Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
The Cretin decided to declare himself the winner on election night as he trailed Biden in the Electoral College tally. He said he would cheat if he had to by calling off mail-in ballot counts. Trump said on election night, “We won the election. This is a fraudulent election.” He didn’t want mail-in ballots counted after the polls closed, even though this is how it is done. All in-person ballots are counted FIRST, followed by the mail-in ballots, which can take days following the election. As Mary Trump had said, ‘that’s the only way Donald can win is to cheat.’ “Donald has never been in this place before where there’s nobody to buy him out. He’s desperate, he’s flailing—there’s literally nothing he can do legitimately except to watch this play out helplessly.” Anderson Cooper said, “That is the president of the United States [“pathetic”]. That is the most powerful person in the world, and we see him like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over, but just hasn’t accepted it and he wants to take everyone down with him, including this country.” Mary Trump went on to say, “This wasn’t just Donald obfuscating or lying. This was an attempted coup. The leader of a country trying desperately to delegitimizing an election. It’s obscene, and somebody’s got to step in and try to stop it.” “And he is not going to get beyond that, and it’s going to be a very dangerous couple of months” [following the final vote count all the way through to January 20th.] The Cretin cried foul claiming mail-in ballots, wherever he was trailing, as fake votes, as corrupted ballots, because typically Democrats voted by mail-in ballot; but where he was leading he wasn’t crying foul and wanted the ballot count to continue. Hey Stupid, make up your mind!! You can’t have it both ways. The law says every vote is to be counted, like it or not.
One can say that Dumb-Dumb Donnie is coming totally unglued. Even is combover is falling out on the right side of his head. One can now see through the combover to his pink scalp. This election cycle has done a job on his metabolic system. It could have been all the fake Trump Virus drugs he was taking, too. No matter what, Trump cannot handle losing.
The Moron-in-Chief is threatening to run again, if he loses, in 2024, but this complete idiot is so brain dysfunctional that he has not figured out that he will not be found innocent when he gets indicted by the State of New York and the Manhattan district attorneys for tax fraud, loan fraud, and the list is too long to mention. This idiot will be very likely tied up in court for a few years before sentencing. And there is possible federal crimes, if he doesn’t pardon himself, and if Biden’s attorney general chooses to indict him. Let’s hope that a Grand Jury will be assembled to investigate Trump’s crimes against the nation, to include BillyBob Barr.
As Jimmy Kimmel so beautifully stated in his monologue (see it here), that nearly half the country was completely fine with a criminal president. A guy who cheated, lied, and committed impeachable acts, along with being an abuser against women, and more than likely a rapist and pedophile was just a fine person to represent them in the White House. It is dumbfounding that they supported a sociopath. This country is crawling with Cretin lovers. And then there is Junior, Donald’s Dumb-Dumb son, who apparently has a lot of time on his hands, said we will “go to war over this election to expose all of the fraud, cheating, dead/no longer in state voters, that has been going on for far too long.” Junkhead Junior doesn’t seem to understand that The Cretin is the very person obstructing and cheating a complete and legitimate vote count. Now, he and BillyBob Barr are threatening to bring in the guns—armed federal agents to supervise vote counts. Is Trump and Barr turning the country into a Banana Republic? One has to ask if what Junior is saying could be considered treason. Is he calling for an armed insurrection against Biden and Democrats? Is he encouraging others to commit domestic terrorist acts against other Americans because their cult leader has been defeated at the polls? If so, he should be held accountable.
It’s shocking that Biden isn’t winning by bigger margins. So many Americans have given up their critical thinking capabilities and free will over to a dangerous propagandist, and have allowed themselves to believe the propagandist arm of Trump—Fox News.
Because of chattering threats heard by law enforcement in Washington, D.C. another fence was installed to protect the orange animal inside calling himself president. A cage of his own doing. The zookeepers surrounding The Cretin want to keep the viewers from throwing stuff at him, such as soiled MAGA hats. So down in the bunker he goes along with his wife Melania—Ava Braun—Trump.
When you watch The Cretin stand before a microphone as he read his fake news acceptance speech on election night, he clearly showed through his body language that he was about to lie. It was demonstrated in his postural adjustments. He began his lies by cocking his shoulders first to the right, and then to the left before he launched a series of lies. This is his unconscious demonic schtick.
This country is so full of fake Christians who stood behind a moral-mortal sinner, they now are drowning in a cesspool with their fellow sinners, who, too, voted for Trump. They are so afraid of democracy, freedom for all, equality for all, as they attach their souls to a fascist, and a Nazi, and White Supremacist.
Trump and his family are deeply embedded in Neo-Nazism-fascism that they can never pretend not to be card carrying members. Donnie Junior has had his photo taken with Neo-Nazi organizers. The Cretin has surrounded himself with Neo-Nazis and White Nationalist characters, such as Steve Bannon, Rudy ‘Ghouliani’, Roger Stone, Darren Beattie, his former speech writer, Fred Fleitz, and others. Several of these actors are avid Twitter users, whereby their threads are tracked and their followers traced.
