Friday, June 7, 2019

Trump's Beautiful Mexico tariffs

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The guy in the White House clearly has a limited vocabulary. His small brain, and his limited intellect continuously stands out like black eye on a grandmother who fell and bruised her face. There are words he is regularly stuck on like a fly against a moving car’s windshield.
   Great, stable-genius, big, sad, and beautiful are just a few those that the Moron-in-Chief uses over and over again. The Cretin uses the word beautiful to describe the grotesque, as well as things that are ascetically pleasing. He cannot
discriminate; therefore, he says everything that he likes is beautiful. Here are some examples:
·      The Wall- “I will build a big, beautiful wall…”
·      Sleeping gas-“They have a gas, that’s a beautiful sleeping gas…”
·      A door attached to the wall-“We’re gonna have a big, beautiful door in the wall.”
·      Chocolate cake-“…we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake…
·      Health care bills-“…a beautiful HealthCare bill…” (tweet)
·      Football-“Two guys, just really beautiful tackle. Boom…”
·      Military weapons to Qatar-“…the purchase of lots of beautiful military equipment…”
·      On James Clapper-tweet-“Will he show you his beautiful letter to me?”
·      Syria-“What I’d like is to build a safety zone, it’s here, build a beautiful safety zone…”
·      Belgium-“Belgium is a beautiful city.”
·      His temperament-“My temperament is totally controlled, so beautiful.”
·      Coal-“We’ve ended the war on beautiful, clean coal.”
·      A mask made of his face-“Look at this mask. Look at this mask. Oh wow. Wow, that’s beautiful. Look at that. Looks just like me.”
·      The Dakota Access Pipeline-“You know when I approve it, it’s up and running, it’s beautiful, it’s great, everybody’s happy, the sun is still shining, the water is clean.”
·      The booing of Ted Cruz-“And, I though it was a beautiful thing.”
·      The gorilla, Henambe, living at the Cleveland Zoo-“It looks so beautiful.”
·      Rooms in Warsaw, Poland- “This is a beautiful room, I must say. I love beautiful rooms and this is one of them.”
·      American tax dollars-tweet-“We should immediately stop spending our beautiful American tax dollars to countries that hate us and laugh at our President’s stupidity.” (11-7-2014)
·      Other countries’ airports-“Our airports are like third world countries. You go into some of these beautiful airports, you go into Dubai and you see different places throughout the world and you see airports that are unbelievable.”
·      The phones in the White House-“These are the most beautiful phones I’ve ever used in my life.”
·      Fingers—“My fingers are beautiful.”
·      Tariffs-“Tariffs are a beautiful thing…It’s a beautiful word…”

    These are examples of our Moron-in-Chief’s use of the word beautiful. He clearly is unable to find other words to describe what he sees and experiences. He is limited to only one word. How sad. Very sad.

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