Monday, December 30, 2019

The Gangster White House

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    The Atlantic magazine ran a story by David Frum called “A Gangster in the White House.” This Blogspot has been writing about The Cretin as a New York gangster for over a year. He is a wannabee gangster. He is NOT Tony Soprano. Tony was a very intelligent sociopath heading a crime syndicate family. t-RUMP, a prehistoric orange creature sporting a wildly blond combover hairdo, is a sociopath, but the dumb-dumb type who regularly cannot play an honest game of golf without screwing his buddies swinging their clubs with him at Mar-A-Lago. He always lies and cheats on his scorecard.
    Now that he lives in the White House, he has surrounded himself with intelligent, diabolical, criminal-types, like Pompeo, Barr, and Conway.
    In the article, The Cretin uses intimidation techniques and threats against those who cause him trouble and interrupts his corrupt gangster style. One such person is the whistleblower, who was the spark that ignited the impeachment process.
    The Cretin does not actually know who this person is, but continues to guess names. Dumb Dumb Donnie, Jr., also, was name dropping guesses in order to look gangsta.
    This is what the Idiot said in September,

“Basically, that person never saw the report, never saw the call, he never saw the call—heard something and decided he or she, or whoever the hell they saw—they’re almost a spy. I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we use to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

The Cretin calls his hostile, aggressive, retaliatory style as “Counterpunching”, which can be viewed as a violation of federal law, which protects whistleblowers from such behavior. This behavior can put innocent people in harm’s way as The Cretin’s legion of mentally unstable fanatics take the law into their own hands. This makes Trump a danger to the American people!!
    He is a thug. A wannabee crime boss. He will violate the law because he feels he can because his pals, like Lil’Kim, Big Boss Man Vladimir, and the Saudi Prince are his role models.
    The Cretin’s mobster mentality can be seen when he uses his personal goon—Rudy Ghouliani—as his secret pseudo State department renegade strong arm. This loose cannon of a moron was sent to Ukraine, which is part of the impeachment investigation, and in 2018, to Venezuela to get President Maduro to resign, probably for a price. Ghouliani serves as Donnie Dumb Dumb’s personal lawyer and goon without pay. So, what is he getting for this service? A free Visa card and a free condo in Trump Tower after his divorce?
    Was Rudy told that if Maduro would go away, maybe he could become a player in the takeover of their oil and gas industry as he was attempting to do in Ukraine?
    While visiting Venezuela, Ghouliani and former Attorney General Jeff Session had connected with the likes of accused money-launderers, con artists, and mobster types.
    Sessions met with Ghouliani’s goon---Lev Parnas, now indicted by the U.S. government on charges of illegally channeling cash into Trump’s presidential campaign coffers. Ghouliani’s back channeling efforts, on behalf of The Cretin, in the ouster of President Maduro backfired because Venezuela’s “gangster” President Maduro was re-elected. Session’s connection with Venezuela mobster Raul Gorrin Belisario found himself indicted on charges of money-laundering of $1B.
    In 2019, Ghouliani was hired by Alejandro Bentancourt Lopez, a Venezuelan energy tycoon to defend him against money-laundering charges in Florida.
    The Cretin’s bootlicking goon, Moscow Mitch McConnell, is colluding with his crime boss—fascist Donnie—to rig the Senate impeachment trial. We have heard from many members of the Republican White Nationalist Party how Democrats have rigged this or that and now they are rigging the most important event of the last decade!!
   And finally, Fascist Donnie has been a key figure in the incitement of domestic hate crime murders of Christians and Jews, and Muslims. These lone wolf killing psychopaths are connected through social media’s hate and White Nationalist groups motivating the followers to do damage because their fascist figurehead living in the White House has gone unchecked by his party and justice department, let alone his own family.
    These examples fully illustrate The Cretin’s use of the White House as his own personal office to continue his role as President Mobster Wannabee-in-Chief. He uses a band of morons, idiots, and sleazebags to execute his gangster playbook, thankfully, with little-to-no success. These failures have happened because The Cretin is just a complete dumbass moron who roams the White House halls in the middle of the night rambling, and railing against his imaginary are real enemies dragging his Space Force nightie blankie behind him.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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