S. Constitution.

    More than 700 scholars, a group called Protect Democracy, wrote a letter encouraging Congress to impeach this Corporate Leninist president who denounced his conduct as “a clear and present danger to the Constitution.”

    They wrote,

     “President Trump’s lawless obstruction of the House of Representatives, which is rightly seeking documents and witness testimony in pursuit of its constitutionally—mandated oversight role, has demonstrated brazen contempt for representative government. So have his attempts to justify that obstruction on the grounds that the executive enjoys absolute immunity, a fictitious doctrine that, if tolerated, would turn the president into an elected monarch above the law.” And, he has “committed impeachable conduct”, and is guilty of “numerous and flagrant abuses of power”, which “urgently and justly require his impeachment.” “Collectively, the President’s offenses, including his dereliction in protecting the integrity of the 2020 election from Russian disinformation and renewed interference, arouse once again, the Framer’s most profound fears that powerful members of government would become, in Hamilton’s words, ‘the mercenary instruments of foreign corruption.’” “It is our considered judgment that if President Trump’s misconduct does not rise to the level of impeachment, then virtually nothing does.”

    The Republican Congressional Bootlickers have no integrity, or honor, and are willing to throw democracy under the bus so they can keep their incompetent buffoon in the White House, which would allow a deepening of authoritarianism and the expansion of Market Leninism.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, December 16, 2019

Trump Upstaged By 16 Year Old Greta Thunberg

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Donald Jerk O**f Trump has been bloviating about an upcoming China deal to repair a breakdown of trade, which is a problem of his own creation!!! He is now telling farmers to get ready to buy bigger tractors.
    How can ANYONE believe a moron who has lied to the world more than ten thousand times? Even Wall Street doesn’t trust his words any longer. He just talks to hear himself talk.
    Now we have seen the House Judiciary Committee draft and pass two articles of impeachment which must pass before the entire House before it goes to the Senate. Moscow Mitch said that he was going to take his direction, i.e. orders, from Trump who takes HIS orders from Putin. “All roads lead to Putin”, was said by Nancy Pelosi as she was pointing at Trump. Moscow Mitch would be violating his oath if he actually does this instead of being an impartial juror as a member of the Senate trial deciding if Trump should be impeached.
    We regularly get more news that Jared and Ivanka are full of pompous and empty bravado embodying little intelligence, creativity, and curiosity. They own no books, never read, and are as dumb as the record states.
    What is hilarious is that The Cretin has attacked a 16 year old Greta Thunberg for earning the covering photo on Time magazine. She was honored as their Person-of-the-Year. The Cretin is ashamed of being upstaged by a teenager and her grassroots movement, which protests the lack of political action to fight against climate change.
    The Cretin ignorantly believes he should be the person on the cover because he will be one of the few presidents to have articles of impeachment passed against him; to have immigrants caged and children die while in custody marring his legacy; to have engaged in extortion and bribery against a foreign leader for his own personal and political ambitions; to create a trade crisis and then brag when trade stabilization is possible; to have furthered a climate crisis; a plan to cut down America’s treasure of old growth timber dating back a thousand years in the Tongas National Forest; to have abandoned our Syrian-Kurdish allies causing their slaughter; to obey orders from his Russian handler—Vladimir Putin, a president who has incited hate by his supporters in the White Nationalist and Nazi parties; to pride himself as a climate change denier and a fossil fuel supporter; to have violated the emoluments clause daily as we witness Jared and Ivanka making $82M while working in the White House; to have lied to the world over 10,000 times; and to have furthered Market-Corporate Leninism!!!!
    Would these actions and behaviors qualify our Idiot-in-Chief to earn Time’s Person-of-the-Year? Of course, he should be upstaged by a child who over the past 14 months went from a solo climate protester to emboldening children and adults around the world to protest against government officials for doing nothing to solve our climate crisis. She has spoken at world climate conferences, appeared on interview shows, and speaks truth to power, while The Cretin incites hate and anger and rage at his “Daddy Needs Love” rallies.
    The Republican Senate Bootlickers, like Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Moscow Mitch, and the rest are moving the country toward making Jack London’s 1908 dystopian novel called The Iron Heel.
     We have Democratic liberal progressives whining how it is their own fault that Democrats cannot get elected. This Pollyanna view is so misguided and naïve.
    People don’t realize that the Koch brothers have a single handedly moved the nation toward a Market-Corporate Leninist government takeover by the corporate elite very similar to Putin’s Russian, which influences our way-of-life. The Koch’s have bankrolled this takeover beginning in the late 1950-60’s through this very day.
    Democrats cannot compete with this assault against our democracy. These billionaires have attacked our democracy over the last 60 years. So, for Bernie, Warren, and others critical of a single billionaire running for president, and bankrolling his own election, as well as contributing $10M to help vulnerable Democrats, is really a ridiculous argument.
    As the Koch Foundation continues to permeate the Republican White Nationalist Bootlicking Party, one billionaire competing for the Democratic nomination is bullcrap!!!
    What is critical is that we send The Cretin back to Florida full-time and take back the Senate to stop fascist-bootlicking judges from getting appointed.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

