Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Republicans Are Really Trump Bootlickers

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    As was described in the last posting, we are witnessing the Republican bootlicking White Nationalists in the Congress whining about this impeachment process. They continue saying that the Democrats have wanted to impeach The Cretin since he took office, and they don’t like the guy, yet, in reality, Trump did all of this to himself. The Bootlickers say that Trump has the right to set foreign policy the way he wants, which could include pursuing corruption investigations toward a foreign power wherever he wants. This is hogwash. This quid pro quo, i.e., bribery, was directed to Ukraine to investigate an adversary of Donald Jerky Trump for personal and political reasons. Trump engaged in this abuse of power solely for his own political and personal ambitions. The Bootlickers don’t want to admit any of this. They are totally on board with their guy in the White House violating the U.S. Constitution in pursuit of his ambitions.
    What we are witnessing in real time is the destruction of our democracy and rule of law, as well as the articles written in the U.S. Constitution. This is extremely depressing and frightening. Those who fought in the Second World War and died to protect our way of life and democracy would rise from the dead and punish the Republican White Nationalist Bootlicking Party for their alliance with Putin, Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs and autocracy.
    The Republican White Nationalist Party has allowed their guy in the White House to bring on board racists, anti-Semites, supporters and dealmakers with Putin and his oligarchs. Trump abandoned the Syrian Kurds, the only fledging democracy in that region to be slaughtered and fractured by their enemies, including Russia. Trump abandoned our alliance with Ukraine, whereby its government is now aligning itself with Russian to save itself from further invasions.
    Why is this happening? It is because Trump is an agent of Russia. He is their Idiot Asset, who is taking orders from Putin in order to save his own skin from being seen as a traitor. He is financially deep in debt with Putin’s oligarchs. He is using Rudolph the brown nosed Ghouliani to spread fake information absolving Russia from invading our 2016, but, instead, lays the blame upon Ukraine, which has been proven to be a fake story. This is a tale pushed by Putin into the hands of Ghouliani. This moron is trying to get love from his wannabee crime boss buddy because he is still sulking after being rejected as Trump’s first choice to be Secretary of State. Now, this moron is unraveling traveling to Ukraine repeated to find allies among the corrupt Ukrainian elite and gangster class that can find anything to prove his make believe fantasy story. He is so desperately trying to re-legitimize his name, since he is going broke. His third wife and distant cousin is divorcing him. He has big expenses on his six houses. He no longer is a partner in a law firm or maintains his security and con game business.
    What is so ironic is that Trump who chastised The Steele dossier and its author, a former British MI6 agent, Christopher Steele, is now learning that, allegedly, Ivanka Trump had a personal relationship with this guy. He is the one who exposed that Trump’s inner circle, and probably Trump himself, allowed the Russians to interfere with the 2016 elections, in order to help get their Idiot Asset elected.
     If Americans don’t send Trump packing in 2020, or if the Bootlickers in Congress don’t honor their oaths to protect the constitution and the integrity of our democracy, as opposed to trading it in for a more comprehensive plan to advance Market Leninism and into the arms of Putin, and support impeachment, then we are doomed.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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