Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
The Lincoln Project and Mark Hamill Team Up
Mary Trump, Dumb-Dumb Donnie’s niece, knows first hand that her mentally ill uncle should be removed from the White House!! The Cretin said, “I love Texas” and “I saw nothing wrong” in response to his Nazi-like Brownshirt caravan attempted to run the Biden/Harris tour bus off the road. Mary Trump called him “vile”. She knows that Devil Donnie will cheat, steal, threaten, cause violence to win-at-any-cost. “He knows he can’t win legitimately.” How true. He is threatening to shut down ballot counting after the election polling sites close. In fact, in 2016 we didn’t know the final tally until the that Friday! Trump is a desperate Nazi! If he loses, he MUST be removed from office soon after the final determination is clear. Let The Putz, formerly known as Pence, step in for the last two months of the presidency. This would be Putz’s only chance in his life to sit at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office wearing his big-boy pants officiating over big-boy duties, such as who gets to sharpen all the pencils.
If Trump doesn’t leave or is allowed to stay, we might find him hiring some of Putin’s boys to take some empty positions as he begins firing people that have pissed him off. Maybe that is what Dr. Scotty-Beam Me Up- Atlas was doing behind the scenes with the interview he gave RT—Russia Today, Russian state T.V., their version of Fox News, which is Trump’s state T.V. RT is registered as a foreign agent, and an arm of Putin’s propaganda media distribution network. Atlas was doing some spewing on RT that mask wearing was infective. He said there was a lack of evidence surrounding the safety and protection face masks with reducing the spread of the Trump Virus. Would you trust this former neuroradiologist and complete moron to read your radiological images with any degree of accuracy? We must ask many questions about this Trump White House and one would be is Atlas a Russian Idiot Agent? There are several of these Russian Idiot Assets, and willing Russian Assets, such as Rudy Ghouliani, roaming the halls of the West Wing.
Another question we need to ask is about this character, Eugene Zerlo, who happened to get his fingers into a big pile of cash, $65M, siphoned through government channels via Rick Santorum, a partner is Zerlo’s business called Plasma Technologies, LLC. This business is operating out of Zerlo’s South Carolina luxury condo and does not have an office with a research and manufacturing facility, which is supposed to be figuring out how to use plasma to combat the horrible effects of the Trump Virus. Santorum was brought on as a partner because he said he had a direct line to Trump. For years now, this company has produced absolutely nothing!! Is it a scam operation? Has Santorum been duped or was he a willing asset? Is there any there-there?
Dr. Robert Kadlec, a senior Trump appointee at the Department of Health and Human Services, apparently was duped by Santorum, as well. Santorum is a scumbag from Pennsylvania and was a two-term Senator but was finally defeated after being exposed for actually not being a resident of Pennsylvania, but a resident of Virginia. This devote Christian was just another moral sinner lying about where he actually lived to his voters. Now, he is an idiot guest commentator on CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s show where Anderson refers to this has-been Senator as “Senator”. What a bunch of garbage, Anderson. You should know better. That would be like you calling Joe Biden, “Vice President Biden”. You don’t! You refer to him as former Vice President. So give up the senator crap when addressing this fool who goes by the name Rickie Santorum.
Plasma Technologies licensed its system to a Dallas-based company back in 2014, but after a few years, the agreement was dissolved because there was no there-there. In July, the company’s documents crossed the desk of the Defense Department’s Steven Morani, who was drawn to the plasma-based therapy. Nothing happened. How could anyone invest in a company that has nothing to show for it. Oh, that reminds us of another scammer.
This apparent con smells very much like the infamous con-artist, Elizabeth Holmes, who ended up being indicted for fraud as a scammer and fraudster. Her trial is set for March, 2021. She started Theranos, a lab testing company, which she claimed created miracles. Is Zerlos another Holmes?
Over the these last four years, and especially over this past year, we have witnessed Trump suffering from Derangement Syndrome, as does his entire family, and appears to be getting worse. He has been working very hard at gathering up his thugs and Brownshirts to steal the election. He keeps complaining that Biden will steal the election, but all the evidence is pointing directly at The Cretin and his efforts to tamper with the vote count, election sites, and the ballots, as well as intimidate voters.
If he loses, he will not go quietly. He will very likely do a great deal of damage during the subsequent two months. This government should not let it happen. They need to let this moron go so he can prepare for his legal defense, where he will be fighting possible serious jail time; otherwise, he will remain a cancer upon this nation. He will continue to stir up fears and hate from his White Cult members, who feel their White identity and White power becoming less important and disappearing over the coming years.
“Trump’s ineptitude and erratic behavior also shaped the trajectory of the country. He seemed incapable of reading a brief and of having foresight that extended beyond tomorrow. He had no desire to actually do the job of president and vindictive toward civil servants who were doing theirs, meaning much of the government was hollowed out under his watch. He didn’t feel a responsibility to citizens of states that did not vote for him. And now we are seeing just how irrationally he would act in a crisis, even when his actions hurt his own political interests. He refused to treat the coronavirus as a real risk, and now the country is in its third wave of infections and has suffered more that 19 percent of the world’s fatalities, even though it makes up only 4 percent of the world’s population.” (Read the source here.)
The Trump Stain will not be bleached out of the fabric of the country even when he is defeated. There are too many Republi-Q-Canon Party members who will spread the stain, but hopefully more bleach will be poured on those people’s efforts in order to dilute the stain they are trying spread across the nation.
If Trump cannot accept a legitimate election, which will declare Biden the winner, there is a strong and powerful network being mobilized to call a nationwide general strike. This is being organized by organized labor. If Trump’s army of thugs and Brownshirts engage in election intimidation, election interruptions, violence or chaos, this strike will be mobilized after November 4. There will be big rallies organized to protest a Trump coup orchestrated by the orange Halloween vigilante living in the White House. If Trump defies our democracy, there will be actions of protest throughout the country.
“We will be in contact with people on the 4th to say whether it’s a go or not,” said one member of Protect The Results, and co-founder, Sarah Dohl of Indivisible, the anti-Trump resistance organization. “If Trump is the clear winner on election Night or keeps uncharacteristically quiet” the group will hold back and watch.
Protect The Results will watch for signs, such as:
1. Trump declares himself the winner while the results remain unclear.
2. Election officials find unexplained irregularities or signs of tampering.
3. Trump loses but won’t leave office [on January 20, 2021].
The delusional right-wing believes Biden will orchestrate a coup. If that isn’t the biggest fantasy, then it clearly illustrates just how mentally unstable these Trumpster Dumpsters have become in these final days.
Here is link discussing why blood clots in Trump Virus patients are developing as they do.
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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