PA Senator Pat Toomey Is A Trump Bootlicker

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    We have Nazis, White Supremacists, White Nationalists, liars, and sociopaths living and working in and around the White House. We have the same type of people occupying the Congress. Vladimir Putin has succeeded in taking over the United States government.
    Time magazine chose Greta Thunberg as their pick for their 2019 Person Of The Year. They picked a sixteen year old girl as their pick. Greta has become the voice of a climate change grassroots movement. Amazingly she speaks truth to power, and dope slaps the Bootlicking Republican White Nationalist Party Congressional representatives. They speak lies and delusional views to power, the very opposite of this sixteen year old girl.
     In Pennsylvania, Senate Pat Toomey has devolved into a Trumpster Bootlicker. Toomey once said, “If there is a quid pro quo, many think the dam will start to break on our side. I think it would be wildly inappropriate for an American president to invite a foreign country’s leader to get engaged in an American presidential election. That strikes me as entirely inappropriate.” But now, Toomey has sided with his fellow bootlickers in spite of his former position.
    Lindsey Graham-Cracker said, “ Maybe if he withheld aid and there was a direct quid pro quo, if you could show me that, you know, Trump actually was engaged in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing.” Well Graham-Cracker, what hole have you stuck your head in? Have you been paying attention to the efforts of Rudolph brown nosing Ghouliani to get dirt on Trump’s adversaries, such as Joe Biden in exchange for recognition of the Ukrainian president? Have you been listening to the House testimonies? The firing of the U.S. Ambassador Yovanovich was directly linked to getting Sondland installed. Sondland was used to make sure that President Zelenskiy would do what Trump wanted him to do in exchange for a meeting with The Cretin. That is a quid pro quo.
    When Greta was 11 years old, she was a one-person protester outside Sweden’s parliament building. In just a few days others began to join her. She decided to stop going to school until her government started doing something real to solve the climate change problems. Within a year’s time, there were millions of people protesting along side Greta in their own countries and communities. She began as a sole voice that morphed into a mass movement.
    She channeled her serious depression regarding the ills of the climate, into a movement, which she called Fridays for the Future, which became a worldwide movement whereby school-aged kids would take Fridays off from school to protest in public. She began to speak at meetings and conferences. She did interviews. She appeared on television. She was quoted. She lived her values by not using airlines to move her from conference to conference. She traveled by boat or train. She and her family rode their bikes to commute around their community. They reduced their carbon footprint as best they could.
    She is a living example for change. She is an example that one person’s actions can become a movement for change. She did it because it came from her heart. She did it for herself and the planet. As a result, her actions for change became a worldwide movement. A movement driven by school-aged kids who will make the decisions for change once they begin to vote. She is the complete opposite of what the Republican Bootlicking Party is all about. She scares them. She scares the fossil fuel industry. She scares the far-right fascists who make decisions for working class people.
    She says, “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all of you can talk about is money, and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you.” “You say you love your children above all else[;] And yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.”
    She is so right!!!! The Republican Bootlicking White Nationalist’s in Congress are not loving their children above all else because the very person they support is a lying, Putin Idiot asset, and sociopath violating the U.S. Constitution for his own personal-political gain. Trump makes fun of Greta Thunberg for her push back against the adults who ignore climate change, which will eventually destroy people’s lives and the planet. Even a small increase in temperature will negatively impact sea level rises drowning out coastal communities and power plants located along the shore land. It will negatively impact sea life, plant life, crops, soil conditions, birds, bee pollinators, and more. It will bury highways and roadways preventing people from their workplaces and schools. It will take out power lines and communication lines. A small rise in temperatures will be life threatening.
    Trump spoke at a ‘Daddy Needs Love’ rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, angry that the Democrats are impeaching him without filing any criminal violations. Impeachment does not need to have a crime committed. All that is needed is a violation of the articles written in the U.S. Constitution and his oath of office. Obstruction of Justice, and the use of his office and power to manipulate and coheres a foreign leader to further his own political and personal agenda in exchange for a favor.
    They are as follows:

"Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency, in that: Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States presidential election," the first article says. "Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law."
(The second article is as follows) The article on obstruction of Congress charged that Trump "directed the unprecedented, categorical and indiscriminate defiance of subpoenas issued by the House of Representatives pursuant to its 'sole power of impeachment’.”
    The Senate Bootlickers, such as Pat Toomey, will allow Trump to move forward as a force of destruction, and evil.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Republicans Are Really Trump Bootlickers

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    As was described in the last posting, we are witnessing the Republican bootlicking White Nationalists in the Congress whining about this impeachment process. They continue saying that the Democrats have wanted to impeach The Cretin since he took office, and they don’t like the guy, yet, in reality, Trump did all of this to himself. The Bootlickers say that Trump has the right to set foreign policy the way he wants, which could include pursuing corruption investigations toward a foreign power wherever he wants. This is hogwash. This quid pro quo, i.e., bribery, was directed to Ukraine to investigate an adversary of Donald Jerky Trump for personal and political reasons. Trump engaged in this abuse of power solely for his own political and personal ambitions. The Bootlickers don’t want to admit any of this. They are totally on board with their guy in the White House violating the U.S. Constitution in pursuit of his ambitions.
    What we are witnessing in real time is the destruction of our democracy and rule of law, as well as the articles written in the U.S. Constitution. This is extremely depressing and frightening. Those who fought in the Second World War and died to protect our way of life and democracy would rise from the dead and punish the Republican White Nationalist Bootlicking Party for their alliance with Putin, Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs and autocracy.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party has allowed their guy in the White House to bring on board racists, anti-Semites, supporters and dealmakers with Putin and his oligarchs. Trump abandoned the Syrian Kurds, the only fledging democracy in that region to be slaughtered and fractured by their enemies, including Russia. Trump abandoned our alliance with Ukraine, whereby its government is now aligning itself with Russian to save itself from further invasions.
    Why is this happening? It is because Trump is an agent of Russia. He is their Idiot Asset, who is taking orders from Putin in order to save his own skin from being seen as a traitor. He is financially deep in debt with Putin’s oligarchs. He is using Rudolph the brown nosed Ghouliani to spread fake information absolving Russia from invading our 2016, but, instead, lays the blame upon Ukraine, which has been proven to be a fake story. This is a tale pushed by Putin into the hands of Ghouliani. This moron is trying to get love from his wannabee crime boss buddy because he is still sulking after being rejected as Trump’s first choice to be Secretary of State. Now, this moron is unraveling traveling to Ukraine repeated to find allies among the corrupt Ukrainian elite and gangster class that can find anything to prove his make believe fantasy story. He is so desperately trying to re-legitimize his name, since he is going broke. His third wife and distant cousin is divorcing him. He has big expenses on his six houses. He no longer is a partner in a law firm or maintains his security and con game business.
    What is so ironic is that Trump who chastised The Steele dossier and its author, a former British MI6 agent, Christopher Steele, is now learning that, allegedly, Ivanka Trump had a personal relationship with this guy. He is the one who exposed that Trump’s inner circle, and probably Trump himself, allowed the Russians to interfere with the 2016 elections, in order to help get their Idiot Asset elected.
     If Americans don’t send Trump packing in 2020, or if the Bootlickers in Congress don’t honor their oaths to protect the constitution and the integrity of our democracy, as opposed to trading it in for a more comprehensive plan to advance Market Leninism and into the arms of Putin, and support impeachment, then we are doomed.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Monday, December 9, 2019

