Friday, January 24, 2020

Is Senator Lisa Murkowski Losing Cognitive Skills?

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

    What is going on with Republican White Nationalist Senator Lisa Murkowski? Has she been suffering from  some sort of cognitive decline? Does she have problems processing the evidence presented by the House of Representative trial impeachment managers? Apparently so!!!
    Again and again, the impeachment managers have stated that they could not file subpoenas in the courts in order to get Trump’s abuse of power conspirators to testify before the Congress because a court’s decision could take months allowing *RUMP to continue his plan to cheat, once again, in the 2020 election, and pursue his abuse of power agenda. There just wouldn’t be enough time to stop this criminal living in the White House from abusing his power even more so.
    It does not appear that Republican White Nationalist Senator Lisa Murkowski understands why going to the courts is unrealistic. Yet she still says that the reason she cannot support impeachment of her authoritarian cult leader is because she believes that the Democrats needed to file subpoenas in the courts to get Mulvaney and Bolton to testify before the impeachment committee members. Murkowski seems she has trouble processing that her reasons just don’t make any sense; or is it a way out for a vote which vindicates her fascist cult leader.
   Then Muscovite Lisa Murkowski should vote to allow witnesses and evidence to be presented in the impeachment trial. If she cannot process the impeachment manager’s evidence, then she should recuse herself from being a Senate juror.
    What is worrisome is that there are others who are following in Muscovite Murkowski’s footsteps. Democrats need to be concerned that Moscow Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, maybe a turncoat and vote against upholding the constitution and stop this fascist guy in the White House from serving out his term.
    Does Muscovite Lisa Murkowski and Moscow Manchin, as well as others, not understand that Trump’s withholding of the funds allocated by the Congress for Ukraine’s military defenses against the Russian military had nothing to do with corruption? The Cretin persisted in his rationale that he withheld the funds because he believed that corruption was a problem in Ukraine, yet, a couple years earlier, before President Zelenskiy took power, Zelenskiy’s predecessor was deeply embedded in serious corruption, as was his justice department. The Cretin had no problem granting the Ukrainian president millions of dollars for their military to fight the Russians, at that time. Ukrainian corruption did not matter to him then, but it mattered when he found out that Joe Biden, his presidential adversary, was beating him in the polls. That was when he engaged in an extortion plan to withhold the funds, until a whistleblower took the wind out of his sails and he reinstated the funding.
   What does Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin not understand about this? Are they not capable of reading the Constitution Impeachment Clause written by Alexander Hamilton, which clearly states that what Trump did was impeachable under the rules written out in the U.S. Constitution?
   It is time to remind these two Senators, and any others on the fence, about the facts and do what is right for the country and our democracy.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

Senator Joe Manchin’s Washington address:
            306 Hart Senate Office Building
            Washington, DC 20510

          Senator Lisa Murkowski
          522 Hart Senate Office Building
          Washington, DC 20510


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