Thursday, June 20, 2019

Trump's Delusional 2020 Presidential Rally In Florida

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Trump had a kick-off campaign rally in Florida displaying his mental erosion before tens of thousands of his followers who drank his fake news and fake presentation Kool-Aid.
Here is what he said to his crowd:

Just imagine what this angry left-wing mob would do if they were in charge of this country. Imagine if we had a Democrat president and a Democrat congress in 2020. They would shut down your free speech, use the power of the law to punish their opponents, which they're trying to do now anyway, they'll always be trying to shield themselves.

[Trump is speaking of himself in the above statements. He is the Radical Republican, who has moved closer toward dictatorship. HE is driven by hate, prejudice, and rage. We are seeing this with his hostile, hateful and prejudicial reaction to the young men who were in prison for 30 years over having been pressured to confess to a rape and assault of a white woman and released, after an individual confessed, known as the Central Park 5. Trump responded to the exoneration when he said, “They confessed.” Trump wants to destroy the country along with his Republican White Nationalist Party congress. HE has desired to shut down our free speech and has called the free press “the enemy of the people”. His RWNP have used ruthless tactics over and over again to block freedom and free speech and the choice of the people. HE has created a Rightwing Mob as we have heard over and over again with their ugly slogans spoken in unison at Trump rallies encouraged by the Moron-in-Chief.]

[Trump’s health care plan is nowhere to be seen. He has seriously eroded the ACA causing millions of people to be without health care, or pay higher premiums, or realizing they purchased an inferior policy. Lower prescription prices, which he promised, are non-existent, and continues to rise, for example, diabetes medications and the materials needed to deliver the medication. Trump has no plan. His loyalties are with the corporate medical care system and not with the patients. He is a liar and a fake president. “Think of that. Think of that.”]

[What is the Moron-in-Chief talking about? He and Pence have been killing health care in the country.]

Washington insiders, who spent their careers rigging the system, so your losses will be their gains, you know that.

[Trump and his fascist sidekicks rigged the system by embracing Russian involvement in our last election. And, Trump believes it is OK to take data and dirt from a foreign source without having to report it to the FBI.]

[Here is another deluded understanding of what he is doing to the country. Ivanka having an influence in the economy? HUH? She has exported jobs to rip off the American consumer with her junk. Ivanka Trump is a grifter and scammer. In 2018, our economy grew only at 2.8%. Trump’s brain has failed to realize that the economy grew at 4.0% and more during the 1990s. Trump has NOT had the best economy ever! It is more than likely that our economy will have slow growth in the coming year. Wage growth is flat. Job growth will see back sliding as computer technologies continue to replace people with machines. This problem is being spoken about by Democratic presidential candidate—Andrew Yang.]

    Trump’s current Florida rally continued to fuel his anger over the past. He cannot let go of the past. He railed against Hillary Clinton, President Obama, the DNC, and “No Collusion; No Obstruction” memes. Unfortunately, he has no ideas. No plans. He only has his anger of the past. He just cannot let go of the fact that he lost the popular vote and only won because of a technicality.

    Trump is a failed president. He has not delivered what he promised. There is no wall. There is no ACA replacement. There is no reform of drug pricing. He has created a fascist approach to undocumented immigrants. He has wanted to destroy free  press-speech. He has forced more and more farmers, who developed trading relationships with China over the past several years, to shut down due to Trump’s Tariff Tax. He has embraced dictators and not our allies. He has deregulated destroying our quality of life in favor of corporate greed. He has rejected that climate change and its necessary reforms are real. He desires the Supreme Court to move back to the 1950s. He prefers chaos instead of diplomacy. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t think. He doesn’t have any skills to create a deal through negotiations.

    Trump is a clown with a red tie and an orange comb=over. He is running up and against his own fears. He knows deep in his unconscious that he is a clown. His unconscious brain is fighting against being told that he is a dumbass little boy. He has no other solution to his deluded sense of self but to get a pat on the head by gullible supporters at his rallies.

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