It Is Time To Impeach Donald J. Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The White House’s senior Nazi—Stephen Miller, the guy in charge of t-RUMP’s immigration policy and the detaining of brown people from below our southern border. The teenage boy, Carlos Vasquez, who died in federal custody after catching the flu, which escalated into pneumonia causing his death was a victim of Miller’s dangerous policies. The people in charge knew this boy was sick and did nothing about it. They followed fascist Donnie’s immigration and detention policy, which offered minimal to no medical care to these people held in federal custody.
    This White House has become a bastion for a new American Nazi party headquarters led by their leaders Stephen Miller, and his crime boss Fascist Donnie. Underlings, such as Pompeo and Rudolph, the brown nosed, Ghouliani have joined this Nazi party. Apparently, The bootlicking Republican White Nationalist party is all lined up behind them.
    What we hear out of the current ReCon House impeachment hearings over and over again is that their boss is innocent, the process of impeachment is unfair and a sham, and that there are no reasons shown that allow for impeachment, when in fact, over 500 legal experts have written a petition letter supporting the impeachment of The Cretin living in the White House.
    The members of the ReCon House have all shown to be supporting a fascist president, who if reelected will continue to subvert the U.S. Constitution for his own personal and political gain ignoring the integrity and well-being of the nation he swore to serve and protect.
    These bootlicking Republican White Nationalists are part of an expansion of authoritarianism and fascism in this country. They support Market/Corporate Leninism. They have been bought and paid for by the corporate elite who support a takeover of the government by them through the government officials who they buy with campaign financing, favors, and more.
    In the article written by Charles Kaiser, for the Guardian newspaper called Kochland review…, he talks about the dirty money used by the Kochs to trash our country. He calls the two brothers, Charles and David, the brothers grim. He writes that Charles Koch “deserves as much credit as anyone for the end of the world as we know it.” He says that Charles and David “were second-generation extremists.” Their father, Fred, was not only one of the founders of the John Birch Society, who also helped the Nazis construct their third-largest oil refinery, which produced fuel for the Luftwaffe, which clearly makes him a traitor.
    In the book Dark Money, by Jane Mayer, she writes a fully detailed account of these American Cretins and how they have bought their way into eroding our democracy.
    In 1980, David Koch, a so-called Libertarian candidate for the vice presidential position, was more a Market Leninist than anything else. He believed in the elimination of anything social that helped the American people. He hated Medicare, Medicaid, social security, the Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration, the EPA, the Department of Energy, the FDA, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
    He believed that the private sector should run these agencies, and that all our roads, highways, toll bridges and roads, schools, and mail delivery should be privatized. This sounds just like Putin and how he sold off and privatized state-owned assets to oligarchs for a share in the private ownership takeovers. These American traitors were full-blown Market Leninists and had more in common with Putin than even Ronald Reagan, or George Herbert Walker Bush.
    They eventually helped form George Mason University into a bastion of propaganda producing and training of politicians, lobbyists, economists, media moguls, and teachers in the Market Leninist theory and application. The Kochs teamed up with John Bircher and Klan member, and recognized economist, at the time, James Buchanan, to further erode American democracy and drag the nation toward Market Leninism. You can read more about it in Nancy Maclean’s book, Democracy In Chains.
    This is where we are today. This is the stance of the bootlicking Republican White Nationalist Party and their desperate attempt to erode the impeachment hearings. They are fearfully protecting their incompetent, dumbass, and sociopathic wannabee crime syndicate president. They ignore a wide swell of professionals who believe that The Cretin needs to be impeached from office so as to preserve the integrity of our democracy and our standing around the world. They do not believe that waiting for the election is appropriate. It is time to impeach.
    If Trump cannot defend himself before the American public and before the Congress, then leave him out to sulk in the White House Daycare Center and roam the evening halls flailing his arms in protest wearing his Space Force jammies dragging behind him his “I Don’t Care, Do You?” blankie inspired by Melania.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, December 6, 2019

