Thursday, December 26, 2019

Joe Biden MUST Switch Gears!!!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Dumb Dumb Donnie, the guy in the White House, is an addict, a serious addict. He is addicted to lying, cheating, and manipulation. His most serious addiction is to lying. He has lied to the American people, and the world, more than 15,000 times since 2016. It is also a compulsion. He cannot stop. He has been lying his entire life. One has to ask, “When did this addiction to lying begin?” Did it begin in childhood, or when he tried to attend college classes and pass them without help? Did he pay people to take his tests and do his assignments? Did the university administrators and instructors look the other way? If so, others were complicit in Donnie’s lying.
    As we see today, those who are surrounding The Cretin lie for him, or support his lying messages. Even people like Sarah *uckabee Sanders are still lying for him even once sent away from their White House jobs.
    t-RUMP said, “I like acting.” Now that is true. He loves “ACTING” like he is president!! The emperor has no clothes.
    Apparently, since Donnie Dumb Dumb is an addicted liar, he lies about everything, even about his golfing abilities and those golfing scores. Apparently, he cheats at golf. He gets everyone around him to lie for him over and over again; therefore, they, too, get sucked into becoming addicted to lying, such as Ivanka, Jared, and others.
    As a result of his addiction to lying, he has evolved into a full-blown sociopath, where he is always right no matter what is true. He will lie even when the facts say otherwise because he believes that if he sells his lie enough times, people will believe it. This is what Hitler did to the German people. Liars and sociopaths MUST convince their followers to believe their lies.
     This is where Joe Biden comes into the story. Biden is a sitting duck if he wins the nomination; therefore, he MUST label The Cretin as a person addicted to lying—a full-blown addict.
     The Cretin will attack Joe with his own son—Hunter. Hunter is a full-blown addict, too. He is addicted to lying, to sex, to manipulation, and more. Hunter has five kids. Three from his first wife. Then he began screwing his dead brother’s wife. Next, he left her because he was screwing a hooker who got pregnant with his kid. Now, he is married to his current wife.
    He weaseled his way into becoming a highly paid board member of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company. There was nothing illegal about it, but it sure was wrong. As a result of this lucrative position, he captured millions of dollars allowing him to buy an expensive Hollywood Hills home.
    Joe needs to speak about being the father of an addict. He needs to call Hunter an addict. He needs to talk about the struggles that surround being the father of an addict. The American people can identify with this story. So many families have members that are addicts—addicted to various substances or ways of living, such as sex, conning, cheating, and lying. They can identify with the pain and heartache being a parent of an addict.
    Once he labels his own kid an addict, and himself as a parent of an addict, he can get ahead of The Cretin’s strategy to attack Joe about his kid. Once he gets ahead of Hunter’s addiction, he can attack The Cretin for being an addict, as well. He can hit The Cretin really hard for being addicted to lying, cheating, manipulating and inciting hate and fear. This attack against Trump must be relentless. He must act like Luke Skywalker attacking the enemy.
    Biden needs to do this; otherwise, he will lose to Trump. Biden is a bad candidate for the Democratic Party. He has too much baggage just as Hillary had too much baggage, such as with Bill, their foundation, Bengazi, the emails, and more. Remember, she won the popular vote by 6 million votes, and lost three key states by only 77,000 votes combined, which cost us a win from the Electoral College.
    Biden is following in her footsteps. It would be best if Biden dropped out of the race. But, it doesn’t appear that is going to happen in the near future; therefore, he MUST speak about his own experience with living with an addict, and then, labeling Trump as an addict, as well. This is his only chance of getting ahead of Trump’s personal attacks.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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