Thursday, January 2, 2020

America's Failed Foreign and Domestic Policies

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    This new year was kicked off with an attack on our embassy in Iraq by Iranian militia fighters and Iranian backed Iraqi rebels who felt that the Americans have been in Iraq for way too long. They attacked and entered a part of the American embassy, which is around the size of Vatican City—104 acres!!! This was Lil’Boy Bush’s monstrosity. He had built the largest American embassy in the world. At one point, there were 16,000 employees within this compound.
    What doesn’t exist in our current White House is a coherent foreign policy. The foreign policy that does exist is one that serves The Cretin personally, which is saturated with corruption, influence pedaling, intimidation and more.
    We witnessed The Cretin telling us that he and Lil’Kim Jong Un are “be bestest” buddies. They write love letters to each other. “We like each other.” “He writes me love letters.” This is what composes our foreign policy. It comes down to a dictatorship building a war machine in hopes of creating a nuclear arsenal. We have a foreign policy whereby dictators manipulate this small brained idiot, which is covered by a bleached blond comb-over.
   Currently, Lil’Kim is developing a long-range ballistic missile, which he is calling his “New Year’s Surprise.” Apparently, his plan is to create a long-range missile that could reach Japan that could carry a nuclear warhead. In order to catch The Cretin off guard, Lil’Kim will test his missile’s capabilities by mounting a satellite to a long-range missile and sending it into space. If that works, then he will test the next missile using a land based launch and landing approach. 
   His American domestic policy is one that feeds the richest among us with taxpayer’s cash. We saw it with subsidies to farmers as a result of the Chinese tariffs. The administration gave farmers more than what they lost from the tariff squeeze.
    The U.S.D.A., which is controlled by big agra-business farmers received the most in “Trump-Money”, while the largest subside for the biggest farm was $100,000. The smallest farmers got peanuts. The total amount for 2019 was $19B. Another $16B is planned for 2020 without Congressional approval. This is more than the auto industry bailout of 2008. And, this crisis was the creation of the Moron-in-Chief. The upcoming phase one in a China trade deal is likely to be their purchase of more soybeans, but the damage has already been done to our soybean farmers.
    Another tax giveaway by The Cretin has been handed over to large corporate interests who show earnings overseas. Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc. are corporations who have earnings from overseas sales.
    These corporations are allowed to not pay U.S. taxes on their foreign earnings through a program called GILTI. They do not even have to show those earnings in their yearly financial reports, if they choose not to. If they do, they often hide those figures inside an innocuous line item.
    This administration has allowed these mega-corporations doing business all over the world to dictate the rules by which they want to follow. They lobby legislators, and those within the executive branch to set up the rules as they see fit, while the rest of us have to pay the taxes they are not paying.
    The tariffs have cost the taxpayers around $140 billion in higher costs. The tax rules have favored the richest among us.
    This will only get worse if The Cretin is re-elected. Market Leninism will grow and flourish if The Cretin gets a second term. In fact, The Cretin needs to be sent back to Mar-A-Lago for good, while the New York City district attorney investigates tax fraud charges committed by him and those in the family business.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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