Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
Playing stupid is no excuse anymore! Taken from FDR’s W.W.II speech “This day [January 20,2016] will go down in infamy.” That’s when evil crossed a line into the White House. Why does Trump want a second term so badly after 4 years of utter failure? The single main reason is to stay out of jail. Another reason is to continue to profit off his presidency by charging the government excessive prices when he visits his properties and to encourage foreign figures and others related to his position to stay at his properties.
New York State district attorney is going to investigate the campaign funds used to pay off women for sexual favors, such as Stormy Daniels. The Manhattan district attorney will investigate his asset value falsifications of his properties and assets, which he used to manipulate his taxes when it served him best. That is not being Be-Best, Donnie. He falsified those values upward or downward whenever it best suited him to either overvalue or undervalue his wealth his assets.
Ivanka Trump has been vocal about her father's innocence when it comes to the charges being drafted against him and the Trump Organization by New York and Manhattan district attorneys. She is probably very fearful that she, too, may be indicted for taking nearly a million dollars from the company as a private consultant while being an employee of the company. That is illegal. She will further be ostracized by her circle of friends once she is likely found guilty of crimes. Her kids will know that their mother is a criminal. Her kids will have to suffer the humiliation seeing their mother in court having to defend herself.
And then there were loan forgiveness agreements, which should have been declared as income and not written-offs. Therefore, there is tax fraud, insurance fraud, and bank fraud accusations, which will be investigated.
Trump is quickly running out of cash. Many of his properties are losing money. And, he has loan payments due amounting to hundred of millions of dollars in two years. He is in big trouble. He brags about creating a media empire but he has no cash and no prospective lenders. It is a pie-in-the-sky pipe dream created to feed his damaged ego in order to get back at his opponents once out of office.
Jason Stanley on Youtube-
How Fascism Works
Watch Jason Stanley on Amanpour and Company
On fascism
Jason Stanley, a Yale University Professor of Philosophy, and author of “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them”, said Donald Trump IS the embodiment of fascism. “Fascism is the cult of the leader, who takes over the party and claims that only he can fix what is broken." He wants to institute a Trumpian type of political education within our school systems. His goal is the destruction of our information space. He militarized politics and represented it as his personal political battlefield.
Trump claims there is a big conspiracy against him. And, “that he is the only person who is capable of saving the country.” The party once known as the Republican Party, which no longer exists and has been transformed into the Republi-Q-Canon Party, legitimatized Trump as they stand alongside their cult leader. Another goal of Trump is to destroy centuries of political and social norms, such as the rule of law, the belief in democracy, and a movement away from racial demagoguery. He moved toward a proclamation that Democratically governed cities and states were his new battlefield.
Stanley said that fascist leaders use power, loyalty and the fear of the other as a way to control his supporters and political party. He says that fascism can grow within a democracy. In order for it to penetrate a democracy, there has to be an undermining of democracy by the media, such as what we have witnessed from Fox News, and now through far-right cable networks, such as, Newmax and OAN network, and Internet conspiracy freaks. The use of supportive militia groups, such as Boogaloo Bois, neo-Nazis, and organized White Supremacy groups, and the establishment of concentrations to house immigrate children after separating them from their parents, who are also housed in these concentration camps, which was the brainchild of neo-Nazi Stephen Miller, are all emblematic of a fascist regime. Trump used these far-right extremist militias to cause violence and fear at protest events to stir up fear and anger within those watching from their lazy Boy recliners while eating their Cheese Curls and wearing their MAGA hats.
According to Stanley, fascism is lawlessness in the name of law and order, which has been fired up by Trump as a result of police killings around the country. Trump’s lawlessness is planned chaos. Democracy is standing up against the federal government, which is weaponizing an election through militarized federal agents, such as border patrol officers, as well as using the threat to call up the army in order to take control of cities that are having BLM protesters, which he labeled as thugs and anarchists with the purpose to “destroy our country”.
Trump creates fear in his supporters by saying that liberals are a threat to them, which is what Hitler did when he called out his opponents as Communists or Socialists. As did Joe McCarthy during his hearing to find those Communists in the movie industry. All it was was an anti-Semitic and anti-gay assault on America in the name of freedom. He is causing political instability and chaos, while at the same time proclaims that he is the only person to bring the country back to stability from the fire bombing he has done over the past four years.
The Mob Boss we see in history always puts his family in positions of power because he doesn’t trust others outside the family. This is what Trump has done. He demands only loyalists, who must sign a pledge of loyalty; a component of fascism.
Jason Stanley blames Newt Gingrich, when he was the Senate speaker, who blamed his opponents as anti-American and from that point on the Republican Party has since taken up the baton by painting the Democratic Party as illegitimate, especially since Joe Biden beat The Cretin in the presidential election. Under a Republican controlled Senate majority over the decades, we have grown our incarcerations to a rate greater than what existed under Stalin’s fascist regime, which is now 10% of the world’s overall incarceration rate consisting mostly of Black males; and, we have stark income inequality, which are both aspects of fascism. The inequality is out of control, since the pandemic.
The Cretin isn’t stopping. Many in his party called him to end his charade of being the winner. While at the G-20, he said that climate change rules and plans that were drawn up for the sole purpose of destroying the U.S. economy. When the G-20 members met to talk about climate change and the coronavirus, The Idiot-in-Chief went off to play golf. The fact is Trump’s ignorance of the facts is what is taking down our economy in every which way. Green energy is the wave of global economic independence and the future. And, his total avoidance of the coronavirus spread throughout the world proves he doesn't care about it. He only cares about himself: his power, his wealth, and self-preservation. Trump’s thinking is an illustration of his incredible incompetence and self-absorption. This makes him The Cretin, and his future as a civilian will end up destroying him. It all looks very grim for the Grim Reaper.
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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