Thursday, June 13, 2019

Trump's End Of Democracy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

    The Cretin said, “I’m always right.” This guy has planted his feet in his full-blown narcissistic psychopathic behavior. He has no clue that he is Russia’s Agent Orange owned by Putin and Kim Jung Un, who made him completely wrong and played him like a fool. And, his claim that he has a “really, really smart big brain.” He has no clue that it is very likely if defeated in 2020 will be sitting in a courtroom defending just how right he believes he is.
    What is right about Donald Trump is that he is a traitor to his office of the presidency. He admitted to the nation that he has no objection to taking data, or dirt, on his opponents from foreign sources in spite of the fact that it is illegal. Several members of his campaign, including Kushner and Dumber Donnie 2, tried to, and were successful in obtaining data-dirt on the DNC and Clinton in 2016. Trump’s connection to Putin needs deeper investigation, as written about in several books, such as, Malcolm Nance’s—“The Plot To Destroy Democracy”, and Seth Abramson’s—“Proof of Collusion”.
    What we are learning now is that Market Leninist—Wilbur Ross, Trump’s Commerce Secretary, was pushing the Trump campaign back in 2017, to put a citizenship question on the census form. By doing so, the Republican Party would strengthen their election wins through solidifying gerrymandering their districts in their favor.
    By only counting eligible voters and not all people in every district, especially undocumented immigrants, who are working and contributing to Social Security, yet won’t be receiving any benefit from that contribution. By leaving out millions of people living and working contributing to the economy only benefits Market Leninist Republicans. This census design makes sure that market corporatists control the rule of law, legislation, and worker’s rights (or lack their of) to favor Market Leninism, which was originally expanded by James Buchanan, George Mason University, and the Koch brothers decades ago.
    Market Leninism is the doctrine of the Republican White Nationalist Party and Donald Trump in order to solidify the richest Americans to entrench their power forever.
    By doing so, they control governorships, State legislatures, judgeship positions (Supreme Court), and the federal government eventually changing the Constitution to favor Market Leninism corporatist control. Ultimately, they will replace workers with robots and machines using artificial intelligence leaving working people to fend for themselves with a minimum level of government support and forcing a feudal underground economic system. The richest among us will no longer pay taxes, which is happening today.

    If this is what you fantasize about, then you will vote for a Trump second term destroying Democracy forever.

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