Trump's Connection To Corrupt Ukrainian Oligarchs

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Ukrainian Dmytro Firtash has been linked to Donald Jerky Trump and Rudy Ghouliani. Firtash, an energy oligarch with possible ties to the Russian crime syndicate and corruption, is also linked to Vladimir Putin. Firtash fled Ukraine five years ago to avoid prosecution and extradition to the United States, specifically to Chicago on charges of corruption. He fled to Vienna, Austria but our ally Austria has been reluctant to extradite Firtash to Chicago. Why?
    Firtash has scraped together imaginary dirt on the Bidens in order to please Donnie t-RUMP. FIrtash has worked with Ghouliani to gin-up and pass documents on the Bidens for The Cretin’s use regarding Naftagaz/Burisma. It has been reported that Ghouliani had likely been pursuing business deals with Naftagaz along with his two goons—Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, who have been arrested as they were about to flee to Vienna to hang with their gangsta pal Firtash.
    One document obtained came from a corrupt and former Ukrainian prosecutor general who has been charged with corruption. This gangster’s document was obtained by Firtash. The text is questionable but says stuff about Robert Mueller, Joe and Hunter Biden, as well as possible others who Trump feels are his enemies. This is what movies about tyrants are made of.
    Firtash might have believed that if he found dirt on the Bidens, he might get help from the U.S. Justice department in hopes to reduce the Chicago charges of corruption. Firtash’s lawyers did meet with BillyBum Barr. What is happening here? Supposedly, Barr declined helping Firtash with his request.
    Firtash’s legal team has been connected to Trump because Trump has considered hiring them to work for him. His team worked to keep Firtash from being extradited, as well as to represent his business interests in Russia and Ukraine, which includes television and broadcast stations.
    Ghouliani’s connection to Firtash has been to use him to pursue his own objectives in Ukraine, such as to follow t-RUMP’s marching orders.
    Another interesting twist in this crime story is Mark Corrallo—a spokesman for Trump’s legal team. This guy has now crossed over and joined the Firtash team by becoming a spokesman for Firtash!! WOW. This now connects Trump to Ukrainian corruption and gangsters, who are also connected to Vladimir Putin.
    And finally, BillieBum Barr had said that if ‘communities don’t show the police respect, then they might find their police force resisting support.’ What is Barr talking about? Is he a real fascist? Is he code speaking to law enforcement? He seems to not understand that police forces answer ALL calls of distress. They don’t ask the caller for a resume before moving out.
    Also, the U.S. Inspector General’s upcoming report apparently will be dismissing Barr’s belief that Russian was NOT involved in the invasion of our 2016 election. It looks like BillyBum Barr will not have a good report to share with his crime boss in the White House. Look out Billie. You might be getting a spanking!!!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Trump's Bootlickers in Congress Are Good At Complaining

