The Trumpty Dumpty Report
In a time of deceit, telling the truth
is a revolutionary act- George Orwell
No legacy is so
rich as honesty-William Shakespeare
Donald Trump is an impostor. Because he is a psychopath with full blown
narcissism, he must believe that his fantasies are real and true, otherwise, he
will collapse into a pillar of dust. It very well may be that his parents,
especially his mother told him just how great and special he was as a child
when he wasn’t. His father was a scammer and grifter, whereby Donnie Demented
learned his craft at lying, cheating, and, ultimately, believing that “he has a
really big, and smart brain”.
Now he believes that he solved his
Southern Border crisis with Mexico when, actually, he was played—he was
Trumped. Mexico’s president made him believe he was as able to press Mexico
into a deal to put aside any tariff conflict just by placing some soldiers at
their own southern border.
Mexico’s government is saying that there was no contractual deal, or
that they signed any sort of agreement, contrary to what Donnie Demented has
been saying. Donnie has to believe his fantasies are true or else he will lash
out and spill his anger all over the nation.
Once again, Trump believes his fantasies are real. He believes he made a
really, really, great deal with Mexico and because tariffs are great Mexico caved into his demands, when
in reality it didn’t happen that way.
In fact, members of Trump’s Republican White Nationalist party congress
expressed their upset over a tariff conflict with Mexico because their
constituents would end up seeing another Trump Tariff Tax at the grocery
checkout line.
Now, China is playing hardball with The Cretin regarding the tariff
conflict. Although, what Trump is getting very excited about is that China is
calling out the press as “Fake News”, “Evil”, and “an enemy of the people”,
which is exactly what Trump says when the press writes that he is a complete
idiotic moron. He railed against the press when they called out the Trump Royal
Family going over to London to meet with the Queen for a royal family play
date. The American people paid for Trump’s fantasy that he, too, is the head
America’s Royal Family.
The White Nationalist Republican Party might be fine with such bullshit
displayed by their party leader, but Democrats are sick and tired of this moron
living in the Oval Office being a complete loser!! I can’t imagine if President Obama
took his mother-in-law, his two daughters and Michelle with him to attend a
meeting with the Queen and Prime Minister. We could guess that Lindsey Graham
and Mitch McConnell would both explode and call for an investigation.
story is that The Cretin’s little Cretin son-in-law-Jared Kushner—has been
financially benefiting from his White House post by receiving $90M from secret
foreign sources funneling into his Cadre real estate investment company since
2017 by off-shore operatives.
This White House is being operated like an organized crime organization.
If a two-bit underling is close to the big crime boss, then money funnels
through his is tiny sticky fingers and into his pocket. Jared, too, is a
wannabee gangster hoping to recover big losses resulting from his incompetent
business decisions of the past. By being close to the Russia’s Agent Orange,
Jared can rub palms with what are likely to be authoritarian Cayman Island
secret financial investors.
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