Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What's Wrong With Senator Diane Feinstein?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

Dear Senator Feinstein,
We have to wonder if you two have a slow, yet progressive loss of cognitive functioning. The House Democratic prosecuting managers made a solid case that would ultimately lead to the impeachment of Trump, if you could understand the difference between facts and opinion.

What part of this compelling case did you NOT understand? Alexander Hamilton clearly wrote in his Impeachment Clause of 1788, detailing the reasons for impeaching Trump. Dershowitz is absolutely wrong. How does it taste drinking Alan Dershowitz's Kool-Aid? Hamilton made it perfectly clear that Trump meets the impeachment requirements. Now, it is your turn to vote for impeachment. Stop wavering. Do you need help to understand the facts?

The facts are clear. Do you have a problem understanding what was clearly presented in front of you? Have you become a closet Republican?

Believe me, during your next election, your Democratic opponent will most likely throw all this stuff in your face making the case that you are not supporting our Constitution and democracy, as Trump has clearly demonstrated.

As Trump continues to ignore and make fun of climate change, by adding to it, which is destroying our country and our environment, and now allowing toxins to fill our rivers and streams; and, injuring the most fragile in our country through cuts in Medicaid and Food Stamps, you might be giving him more power to ruin the American environment. And, The Cretin will be allowed to do more damage to the office of the presidency.

This fascist in the White House will have cart-blanche to do whatever he wants even “shoot and kill someone on 5th Ave.” if he is not stopped. Trump is a brain damaged, low intelligence wannabee fascist crime boss. All he knows is to lie, cheat and con those who are not on his side.

What happened to you? Where is your self-respect? You once represented democracy, and respected the Constitution, the rule of law, truth, facts, and the office of the presidency. It is time to stand up against him. Vote to impeach.


Senator Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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