Monday, December 9, 2019

It Is Time To Impeach Donald J. Trump

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The White House’s senior Nazi—Stephen Miller, the guy in charge of t-RUMP’s immigration policy and the detaining of brown people from below our southern border. The teenage boy, Carlos Vasquez, who died in federal custody after catching the flu, which escalated into pneumonia causing his death was a victim of Miller’s dangerous policies. The people in charge knew this boy was sick and did nothing about it. They followed fascist Donnie’s immigration and detention policy, which offered minimal to no medical care to these people held in federal custody.
    This White House has become a bastion for a new American Nazi party headquarters led by their leaders Stephen Miller, and his crime boss Fascist Donnie. Underlings, such as Pompeo and Rudolph, the brown nosed, Ghouliani have joined this Nazi party. Apparently, The bootlicking Republican White Nationalist party is all lined up behind them.
    What we hear out of the current ReCon House impeachment hearings over and over again is that their boss is innocent, the process of impeachment is unfair and a sham, and that there are no reasons shown that allow for impeachment, when in fact, over 500 legal experts have written a petition letter supporting the impeachment of The Cretin living in the White House.
    The members of the ReCon House have all shown to be supporting a fascist president, who if reelected will continue to subvert the U.S. Constitution for his own personal and political gain ignoring the integrity and well-being of the nation he swore to serve and protect.
    These bootlicking Republican White Nationalists are part of an expansion of authoritarianism and fascism in this country. They support Market/Corporate Leninism. They have been bought and paid for by the corporate elite who support a takeover of the government by them through the government officials who they buy with campaign financing, favors, and more.
    In the article written by Charles Kaiser, for the Guardian newspaper called Kochland review…, he talks about the dirty money used by the Kochs to trash our country. He calls the two brothers, Charles and David, the brothers grim. He writes that Charles Koch “deserves as much credit as anyone for the end of the world as we know it.” He says that Charles and David “were second-generation extremists.” Their father, Fred, was not only one of the founders of the John Birch Society, who also helped the Nazis construct their third-largest oil refinery, which produced fuel for the Luftwaffe, which clearly makes him a traitor.
    In the book Dark Money, by Jane Mayer, she writes a fully detailed account of these American Cretins and how they have bought their way into eroding our democracy.
    In 1980, David Koch, a so-called Libertarian candidate for the vice presidential position, was more a Market Leninist than anything else. He believed in the elimination of anything social that helped the American people. He hated Medicare, Medicaid, social security, the Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration, the EPA, the Department of Energy, the FDA, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
    He believed that the private sector should run these agencies, and that all our roads, highways, toll bridges and roads, schools, and mail delivery should be privatized. This sounds just like Putin and how he sold off and privatized state-owned assets to oligarchs for a share in the private ownership takeovers. These American traitors were full-blown Market Leninists and had more in common with Putin than even Ronald Reagan, or George Herbert Walker Bush.
    They eventually helped form George Mason University into a bastion of propaganda producing and training of politicians, lobbyists, economists, media moguls, and teachers in the Market Leninist theory and application. The Kochs teamed up with John Bircher and Klan member, and recognized economist, at the time, James Buchanan, to further erode American democracy and drag the nation toward Market Leninism. You can read more about it in Nancy Maclean’s book, Democracy In Chains.
    This is where we are today. This is the stance of the bootlicking Republican White Nationalist Party and their desperate attempt to erode the impeachment hearings. They are fearfully protecting their incompetent, dumbass, and sociopathic wannabee crime syndicate president. They ignore a wide swell of professionals who believe that The Cretin needs to be impeached from office so as to preserve the integrity of our democracy and our standing around the world. They do not believe that waiting for the election is appropriate. It is time to impeach.
    If Trump cannot defend himself before the American public and before the Congress, then leave him out to sulk in the White House Daycare Center and roam the evening halls flailing his arms in protest wearing his Space Force jammies dragging behind him his “I Don’t Care, Do You?” blankie inspired by Melania.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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