Monday, January 6, 2020


The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    America’s most senior putz, the guy formerly known as Mikey Pence, has claimed that Iranian General Soleimani, killed in the American drone attack, was connected to 9/11. Putz is doing everything he can to “Bullshit”. At this Blogspot, we have a Bullshit desktop button. When Putz opens his mouth, we press it and it says, “Bullshit!”
    This administration has stepped into a rattlesnake nest and is trying to keep from getting attacked, but it won’t work.
    Soleimani is a Shite Muslim. Saudi Arabia’s royal family is NOT Shite. Actually, the Saudis understand that Iran is a regional danger to stability. The bin Laden royals believe that Iran is a hostile nation wanting to turn the Middle East into a Shite caliphate. Iraq will become an Iranian proxy now that the idiot in the White House bombed the Iraqi airport where Soleimani was located. Osama bin Laden would not have associated with Soleimani. They would have been rivals and not collaborators.
    The problem with The Putz is that he apparently does not care about eroding his own credibility, or career, or give any appearance that he possesses any level of basic intelligence. He claimed that 10 (of the 12) Saudis were involved in the 9/11 attack and spent time in Iran, although there is no proof of this “Bullshit!” He went on to say that Soleimani assisted in the transport of 10 Saudis to Afghanistan. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would the 9/11 attackers travel through Iran when all they would have to do is travel by sea through the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman right to Pakistan, and on into Afghanistan, where bin Laden planned the attacks.
    The Cretin’s All-The-President’s-Men were trying to cover their pre-war actions in case this thing blew up on the American people. These fools are telling us that we are now safer following the death of General Soleimani. How are we safer? The Middle East was his target practice arena. But now, The Cretin has made it worse and the attacks could spill outside the Middle East by proxy allies of Iran. Domestically we may experience rogue fascist Islamist sympathizers planning attacks upon vulnerable sites, or infrastructure networks.
    Dumb Dumb Derelict Donnie will be the reason when violence escalates. His hands will be covered in the aftermath.
    Trump called out Obama at the end of his first term by criticizing him for needing to attack Iran in order to win a second term. And, how did that turn out, Donnie? More “Bullshit!” Is Trump doing the same thing? Is The Cretin Wagging His Dog? Trump spends his time projecting what he has said about others onto himself. He is actually speaking about himself when he speaks critically about others, such as Obama.
    Now that the Iraqi parliament has voted to kick out the Americans from their country, The Cretin has threatened to not leave without a big bad scene. He has threatened that he will impose a wrath of sanctions like nothing ever seen before now. Darth Vader has tweeted from the White House bathroom!
    The bungling bomb-astic bloviating bullshitting boneheads are not telling us about the large parley of Market Leninists who gathered at the Florida home of Bill Koch, of Koch Industries, to worship at their accumulated half-billion dollars of cash that they offered up to their Supreme White Nationalist Republican Leader. Also present at this pseudo-Klan meeting was Jared Kushner, who kisses the ring of his crime boss, and the grand-daughter of George Romney, who is the chair of the Republican National Committee.
    The Svengali in the Oval Office, an apparent atheist and confirmed hedonist, told a group of evangelicals at the King Jesus International Ministry,

“We are defending religion itself, it’s under siege. A society without religion cannot prosper.” “These angry radicals want to impose absolute conformity by censuring speech, tearing down crosses and symbols of faith and banning religious believers from public life.” “Very soon I’ll be taking action to safeguard students and teachers’ First Amendment rights to pray in schools. They want to take that right along with many other ones.”

    What is he talking about? The Jabberwocky opens his mouth and unintelligible garble comes out. Republicans don’t have an exclusive hold on religion. Actually, a great many Republicans defile the teachings of religion by supporting the guy in the White House, and the legislators who stand by him.
    The First Amendment “[G]uarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression assembly and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricts banning an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.” (Cornell Law School.)
    Nowhere does it command prayer in school by the executive branch of government. If one wants to pray in school, that person can do so. By lying to this group of evangelicals, The Cretin has “sinned” in order to gain votes. The Cretin has proclaimed he wants to restrict the free press, which would be a violation of the First Amendment.
    One could guarantee that The Cretin never attends church or says a prayer even in private. He is a psychopath. He believes he is some sort of God. Also, he doesn’t even know what the First Amendment says.
    He is totally unwilling to believe there is a separation of church and state, which “is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson” and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.” “The phrase “separation between church and state” is generally traced to a January 1, 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson addressed to the Danbury Baptist association in Connecticut.” (Wikipedia)
    What we have occupying the White House are a bevy of bungling bomb-astic bloviating bullshitting boneheads operating without a plan or strategy to calm the tensions that will likely arise in the Middle East, and possibly elsewhere. They believe that Tweeting is a good strategy to communicate war-like actions against a foreign power to Congress. More absurdities from the White House Day Care Center as the dumbass bullies pretend to act responsibly, ethically, and legally from the offices of the executive branch of government.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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