Bannon’s former boss and founder of Breitbart, billionaire Robert Mercer, are connected to Trump.
There are self-hating Jews who are part of this Neo-fascist network, such as Emma Jo Morris and Matthew Tyrmand. They got their hairs all up in a tizzy with this fake story surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop harddrive discoveries. Several of these fascist play school childish adults were rubbing their hands together in glee as they fabricated fake news stories ranging from Pizzagate [Hillary Clinton’s alleged child sex ring located in the basement of a pizza shop] to Hunter Biden’s laptop and framing it as proof that we must change the fabric of America from a democracy to fascism with Donald J. Trump as the leader. When on-line they give each other a symbolic Hitler salute—“888”. These play school Cretins use code words in their Tweets as a way to communicate their Hitlerian message to one another. They are also connected to Russian fascists, as well. They congregate at conferences and group events where Donnie Jr. had been photographed with them.
If one was to do a diagram with Steve Bannon and Emma-Jo Morris as key figures directing this virtual play school of filth, one would enter many scary people branching off from their center forming tentacles similar to that of an octopus. Bannon, a White Supremacist and lover of Nazism, has podcast where he invites many of these people to spew their beliefs. He allowed Rudy Guiliani to spew his right-wing, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews and their money. Rudy also appeared on Putin’s Russian state T.V.—RT, calling Hunter Biden a “bag man” for his father, and their involvement in child abuse. This is what fascist propaganda looks like!
There is a long list of neo-Nazis who surround the Trump family of grifters. Emma Jo Morris is a reporter at the New York Post, a publication that invites neo-Nazis to write for them and Gabrielle Fonrouge is a colleague of Morris’ who also works at the NY Post. They use a website called Venmo, along with Twitter, to spew their hate and conspiracy theories and to connect with other freaks in their special virtual play school group. Venmo is where neo-Nazis come to gather and together rub their Swastikas in glee. Morris is connected to the Proud Boys and their founder, Gavin McInnes. She is also connected to a far-right site called Center for Security Policy (CSP)—an anti-Muslim, anti-Iranian think tank. Another cretin named Frank Gaffney, is a big shot Brownshirt at CSP, and used to work for Ronald Reagan. Fred Fleitz, is another pinhead at CSP, and a high ranking pig inside Trump’s National Security Council. He also worked at Newsmax media, a Trump sucking publication. CSP once held a large gala at Mar-A-Lago to show support for Trump and plot misinformation strategies. They would use those strategies to blitz out their imaginary conspiracies and propaganda memes to the Trump automatons watching and listening to various media outlets. One such piece of crap was that the Black Lives Matter organization was going to launch a coup-d’tat against Trump. This was suspected to be a coordinated effort to release propaganda directed by the Kremlin.
Another New York Post cretin and Breitbart friend of Steve Bannon is Peter Schweizer, who was involved with the fake Hunter Biden news story. Another Breitbart slim ball is Jared Taylor, a known White Supremacist, who began spreading propaganda about an invasion plot by jihadists to attack America. The fact is that the jihadis they are afraid of is a myth. The real jihadists in America are these neo-Nazis and Trump White Nationalists, to include the Proud Boys.
These Trump insiders, such as Warren Beattie, and Gaffney, were connected to pro-Russian White Supremacists. And then there is Roger Stone, another White Supremacist with ties to Bannon and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. We must include Steven Miller, and BillyBob Barr two sidekicks of Trump.
The Breitbart publication has been a link to many of these neo-Nazis working on the sidelines for Trump. Raheem Kassam and British racist politician, Enoch Powell are also tied to Breitbart. Another British neo-Nazi and Breitbart fan is Milo Yiannopoulos.
Emma Jo Morris is tied to all these characters. She loves to spread far-right propaganda and didn’t care whose propaganda she vomits up, such as what Ian Miles Cheong, a White Supremacist from Malaysia, has written. Mike Mahoney, another storyteller, who had written a neo-Nazi terrorist novel also fantasized about such stuff.
Believe it or not, there are a couple of self-hating Jews as members of this virtual sandbox of filth. One being Emma Jo Morris, who Tweeted negative stuff about a Rosh Hashanah event she attended. Apparently, she loves being around these dirty bag anti-Semites. One such guy is Lucian Wintrich, along with being an anti-Semite, he hated people of color.
