Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Trump Dynasty is an American Oligarch

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    In her latest book, “ American Oligarchs, The Trumps, And The Marriage of Money and Power” Andrea Bernstein writes about Donald Trump and Jared Kushner as American oligarchs. This must be one reason why *RUMP has tried to develop construction project deals using Azerbaijani oligarchs, as well as Iranian billionaires, who backed his Trump Tower Baku. In the previous Blogspot piece, *RUMP’s relation with these wealthy, corrupt oligarchs found a corrupt dolt, who drools at the image of piles of cash, which required money-laundering, since Iran was under economic sanctions.
    For a cash squeezed country, the films of Tehran shows a sprawling city with a population around 8-9 million. It appears as a mixed modern city with tall buildings, along with narrow, old-world side streets. The traffic looked incredibly congested. The government must be making deals outside the eye of sanctions. And, *RUMP seems to have been doing the same.
    As Bernstein says about American oligarchs is that when they go unchecked, and don’t face any accountability, or consequences they push their corrupt potentials to further limits. This has been the game plan while the moron lives in the White House. His minion of maniacal morons in the Republican White Nationalist Party have not made *RUMP accountable for anything. They never challenge him. They fear any reprisals against them. Actually, they have allowed him to be as dishonest, corrupt, and dangerous as possible. They don’t question his lack of direction, purpose, or strategy when making those careless decisions.
    Oligarchs in the United States, such a Bill Koch of the famed “Koch Brothers” moniker, call themselves Libertarians, but we know they are really Market Leninists buying their way into every facet of government in order to make the laws and rules so the American oligarchs can maintain power and control over society. They believe the people should “pay-as-you-go” for every service, roadway, medical treatment, schooling, etc., and they only pay, through taxes, for military and domestic/national defense. They believe the world is there for their exploitation, control, and domination, while building alliances with other oligarchs in Russia, China, Europe, Asia, and elsewhere.
    Kushner’s grandparents were Holocaust survivors, escaping a death camp by digging a tunnel under the camp that led them into the forest where they found other frightened and desperate Jews hiding in order to avoid recapture and death by Nazis. These forested Jews were a community needing each other to work together in order to survive. This should have been a deep and penetrating lesson of compassion, and embracing the needs of others for the Kushners as they found their way in business in the United States. Unfortunately, it wasn’t integrated into their lives, especially when Jared’s father went into business. Jared didn’t integrate the lessons learned by his grandfather, either. Kushner’s father apparently never learned from his parents the need to show others compassion, respect and dignity, since their humanity was stripped by Hitler’s murderous war machine.
    Instead, Jared Kushner’s father, and now Jared, associated with sleazy, and corrupt role models, which ultimately landed Daddy Kushner in prison. After Jared’s family role model traded his suit for an orange jumpsuit, Jared took over the family real estate business only to run it close to the brink of bankruptcy  until a Kuwaiti and Saudi royals rode in on his Arabian stallions to bail him out. Jared has a mediocre mind but a big, inflated ego. He reminds many of those Brownshirts who marched through the forests looking for hiding Jews. Just like his father-in-law, Dumb Dumb Donnie, financially survived on smoke and mirror business arrangements. When you sleep with wolves, either you get away, or you become one of them. Jared doesn’t have enough intelligence, creativity, or skills, to get away and prove his abilities on his own. He has never stood on his own two feet. He was always bailed out by others. He is very much like Lil’BoyBush who never was able to stand up on his own two feet and was repeatedly bailed out by others more capable than him. One has to guess, by marrying Ivanka, another one who could never have succeeded without the Trump Organization’s dirty money, he decided to join the Trump wolf pack.
    Apparently, oligarchs don’t need to divest their personal and financial businesses once becoming president. They use their position to further their influence and  power to feed off the public trough, as well as to tap into the vast wealth of others in order to grow their private business interests. This is the story of Donald Joker Trump and Jared Kushy Kushner.

If you want to listen to Andrea Bernstein's Fresh Air interview on the Trumps and Kushners as American Oligarchs, then listen

If you want to listen Andrea Bernstein's Podcast called

                     Trump Inc.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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