Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Joker Donnie--A Comic Book Character

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

Donald Joker Trump is the personification of a comic book character. The figure in the latest off shoot film, “Joker”, which stars a person suffering from mental illness, while devolving, because he cannot afford his medication becoming a folk hero vigilante. This creator of mayhem in Gotham City by killing those who wronged him becomes an overnight sensation to those citizens who feel disenfranchised from a collapsing society.
    Doesn’t this story sound like the psychotic Joker in the White House? We have a reality TV figure creating his self-made mayhem from the Oval Office inciting many of his disenfranchised supporters into believing he, and only he, can save them from a big, bad government of his own making.
    What we have here is art imitating reality. Donald Joker Trump has morphed into a comic book character.
To further illustrate Joker Donnie’s corrupt involvement with the government of Iran i.e., the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp  (IRGC) and an oligarch from Azerbaijan back in 2006-17 through The Trump Organization, including Ivanka, who acted as the project manager, built Trump Tower Baku (the capital and largest city in Azerbaijan). The New Yorker magazine, and now The Independent UK, have reported on the alleged corruption, which deeply involves Joker Donnie.
    Back in 2012, it was reported that “The Family” Trump business was in cahoots with the IRGC and partnered with a billionaire Azerbaijani construction oligarch to launder Iranian cash, since they were under U.S. sanctions and had been dealing with frozen assets. Laundered cash apparently was moved around by “The Family” business and was used to pay American contractors who worked on the Baku project that was stuffed in computer carrying bags, and moved out of the country.
    The reporting said that an Iranian crime family, the Darvishi’s, who were associated with the IRGC, visited with the Azerbaijan crime family, the Mammadov’s, who were in financial cahoots with the Trump crime family.
    This is the incompetent moron in the White House, a guy who will get in a filthy bed with anyone in order to keep his dirty money business afloat. He will do anything, as will his braggadocio idiot gun toting sons, and his sleazy daughter in order to continue showering themselves in what could be seen as blood money.
    This is the fascist collaborator who lies to the world and brainwashes his supporters into believing he wants to “Make America Great Again”, when in fact, it is all about “Making Joker Donnie Richer Again.”

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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