Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Trump's Deep Fake Health Care Plan

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    Our fully complete Moron-in-Chief wants us to believe he can deliver "phenomenal health care" in the next two months. This fool has had three years to put together a "phenomenal" plan, but failed. It is clear he has no plan only bullshit.
    "We almost had health care done. Health care's a disaster." Yes Moron; you made health care a disaster. You failed to improve the ACA, or deliver your "almost done" health care plan. Almost doesn't count. Where were your supporters in Congress?
    He thinks that taking back the House will make his new health care plan all better. Idiot Trump had a chance when he had control of the House, yet he failed. "If we win back the House, we're going to produce phenomenal health care. And we already have a concept of the plan, but it'll be less expensive than Obamacare by a lot."
     This incoherent impecile has had three years to take a concept and form it into a complete plan that he could show all of us.  But, nevertheless, he's got buttkiss! All it takes is taking back the House.
    Everything Trump touches turns out a disaster. No doubt, his plan will be "el-cheapo" alright. High co-pays, high drug prices, inadequate coverage, slashed coverage for pre-existing conditions, and more foolishness outlined by Pennsylvania's has-been ex-senator---Rick Santorum.
     Trump delays any details on his imaginary "phenomenal" plan, which will be unveiled "in about two months. Maybe less."
     Nancy Pelosi said, "The American people already know exactly what the President's health care plan means in their lives: higher costs, worse coverage, and the end of lifesaving protections for people with pre-existing conditions." President Trump has waged an assault on health care since the start and continues to order the Justice Department to ask the courts to destroy protections for people with pre-existing conditions and strike down every other protection and guarantee of affordable health care for America's families. And since Day One, the Trump administration has worked relentlessly to push families into disastrous junk plans, increase their health care costs and gut their health care protections", as Nancy Pelosi said so clearly.

    The Republican White Nationalist Party Senate, headed by the incompetent hater McConnell is having a great moment of excitement to see how his party leader will further hurt health care for the American people, and especially those people living in his poor state. This moron believes "what he's doing is through the executive branch, through regulations, expanding health care for a lot of Americans, which he [Trump] can do on his own...and he said it would be dealt with after the election when we get a Congress that's more sympathetic to our approach to health care."
    McConnell makes no sense. The RWNP health care plan will have regulations that benefit the wealth class' power control of the delivery of health care. The RWNP health care plan will have no actual expansion of health care that will actually cover the medical conditions that require a doctor's care. McConnell is a lying scammer.
    McConnell's feeble mind seems to forget he had a chance for two years to put this imaginary plan together. The reality is they have buttkiss! And, they've had an additional year to build on their "phenomenal" plan.
    So, what have the RWNP been doing over the last several years? Nothing! McConnell and the Market Leninists have studying exactly what the wealth class wants for a health care delivery system, and are afraid to present their oppressive plan to the voters knowing that the voters will oust them in the next election cycle.
    Trump fantasizes that if he gets re-elected, then the nation will move very close to a Market Leninist government---the wealth class will control the governments, the courts, regulatory rules, and the health care system.
     There is NO phenomenal health care plan in the making. It's a fantasy.
    As Debra sometimes said to Raymond on "Everybody Loves Raymond"---IDIOT!!!

On another note, as was written in earlier posts about Trump's Space Force jammies, which he wears when playing with his dictator action figure toys in the Oval Office Day Care Center. Trump, and Pence, who must also have a set of Space Force Jammies, are now selling Space Force gear on their re-election website. This blogspot was ahead of the story regarding Trump and Pence's Space Force fashion line. Here is the image from their site. How ridiculous.


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