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The impeachment judiciary House hearing had three Constitutional experts testify about impeachment. Two were choices made by the Democrats, and one was made by the White Nationalist Bootlicking Republican committee members. The ReCon choice was Jonathan Turley. He didn’t make much sense. One thing he said when asked by the ReCon’s attorney was a slap in the face of The Cretin and his Little Cretins. The attorney asked Turley if Hunter Biden’s appointment on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Bursima could be viewed as nepotism. And, if Joe Biden, when vice president, who pressed for the firing of the corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor and would hold funds unless he was fired, could be considered an act of nepotism. Turley’s answer was that he believed that anyone making money and gaining power off the backs of a political family member should not be acceptable and would be seen as nepotism.
     WOW! So, t-RUMP’s daughter and son-in-law working in the White House and making millions of dollars for their businesses and for the Trump Organization would be considered nepotism by Jonathan Turley’s definition of nepotism. And, there is the president, Ivanka, Jared, the Trump Organization violating the emoluments clause in the Constitution, as well as t-RUMP siphoning taxpayer dollars for the Trump Organization when he travels to the properties owned by the Trump Organization, such as Mar-a-Lago, and the golf courses in Ireland and elsewhere.
    In addition, the Biden’s did not engage in any act of nepotism. Was President Carter’s brother, Billy, capitalizing off his brother’s name when he created Billy Beer? Yes, but Billy, nor Hunter Biden did not work in the White House as Ivanka, and Jared are doing. Ivanka is even considered the actual First Lady to Donald Trump.
    The White Nationalist Bootlicker Republicans on the Judiciary committee were not asking substantive or pertinent questions. Their questions were solely based on the process of the impeachment proceedings. Their questions were basically ones that stated they don’t like the impeachment of the idiot in the White House. They spent their time complaining that Donnie was being treated unfairly because he didn’t do anything wrong. They complained that the Democrats hated Dumb Dumb from day one and wanted to see him impeached. But, in fact, Donnie brought this impeachment on himself. He was disgusting from the very start. The ReCons running against him during the 2016 primary should have all called him out as to force him off the stage. They all should have called him out regarding his disgusting behavior and that such behavior was unacceptable. But they didn’t do that. They took the attacks and insults. Once elected into the White House, his attacks escalated because it was allowed by his bootlicking party. Then it escalated into violating the U.S. Constitution, aligning with dictators and taking his marching orders from Russia and Putin. As Malcolm Nance writes, Trump is an Idiot Russian Asset.’ Then his bootlicking soldier boys were arrested and jailed, such as Manafort and Cohn. Then there was the Mueller investigation and Trump was called out for allowing his “boys” to embed with Russian oligarchs and cyber trolls. As well as to try and strike a deal with Putin for a Trump Twin Tower hotel in Moscow. Then it escalated into what has led to the present day impeachment hearings: bribery, extortion, intimidating a witness, obstructing justice, violations of the oath he took when sworn in as president, and possibly more.
    We heard one of the Constitutional expert witnesses say that Trump is not a king, and that he can name his child Barron, but he cannot make him a baron. The constitutional expert apologized immediately for the comment. The comment was innocuous
    Uh Oh!! Melania’s cock feathers were riled by and Donnie got his orange pomp all up in a tussle. Oh you cannot say such a thing about the President’s son said the Bootlickers and the First Family, but it sure is OK for Donnie Dumb Dumb to tell Wendy Williams on her television program that ‘If Ivanka wasn’t my daughter, I would likely date her.’ Or, ‘when you are as famous as me, you have the right to touch women’s pussy’s and fondle them.’ This is just fine for Melania, and the Bootlickers that support this sick puppy as their president and representative to the world to say such things in public. Donnie Dumb Dumb was ridiculed and laughed at by the NATO summit leaders. They saw this moron for what he is, a moron!!! He is a pompous and stupid embarrassment to the country.
    This is about the ReCons telling America about poor Donnie. Life is unfair for him. Poor Donnie he can’t get his way and is unable to morph into a dictator. He believes he is totally immune from any and all investigations, prosecutions, and can get away with anything he wants to even shoot someone on 5th Avenue.
    This White Nationalist Bootlicking Republican party is destroying democracy in this country. They are afraid to hold this idiot in the White House accountable. They see him as their only chance to force Market Leninism upon the American people, as plan created by the Koch brothers and George Mason University’s founders. And, to move this nation closer to Putin’s style of government. This is why The Cretin must be defeated at the polls.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    “It is a hoax. A disgrace to our country.” t-RUMP runs away from facing questions by the House Intelligence committee investigating impeachable acts committee by President Coward. Run baby run. He is afraid to even have his attorney’s questioned by constitutional experts at the House Judiciary committee hearing.
    The Cretin says that if he is impeached the stock market will collapse. Actually, the market will rally in a big way. The market is negatively impacted by the actions of this president because he is horribly unstable.
    Dumb Dumb Donnie, while hiding among our NATO allies, had to proclaim to reporters “I am innocent!” In other words, as Nixon used to say, “I am not a crook! France’s president Macron, said, NATO is brain dead. Yes it is because The Cretin is a member. No doubt, Macron was speaking directly about t-RUMP. He is brain dead. His executive functioning skills are deteriorating every day. Trump thought Macron was speaking specifically about NATO and responded by saying, “I thought that was very insulting.” Trump did not understand that Macron was speaking in code about Trump being the brain dead member of NATO.
    If Dumb Dumb is subpoenaed to testify before the House Judiciary committee in order to tell his side of the impeachment story, which is required, and refuses, then it would be seen as an act of obstruction of justice, which in itself is an impeachable act, and can be added to the list of impeachable acts committed by this Idiot Russian Asset.
    t-RUMP scolded NATO allies that the U.S. has a large number of captured ISIS fighters stated that many were from Europe and asked Macron if he wanted an early Christmas present with a number of ISIS fighters sent to him. The Cretin’s presence at the NATO Summit was seen by the members that The Joker had arrived. The Cretin was heard via a hot mic calling members “Two Faced”. That sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. The Cretin has failed to testify before Congress even though he said he would do so.
    As was once spoken in the film Cool Hand Luke,

