Friday, January 10, 2020

America and Trump's Failed Domestic and Foreign Policy

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

“What we have here—is a failure to communicate.”

    Beginning with Reagan and moving right into the last election of the dumbest person to have ever occupied the White House, this country has followed a strategy opposite of China. And, as a result we have spent an insanely amount of taxpayer dollars building a military industrial complex (A warning spoken by President Eisenhower.) that has made many American oligarchs very, very wealthy, along with members of Congress. Also, this country has spent an insane amount of capital, both government and private/public resources on the fossil fuel industrial complex. And, it still continues.
    China, on the other hand, has also built a very large and highly trained military machine without having to fight or occupy locations on foreign soils. Yet, we Americans continue to send troops, hardware, and supplies to bases and troops all over the world, which has exhausted our troop forces and resources.
    China decided to offer their foreign interests around the world a phased in alliance by assisting these countries with their skills and support building up their infrastructure, which doesn’t require the heavy fist of regime change.
    Had the United States decided to move to a fully renewable energy infrastructure back during the foolhardy Reagan years, and on into today we would not need to be drilling and Fracking all over this nation causing earthquakes, causing cancers, and poisoning soils and water sources.
    The chase after Saddam Hussain, the Iraqi War, the Iraqi occupation, and maybe even 9-11 might never have happened. Had we not been present in the Middle East, maybe ISIS would not have risen up. Our need to power and control for oil and gas are the causes of our problems.
    Had we become the world’s first and foremost renewable energy nation, we would be helping our allies in Asia, Europe and elsewhere to become energy self-sufficient.
   We watched the Idiot Reagan remove the rooftop solar panels installed by President Carter. And, we watched the Idiot Melania *RUMP plow over the Obama White House vegetable garden. The Republican White Nationalist Party hate progressive movements that help this nation become sustainable without having to reach all over the world for food and energy.
    China’s next fight will likely be in Asia and more specifically over lands in the South China Sea, which China feels it is part of their empire. And, that includes the shipping lanes. If South Korea and Taiwan were energy independent using renewable energy systems, shipping oil and gas through these volatile shipping lanes could be reduced.
    The U.S. government beginning with State governors and their legislatures, on into the U.S. Congress and White House has made us less safe because our dependence on foreign and domestic oil and gas, and the dependence of these resources by our allies.
    Morons like Newt—the lizard—Gingrich has been a toxic voice of ignorance and a spokesman for the oil and gas oligarchy. He has been a failed government official, and a failed educator so he spends his time spreading his venomous propaganda through lectures and books.
    *RUMP is all about full steam ahead toward war with China because he has no abilities to communicate on a diplomatic level or possess a vision of peace. We have failed to build a really strong alliance with the governments of North, Central and South American countries. Had this been the case without forcing regime changes in order to build alliances, we would have little reason to be in the South China Sea other than to build alliances and energy independence, along with self-sustaining economies.
    Had this happened beginning with Reagan, the volatile climate changes might have likely been avoided. We can blame cowardly Democrats and the Republican White Nationalist Party, who requires the coal and, oil and gas industrial complex to get re-elected and maintain control in their districts.
    The Market Leninists, neo-fascists, idiots, morons, and Republican White Nationalists pretending to act as responsible lawmakers have been hazardous to our health.
    Had we not been a warring industry in Afghanistan and Iraq for the last 20 years, Israel might have signed a peace agreement with the Palestinians and signed more peaceful agreements might have been negotiated with more of their neighbors. Had the U.S. pursued a strong renewable energy nation, and spent less on the military by developing a strategy of preparedness at-home and not all over the world, America would be a very different country. And, the world would be a very different place, as well. We would not have had a reason to be in the Middle East.
    We cannot have a president become the only person in the government to decide if an attack against a foreign nation. We cannot have a dictator making decisions to assassinate figureheads in other countries without briefing Congress for approval. *RUMP believes he has the sole authority to kill whomever he believes are “eminent threats” challenging the safety of the United States and our soldiers and embassies around the world. Where’s the proof? Where’s the beef? Where are the documents/intelligence briefings to prove that Soleimani was an eminent threat?
                   Here we go again.

   This sounds like Lil’BoyBush claiming that Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction, and possessed Yellow Cake, which could be used to build a dirty nuclear bomb. Cheney used “raw intelligence” to make his case without vetting out the facts from rumors. There was no there there. It was all a fake story. It was a con-game created by Bush and his devil that was the vice president—Dick Cheney. As we remember, Cheney, after walking into the White House had a secret meeting with all the oil and gas company executives to discuss how they would carve up and divide Iraq’s oil fields to these oil and gas companies. That was their end game to take down Saddam Hussain. We also heard from Lil’BoyBush that Iraq would become a beacon of Middle Eastern democracy and peace following our carnage and slaughter of their citizens, and loss of American lives.
    Do you remember when Lil’Boy was dressed in his naval flight suit while standing on an docked aircraft carrier declaring “Mission Accomplished” selling the country that the Iraqi War was over, when it was not over? *RUMP’s declaration that Iran was standing down without shedding American blood, when in fact, that was a lie, too. That was *RUMP’s “Mission Accomplished” bullshit moment.
    It has become clearer and clearer over the last several decades that the Republican White Nationalist Party members are not capable of governing this country. They have led us in these Middle Eastern wars, and African conflicts. And now, we are facing down China over tariffs. So what is next with this corrupt and incompetent administration? How many more times will the Moron-in-Chief wag his doggie tail to distract us from the impeachment process?
    He tried to walk away from the killing of Soleimani by saying that there were no American casualties, but in fact, there were 176 deaths after Iran shot down a passenger plane departing from the Tehran airport. Around 60 of those passengers were Canadians heading home from Iran. These deaths are as a result of *RUMP’s lack of a coherent foreign policy strategy that led to the seat-of-the-pants killing of this bad dude—Soleimani. What would happen if Pence had been assassinated? Or, Pompeo? Soleimani was not that much different in position within the Iranian hierarchy. A solid and fully planned out strategy would need to be discussed before acting upon a military response. *RUMP doesn’t do this. He likely took action against Soleimani because Pompeo told him to act on the killing.
    The problem is that *RUMP plays checkers while the rest of the world plays chess. The guy is not capable of planning a single move ahead of the one he is about to execute. He is just one dumbass failing to make America great again.

If you want to listen to an Andrea Berstein interview listen


If you want to listen Andrea Bernstein's Podcast called

                     Trump Inc.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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