Saturday, November 28, 2020

Trump Continues To Tantrum

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

This is real. It was set up in front of Trump's Scotland Golf Course

   Trump continues to be stomping his feet like a child who had a birthday party where none of his classmates showed up. Only his family were there. Auntie Trumpster and Creepy Clara.

   He is angry over the fact that he lost the election and he is having a hissy fit over it. “I know Biden didn’t get 80M votes” when he has yet to prove it or that there was “massive voter fraud.” It’s a “massive mistake” for the Electoral College to cast their 306 votes for Biden. Trump goes to say, “This race is far from over.” So Donald, on what grounds? What proof? What facts? We aren’t playing the game Clue here. The fraud you are claiming is committed by you. So, what “mistake” is there? Show us!

   This imbecile has said that if it weren’t for his decisive action, the vaccine makers would not be moving as quickly as they are even though he repeatedly claimed the virus was a hoax. This statement shows he understood the seriousness of the virus while, at the same time, made sure his supporters ignored its dangers. “Don’t let him [Biden] take credit, because the vaccines were me, and I pushed people harder than they’ve been pushed before.” More from the imbecile’s fantasy swirling in his tiny little mind. The vaccine/pharma companies totally understood the dangers of this virus just by seeing the infection rate climb, hospitalizations smother frontline workers, and deaths climb worldwide. It had nothing to do with Tee-Off Trump who believed it was a hoax and convinced his followers that it was one. That is why we are in this horrible state of 100,000 infection rates per day.

   But the backlash is rising. Venture capitalist Fred Eshelman is suing Trump for the return of his donation of $2.5M!!! What a fool! That donation was like inviting the fox into the henhouse. How can someone so rich be so stupid? He is suing because Trump used his donation to pursue false voter fraud allegations. The donation was contingent on how the money was to be spent. He was then promised he would be informed as the money was spent. It didn’t happen that way. He felt he was wronged when Trump decided to pursue weak and utter foolhardy legal challenges against Democratic ballots casted for Biden in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin (Milwaukee’s recount added over 130 more ballots going for Biden), and Georgia. The group “True the Vote” has taken Eshelman’s donation and directed it to these lame pursuits. He demanded they return his money. They refused so he had to file a lawsuit against them. No doubt, they spent the money and part of it went to paying idiot lawyers, such as Sleazy Sidney Powell, and Rudy Ghoolie Guiliani.

   Q’Anon’s love child, Sidney—She’s “Kraken” Up—Powell totally embraces conspiracy theories on behalf of her fantasy main squeeze- Donald Trump. Now that she has gone rogue and has been cut loose from the Trump legal team, she continues to try and give cover to the rabid Donald Dog. The Kraken is a gigantic sea monster from Scandinavian folklore that rises up from the ocean to devour its enemies. Now there is a movement called “Release The Kraken”—release the evidence of this made-up massive election fraud conspiracy. Maybe once Melania leaves Donald for her boyfriend, Sidney will make a move for Donald. 

   Trump has not agreed to leave the White House after the Electoral College gives Biden the votes he needs to win but there will be no concession. Of course, Baby Trump just cannot suck it up and admit more than 7 million Americans really don’t like his ass! Nick Visser writes, 

   The president said he wouldn’t comment on his attendance at any inauguration event on Jan. 20, adding: “I know the answer to that, but I don’t want to say it yet.” When pressed by reporters, Trump said that he would leave the White House in January. “Certainly I will. … Certainly I will, and you know that,” Trump said before adding, “There will be a lot of things happening between now and January 20th, a lot of things.” What is Trump talking about? Sitting at his tiny desk in the White House daycare center, where Trump plays with his action figure toys of Putin and Lil’Kim, and has his gold leaf coated sleeping cot for his rest time, he held his press conference.

    He chewed out a reporter who asked him a question about his plans about conceding, he said, “I am the president of the United States. Don’t talk to the president that way.” Trump cannot handle reasonable questions asked of him, which causes him to get testy and angry.

   There will be a lot of things happening between now and January 20. What is he talking about? Is he going to call for an uprising by his zombie automatons? Will he attack Iran? Israel allegedly already assassinated Iran’s most senior nuclear scientists in a drive-by shooting. No doubt, Trump was consulted ahead of time. 

   The Supreme Court fascist majority ruled against common sense. The fascist majority apparently doesn’t care about front line workers at our hospitals who are already on the edge of sanity. They are overwhelmed by the number of Trump Virus patients they are working to keep alive. The Supremes blocked a ruling that would restrict religious organizations and centers from restricting their activities and numbers of occupants. Phony Coney Barrett stepped up to the plate and hit her vote into the face of public safety and public health. 

   Trump is a total disgrace. He doesn’t care about the Trump Viral spread. Now the editorial page of The Washington Post has said Trump is a “total disgrace”, as well. They were referring to the pardon of Michael Flynn, a traitor to the country. He was tied and in cahoots with fascist foreign leaders and kept it quiet when he agreed to take positions inside the White House. He concealed being a traitor and now he was pardoned by America’s two-bit crime boss living in the White House.

   Trump has ordered one of his crime syndicate lieutenants, Stevie—Munchkin—Mnunchin to transfer nearly one-half a trillion dollars from the coronavirus relief fund, which would be used to help suffering working class Americans to pay their heat bills, rent bills, food bills this coming Winter. Mnunchin is a sick and horrible pervert to punish working class people this way because Trump wants to damage Biden’s presidency. Stevie has been told to transfer this money into the general fund, which could be difficult to reallocate back into the coronavirus relief fund. This is open sabotage. Mnuchin, along with Barr, and others, should be investigated once he is back on the street after January 20. 

   This Blogspot has had other Blogspots in the past. One other was that reported on Lil’Boy Bush when he was president. Another was the nitwit awards. The Nitwit Awards will be resurrected as 2020 comes to a close. There will a first, second and third place winner for the year. Stay tuned for those awards.

                     White House Clean-Up

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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