Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    “It is a hoax. A disgrace to our country.” t-RUMP runs away from facing questions by the House Intelligence committee investigating impeachable acts committee by President Coward. Run baby run. He is afraid to even have his attorney’s questioned by constitutional experts at the House Judiciary committee hearing.
    The Cretin says that if he is impeached the stock market will collapse. Actually, the market will rally in a big way. The market is negatively impacted by the actions of this president because he is horribly unstable.
    Dumb Dumb Donnie, while hiding among our NATO allies, had to proclaim to reporters “I am innocent!” In other words, as Nixon used to say, “I am not a crook! France’s president Macron, said, NATO is brain dead. Yes it is because The Cretin is a member. No doubt, Macron was speaking directly about t-RUMP. He is brain dead. His executive functioning skills are deteriorating every day. Trump thought Macron was speaking specifically about NATO and responded by saying, “I thought that was very insulting.” Trump did not understand that Macron was speaking in code about Trump being the brain dead member of NATO.
    If Dumb Dumb is subpoenaed to testify before the House Judiciary committee in order to tell his side of the impeachment story, which is required, and refuses, then it would be seen as an act of obstruction of justice, which in itself is an impeachable act, and can be added to the list of impeachable acts committed by this Idiot Russian Asset.
    t-RUMP scolded NATO allies that the U.S. has a large number of captured ISIS fighters stated that many were from Europe and asked Macron if he wanted an early Christmas present with a number of ISIS fighters sent to him. The Cretin’s presence at the NATO Summit was seen by the members that The Joker had arrived. The Cretin was heard via a hot mic calling members “Two Faced”. That sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. The Cretin has failed to testify before Congress even though he said he would do so.
    As was once spoken in the film Cool Hand Luke,

“What we have here is a failure to

    The Cretin’s crime syndicate family: Da Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Ghouliani, Pompous Pompeo, Rick—Oops I forgot—Perry, Stephen-the henchman-Miller, Kellyanne-Crazy-Conway, Brown nose Nunes, Lindsey Graham-Cracker, Moscow Mitch McConnell, John-da Nutn- Bolton and Putzy Pence have all failed to testify before the House Impeachment Committee as demanded by The Cretin.
    My question is this: what does Trump have on members of his White Nationalist party? What does he have on Lindsey Graham-Cracker? What is he hiding in his closet? Is he deeply embedded with Russian oligarchs? Or, are there other things hanging in his closet? What is Moscow Mitch hiding in his closet? We already know that he is deeply embedded with Russian oligarchs. What else is hiding in his closet that Trump has uncovered? What is going on his Bolton's closet? Or in Nunes' closet? Does he have financial ties to Russian oligarchs? Is he a Russian asset, too? What is hiding in Putzy Pence's closet? Did you know that Pence calls his wife, even in public, "Mommy"? What is that about?
    What we have now learned that Rudy Ghouliani had been The Cretin’s Fixer surrounding the Ukrainian scandal. He was in contact with a caller identified as “-1”, which was disguised under the White House’s called ID (probably Trump’s disguised number), as well as Mick Mulvaney’s office and others. He was working to set up a deal with President Zelenskiy’s aide to have the President of Ukraine speak publicly before CNN that he will investigate the Biden’s, in exchange for a release of the Congress’s financial military support for Ukraine, and a meeting with President Trump. Even the intent, the intent to solicit, Zelenskiy to do him a favor. t-RUMP held back this financial allocation in exchange for a quid pro quo, i.e., extortion, (Constitutional Bribery) to investigate the Bidens. This action would benefit The Cretin’s power over the 2020 election. He sacrificed the interests of the country in favor of his own personal-political interests. This is impeachable. He violated his oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. He was working to undermine a political opponent by extorting President Zelenskiy. He was inviting foreign interference for his own personal-political gain. He was trying to corrupt the U.S. political process!! This is the action of a crime syndicate moronic figurehead. He was strong-arming a foreign leader to do his dirty work.
    Rudy Ghouliani was deep in this process of obstructing justice, and violating the principles of U.S. Constitution. He committed treason, while doing the dirty work for his crime syndicate idiot Russian asset boss.
    The three constitutional scholars testifying before the House Judiciary committee have all said that Trump has committed impeachable acts---obstructed justice, abuse of presidential power, soliciting foreign powers on his personal behalf (China, Ukraine), forcing White House staff from testifying before Congress, believing he is immune from testifying or any sort of accountability, as well as being above the law, and weakening the U.S. Constitution.
    Sadly, the two-faced people are the Republican White Nationalists in the Congress that voted to impeach Clinton for lying to Congress over his actions, yet support the horrible actions of Donald Trump, who committed heinous acts against the U.S. Constitution and the national security of the country. If the Congressional Republican White Nationalist members don't vote for impeachment, then they are saying it is just fine to engage in these abuses again, even if done by a Democratic president. If this is not impeachable, then nothing is impeachable!!!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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