Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Republican Party Is Now A Cult

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Perception can be more powerful than reality

     President Insane-Man rallied in Milwaukee freaking out over light bulbs that made him look orange, dishwashing machines, and low water toilets, that don’t flush his massive dumps with a single flush. It requires “10-15 flushes.”
    Has *RUMP ever used a dishwasher? It’s doubtful he ever changed a light bulb. And, the guy is so full of crap that he needs an outhouse to meet his bathroom needs.
    Then he went on to proclaim, “The best economy ever!” He boasted about spending $1T to expand the military machine, which will never be used to its fullest potential. The military industrialized machine will sit in storage buildings collecting dust because troops and guns are obsolete. The next conflict will be executed from an office building in front of an array of computer screens by a group of geeks writing computer code that will seen as cyber-terrorists. North Korea, or China or Russia can spend much less on an attack by not sending ship loads of troops and machines to fight a bloody battle against the American War Machine. Since the United States is very far away from many battlefields, the most effective way to attack America will be done through computer keystrokes!
    Now, he is squeezing Cuba by restricting travel even more than before, and stopping Cuba Americans from sending money to families because *RUMP feels that the modest $120M per year cash support to families fuels the Communist Party and the regime. Yet, the United States spends trillions of dollars on Chinese goods, and allows American corporations to set up shop in China even though this country is controlled by an oppressive Communist Party regime. China is deeply involved with North Korea’s regime, which is committed to building a cyber-terrorism network, as well as a nuclear weapon. So, *RUMP continues to kick around Cuba, which poses absolutely no threat to the United States, yet China, which is a far more serious threat to our democracy and peace around the world. More sickening hypocrisy from the *RUMP Crime Syndicate White House and the Republican White Nationalist Party.
    The breaking news of the week is that *RUMP sent his crime syndicate goons: Rudolph-the Commie Red nosed—Ghouliani, Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, and Republican White Nationalist Representative Robert Hyde to plan a political attack against Ukrainian Ambassador Marie Yovanovich, hoping to kick her out of her position because she wasn’t playing the game as The Cretin laid out for Ukraine. They executed a smear campaign to defame her. This was coup against her.
    This is what autocratic regimes do against their political enemies. This is what one crime syndicate would do against another crime syndicate that moved into their established territory. President Insane-Man sent his goons to remove Yovanovich because she was in the way.
    This White House continues to push the corruption agenda because his party continues to look the other way. Moscow Mitch, and his *RUMP Cult members appear not to care that they have smeared their political legacy forever.
    There are now a long list of researched books about Trump and Kushner as members of the “American Oligarch”, and a detailed narrative about Trump as a porn star aficionado who collaborated with corrupt con artists and fixers to pay off and suppress his corrupt lifestyle, and a guy who collaborated with Cambridge Analytica, in “The Great Hack” documentary and book, to fix the election in his favor by manipulating Facebook, and other social media sites to spread propaganda against his opponents and sway voters to support him.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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