The Trumpty Dumpty Report
In a time of deceit, telling the truth
is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
Let us not become the evil we despise.
Perception can be more powerful than reality
Here we are at the end of a decade. It has been a tumultuous one, with it beginning with the cracking of the economy which was preceded by a massive economic collapse and the nation clawing its way upwards. The first black president, a brilliant Democrat, brought the economy back from the abyss, not without its problems. We also had a brilliant first lady, as well, who worked hard to make an impact upon our society and way of living.
Then, the nation filled with racist, haters, uneducated, and those who felt disenfranchised voted for a dumbass, bombastic, moron to move into the White House so he could further his wannabee gangster crime syndicate with his corrupt daughter and son-in-law as his chief lieutenants. The Cretin decided to exploit his position in the White House to steal cash from the people, and build his personal wealth by violating the Emolument's Clause. We witnessed an American government fully embrace Market Leninism from White House Central, The Congress, and state government offices.
The irony of the decade was that the popular voted elected Clinton, but the Electoral College chose The Cretin by only 6 million votes and 77,000 votes in three key states. The decade also ushered in hostile foreign actors funneling cash into the Trump campaign, and professional hackers poisoned the Internet's social media platforms with fake information and propaganda on behalf of The Cretin's campaign. And, the campaign's hired guns were found to be intersecting with Vladimir Putin and his Russian crime syndicate, i.e., oligarchs. So, we had a guy placed in the White House by Vladimir Putin, propaganda, Russian organized crime, and voters who didn't object to authoritarianism. Fascism was elected president.
The decade brought real change to the world. Climate Change--Global Warming had seriously impacted coastal communities, farmers saw their fields flooded or parched out. Farmer suicides rose. Sea levels rose, as well, and sea ice quickly disappeared. Polar bears began to disappear as a result of their habitat melting, and other species began to permanently die off. Fires rose, too. The Cretin's solution was to give people rakes so they could clean out the forest's leaves and twigs and fallen branches. Australia is under attack by fires. Humans were also under attack by racist, haters, White Supremacists and Trump supporters who took up arms against the innocent, along with religious and worship centers. The Cretin dismantled the integrity of the office of the presidency by surrounding himself with bootlicking White Nationalists and White Supremacists. Some were Jews and others were Christians who spit in the face of their faiths. We even had a first lady wear a jacket that had printed on the back, "I don't care. Do you?"
During this decade, hate and vile language was a regular expression typed out by The Cretin via Twitter, or from the pulpit at his rallies. The Cretin normalized hate and White Supremacy when he said after the Charlottesville, Virginia protesters were attacked by violent haters, "There were good people on both sides." He proclaimed that there were good people in violent White Supremacist hate groups.
We witnessed a teenage girl from Northern Europe, Greta Thunberg, named as Person of the Year by Time Magazine for her one-person protest against climate change, which turned into a worldwide mass protest against climate change. We saw The Cretin jealous of a teenager from upstaging him as Time's cover person of the year.
We watched technology sweep the decade with self-driving cars, a mass development of electrified cars, planes, trains, buses, trucks, and homes. Artificial Intelligence swept the decade. Wind and solar energy became cheaper than the fossil fuel industry's energy production. Cellphones became even more powerful and more advanced than the computers that sent rockets to the Moon. Artificial Technology began to operate one's home or business from that very cellphone. Robotics have seriously displaced human workers on production lines. The subsurface of the ground had been Fracked and drilled into the Marcellus shale using this technology to extracted natural gas using toxic chemicals and brine water causing earthquakes, poisoning the air, soil and water near these sites creating a rise in cancer rates and other medical conditions.
We are now beginning a decade that will either take the human race further into the abyss, or rescue it from sudden death. We as citizens are in control of this decision. Will The Cretin and his bootlicking fascists be expelled from office, or given an expansion of power. Will Darth Vater Trump be given further powers to attack the Republic and rule it with a heavier hand? Or, will there be an honest impeachment of The Cretin, or will there be a dismissal of the Articles of Impeachment against him? Will the Jedis take over and save the Republic from extinction? This struggle is coming to a close. In only the next several months we will be deciding this fate as an election of a president will be determined in November 2020.
"Better to remain silent
and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln