Monday, December 2, 2019

Our Coward-in-Chief Runs Off To NATO

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Dumb Dumb Daddie Donnie has backed away from the stage set up for the entire world to see. He decided that the House Committee evaluating the information surrounding impeachment was not a fair place for him to be. Fat Daddy Doofus kept telling us that he was very willing to tell his side of the impeachment story but now he is say he won’t do it. “The process is not fair.”
    Fair? What is not fair about it? Oh Donnie, you don’t want any impeachment proceedings whatsoever. The proceedings that uncovered impeachable acts around your extortion act against Ukraine’s president Zelensky is not fair, is that what you are saying? “Witch hunt?” “Fake News.”
      The fact is this Moron-in-Chief is a coward. He is very scared to testify. This conartist has never had to speak before a large body of people who would question him over his actions. He has never had to defend himself before such a large panel of lawmakers. He has always sent his lawyers to do his dirty work. Now, as president he would have to stand before the American people and justify his actions.
    This wannabee crime syndicate boss just can’t do it. He is a coward. He is afraid to answer questions. He knows he is just too stupid, and mentally disjointed to show America that he is lucid. He cannot stay focused enough to show everyone that he is capable of being president of the United States. That is not possible! And, he knows it. He is a dumb, weak, incompetent person.
    He is a serial liar. A sociopath. Very pathological. The guy has lied ten thousand times since entering the White House. He doesn’t know what truth is. He is all about "alternative facts", as said by Kellyanne Conway, his alter ego. He returned from Afghanistan saying that a ceasefire, and a move toward peace, was underway with the Taliban leadership. More lies. He made all that up. The Taliban leadership had no idea what he was talking about. 
    He left the White House saying, ‘Look at me! I am doing a great job. I am the best president ever. I have done more than Obama. I am so busy being president.’
This grifter from Manhattan is so delusional. He is NOT capable of making a successful deal with anyone on his own. He is a fake. He IS Fake News.
    This is the guy that Lindsey Graham-Cracker and Moscow Mitch have hitched their wagons to. How desperate are these idiots? These guys are cowards, as well. Both of these idiots are so afraid of having their asses booted out of office by a more radical ReCon supported by t-RUMP. Do you actually believe that Mitch wants to go back to Ashland, Kentucky and sit on his front porch in his rocking chair? Do you actually believe that Lindsey Graham-Cracker feels comfortable going back to South Carolina without his Congressional aide pals, free rides, and private clubs to hang out in? Doubtful!!!
    We could picture t-RUMP sitting before the House Impeachment committee sweating like the pig he is. That orange comb-over wilting before our eyes, as he rambles his answers into oblivion. His lawyer leaning over telling him to not answer, while The Cretin, unable to control himself, gives incoherent answers. His tiny hands flailing. His pointer finger sending invisible rays to his questioners. 
   Then there is Melania, hoping The Cretin is impeached so she can divorce his ass and go off in the sunset with her boy toy.
    This fool in the White House pretends when he says that he might testify at another time. Right. He is off to a NATO meeting to hide and fake his role with our allies.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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