Monday, December 16, 2019

Trump Upstaged By 16 Year Old Greta Thunberg

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    Donald Jerk O**f Trump has been bloviating about an upcoming China deal to repair a breakdown of trade, which is a problem of his own creation!!! He is now telling farmers to get ready to buy bigger tractors.
    How can ANYONE believe a moron who has lied to the world more than ten thousand times? Even Wall Street doesn’t trust his words any longer. He just talks to hear himself talk.
    Now we have seen the House Judiciary Committee draft and pass two articles of impeachment which must pass before the entire House before it goes to the Senate. Moscow Mitch said that he was going to take his direction, i.e. orders, from Trump who takes HIS orders from Putin. “All roads lead to Putin”, was said by Nancy Pelosi as she was pointing at Trump. Moscow Mitch would be violating his oath if he actually does this instead of being an impartial juror as a member of the Senate trial deciding if Trump should be impeached.
    We regularly get more news that Jared and Ivanka are full of pompous and empty bravado embodying little intelligence, creativity, and curiosity. They own no books, never read, and are as dumb as the record states.
    What is hilarious is that The Cretin has attacked a 16 year old Greta Thunberg for earning the covering photo on Time magazine. She was honored as their Person-of-the-Year. The Cretin is ashamed of being upstaged by a teenager and her grassroots movement, which protests the lack of political action to fight against climate change.
    The Cretin ignorantly believes he should be the person on the cover because he will be one of the few presidents to have articles of impeachment passed against him; to have immigrants caged and children die while in custody marring his legacy; to have engaged in extortion and bribery against a foreign leader for his own personal and political ambitions; to create a trade crisis and then brag when trade stabilization is possible; to have furthered a climate crisis; a plan to cut down America’s treasure of old growth timber dating back a thousand years in the Tongas National Forest; to have abandoned our Syrian-Kurdish allies causing their slaughter; to obey orders from his Russian handler—Vladimir Putin, a president who has incited hate by his supporters in the White Nationalist and Nazi parties; to pride himself as a climate change denier and a fossil fuel supporter; to have violated the emoluments clause daily as we witness Jared and Ivanka making $82M while working in the White House; to have lied to the world over 10,000 times; and to have furthered Market-Corporate Leninism!!!!
    Would these actions and behaviors qualify our Idiot-in-Chief to earn Time’s Person-of-the-Year? Of course, he should be upstaged by a child who over the past 14 months went from a solo climate protester to emboldening children and adults around the world to protest against government officials for doing nothing to solve our climate crisis. She has spoken at world climate conferences, appeared on interview shows, and speaks truth to power, while The Cretin incites hate and anger and rage at his “Daddy Needs Love” rallies.
    The Republican Senate Bootlickers, like Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Moscow Mitch, and the rest are moving the country toward making Jack London’s 1908 dystopian novel called The Iron Heel.
     We have Democratic liberal progressives whining how it is their own fault that Democrats cannot get elected. This Pollyanna view is so misguided and naïve.
    People don’t realize that the Koch brothers have a single handedly moved the nation toward a Market-Corporate Leninist government takeover by the corporate elite very similar to Putin’s Russian, which influences our way-of-life. The Koch’s have bankrolled this takeover beginning in the late 1950-60’s through this very day.
    Democrats cannot compete with this assault against our democracy. These billionaires have attacked our democracy over the last 60 years. So, for Bernie, Warren, and others critical of a single billionaire running for president, and bankrolling his own election, as well as contributing $10M to help vulnerable Democrats, is really a ridiculous argument.
    As the Koch Foundation continues to permeate the Republican White Nationalist Bootlicking Party, one billionaire competing for the Democratic nomination is bullcrap!!!
    What is critical is that we send The Cretin back to Florida full-time and take back the Senate to stop fascist-bootlicking judges from getting appointed.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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