Steve Bannon’s podcast producer, Vish Burra, is a fan of Peter Thiel, a billionaire venture capitalist and co-founder of PayPal, and right-wing Trump flunky Matt Gaetz, a Congressman from Florida. Burra rose to the top of the scum by becoming the Vice President of the New York Young Republicans Club, which attracted neo-Nazi lovers, such as Chadwick Moore, and Raheem Kassam. Gavin Wax played in the club’s mud holes, too. He also hitched his fascist wagon to Lego Nord, an Italian far-right group with ties to Russian oil oligarchs. Gavin Wax wanted to be a part of America’s fascist movement, along with another Gavin—Gavin McInnes, a Canadian neo-Nazi/fascist and founder of the Proud Boys, who caused problems and violence at Black Lives Matter protests. Trump rallied for the Proud Boys in his speeches. He called them up to be ready for his call to action.
This group neo-Nazis pretending to be adults while behaving like spoiled children gets even more macabre when one adds the Q’Anoners, who are a big fan of the Kremlin. A political wannabe, Lauren Witzke from Delaware and a voice of Q’Anon, is trying to find her way into the Senate.
Now it gets even darker! Jack Posobiec, a pal of Roger Stone, has been connected to anti-Semitic and Holocaust deniers. Trump often retweeted the bullshit spewed by this jerk. Donnie junior rubbed his dirty elbows with this guy, too. One must assume that Junior supports this anti-Semitic propaganda. Morris loved to constantly retweet Posobiec’s neo-Nazi sputum over and over again. The Kremlin loves this guy. He now works for One America News (OAN), which gives Rudy ‘Ghouliani’ a platform. Trump often talks about investing in this anti-Semitic, and very likely a Russian asset, broadcasting organization, which is even more far-right than Fox News. And, Fox News is currently Trump’s state television network.
Bannon and Posoliec are good pals. Both these idiots are Breitbart contributors. See how Breitbart is in the center of this neo-Nazi cult.
Now we bring in a deadbeat from the past, James O’Keefe, who has financial ties to Trump. This stooge is a founder of Project Veritas, a far-right group that engages in poorly orchestrated sabotage and cartoonish spy craft techniques against individuals. He is sort of like a badly created and incompetent mashup of political Borats punking on political figures. He takes the video footage of these “attacks” and then broadcasts it over the Internet. O’Keefe has ties to Thiel and Breitbart’s founder Robert Mercer.
Tyrmand, a fascist and self-hating Jew, spews anti-Semitic opinions. One of his pals is Canadian White Supremacist, and Nationalist Stefan Molyneux, who is attracted to neo-fascism and Nazism. He was addicted to the Hunter Biden fantasy story along with other members of Morris’s virtual sandbox of nutcases, whose entire world is to create imaginary and hateful propagandistic garbage on behalf of the Trumps, White Nationalists, neo-fascists, Nazis, the Kremlin, and Q’Anon losers. To read the entire story about these dangerous people, click it here.
What we are witnessing is a plot against our democracy. We are witnessing this plot against our democracy coming from the very top of our government, filtering on down through the legislative branch, spilling into the judicial system, then trickling into the dirty little hands of people involved with the spread of propaganda attacking those who are not part of the rise of White Supremacy and neo-Nazism. This is all tied to Trump and the Kremlin.
This isn’t solely Trump’s fault. He is byproduct of Republican hate and racism, as well as government obstructionism. This all began with Reagan, on through The Project for a New American Century, The Tea Party Movement, Newt Gingrich, Rightwing think tanks and PACs, as well as some of Richard Nixon’s loyalists, such as Roger Stone, on into media outlets, such as, Breitbart, OAN, The New York Post, and Fox News. It formed into what this blogspot terms—the Republi-Q-Canon Party, and American ties to the Kremlin, such Donald Trump, who is a Russian Idiot Asset [As Malcolm Nance described in his book, “The Plot To Destroy Democracy”]. They have turned the minds of nearly half of Americans into automaton zombies, taking away their free will and critical thinking skills. Trump has won a great many counties horribly stricken by the Trump Virus, yet they voted for him and against their own self interests. That tells us all just how warped and dysfunctional a large number of Americans have become no matter how smart or successful they might happen to be. The idea that their White Identity and imaginary White privilege is being taken away from them by Democrats. They are incredibly afraid of changes outside their control. The country is moving faster than they can handle. They want it taken back in the days of Mayberry, Andy Griffith and Barney Fiff, where the police took care of minor problems, and everyone got along because White Identity was the rule of law.
One likely reason why Pennsylvania had so many Trump votes was because of fracking and oil production. So many out-of-state people work in and around natural gas and oil. They are afraid of being downsized due to the volatility of this industry. They are fearful of the continued rise in solar and wind, as these two renewable energy resources become more and more relevant in our society. They are afraid of more black and brown people out numbering them in the census counts. Trump and his vile army of dangerous losers apparently are trying to create an apartheid in America, as once was a part of South Africa.
We can be grateful that this coup isn’t working. It looks like Biden will pull off a presidential win. So many people can take a breath, and stop planning a relocation to another country.
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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