“What we have here is a failure to

    The Cretin’s crime syndicate family: Da Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Ghouliani, Pompous Pompeo, Rick—Oops I forgot—Perry, Stephen-the henchman-Miller, Kellyanne-Crazy-Conway, Brown nose Nunes, Lindsey Graham-Cracker, Moscow Mitch McConnell, John-da Nutn- Bolton and Putzy Pence have all failed to testify before the House Impeachment Committee as demanded by The Cretin.
    My question is this: what does Trump have on members of his White Nationalist party? What does he have on Lindsey Graham-Cracker? What is he hiding in his closet? Is he deeply embedded with Russian oligarchs? Or, are there other things hanging in his closet? What is Moscow Mitch hiding in his closet? We already know that he is deeply embedded with Russian oligarchs. What else is hiding in his closet that Trump has uncovered? What is going on his Bolton's closet? Or in Nunes' closet? Does he have financial ties to Russian oligarchs? Is he a Russian asset, too? What is hiding in Putzy Pence's closet? Did you know that Pence calls his wife, even in public, "Mommy"? What is that about?
    What we have now learned that Rudy Ghouliani had been The Cretin’s Fixer surrounding the Ukrainian scandal. He was in contact with a caller identified as “-1”, which was disguised under the White House’s called ID (probably Trump’s disguised number), as well as Mick Mulvaney’s office and others. He was working to set up a deal with President Zelenskiy’s aide to have the President of Ukraine speak publicly before CNN that he will investigate the Biden’s, in exchange for a release of the Congress’s financial military support for Ukraine, and a meeting with President Trump. Even the intent, the intent to solicit, Zelenskiy to do him a favor. t-RUMP held back this financial allocation in exchange for a quid pro quo, i.e., extortion, (Constitutional Bribery) to investigate the Bidens. This action would benefit The Cretin’s power over the 2020 election. He sacrificed the interests of the country in favor of his own personal-political interests. This is impeachable. He violated his oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. He was working to undermine a political opponent by extorting President Zelenskiy. He was inviting foreign interference for his own personal-political gain. He was trying to corrupt the U.S. political process!! This is the action of a crime syndicate moronic figurehead. He was strong-arming a foreign leader to do his dirty work.
    Rudy Ghouliani was deep in this process of obstructing justice, and violating the principles of U.S. Constitution. He committed treason, while doing the dirty work for his crime syndicate idiot Russian asset boss.
    The three constitutional scholars testifying before the House Judiciary committee have all said that Trump has committed impeachable acts---obstructed justice, abuse of presidential power, soliciting foreign powers on his personal behalf (China, Ukraine), forcing White House staff from testifying before Congress, believing he is immune from testifying or any sort of accountability, as well as being above the law, and weakening the U.S. Constitution.
    Sadly, the two-faced people are the Republican White Nationalists in the Congress that voted to impeach Clinton for lying to Congress over his actions, yet support the horrible actions of Donald Trump, who committed heinous acts against the U.S. Constitution and the national security of the country. If the Congressional Republican White Nationalist members don't vote for impeachment, then they are saying it is just fine to engage in these abuses again, even if done by a Democratic president. If this is not impeachable, then nothing is impeachable!!!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln