Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
Everything that doesn’t go Trump’s own way he calls a hoax. It began with the actual small crowd at his inauguration, which he claimed had millions of his supporters present. Then came the impeachment, which he declared a giant, YUUGE hoax. He ended up impeached but not removed from office because of his cowardly Senate locksteppers. Next the Trump Virus was a massive hoax, and a plot to destroy him, which he said was started by the Democrats. The real hoax is Donald Trump himself. A grifter, liar, cheat, sociopath, swindlers, and the personification of a hoax--a self-described billionaire businessman. Now finally, he is calling the 2020 election as one big hoax because he lost by the same amount of Electoral Votes as he won in 2016. He feels he won by even bigger margins. All the states where Biden won, Trump is challenging those votes. He is not challenging those votes in states where he was declared the winner. Of course not. The hoax is Donald Trump. The hoax is the Republican Party, which has transformed itself into a barrel full of hoaxes spread by Q’Anon, Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN Network, along with a slew of Internet sites full of conspiratorial hoaxes. The reality of this election is that Trump is the actual perpetrator of election fraud. Anyone with a clear mind and an understanding of facts knows this. Trump continues to want to falsify election results in districts where Biden won in hopes to stall the ratification of the state election results. He is hoping to pressure the Electoral College delegates to switch their allegiance from the state's decided popular vote win for Biden and send their votes to Trump. This is Trump’s delusional fantasy based in fear of a prison sentence and the loss of his wealth. I'm sorry Donald, you can't put lipstick on your pig. It will always be a pig no matter what you try to make up.
Mary Trump believes Trump must be held accountable for the deaths resulting from the Trump Virus. The Cretin has “blood on his hands.” As he “sulks” while the virus rages. His attention is now directed to further deregulate environmental rules for drilling, the disruption to bird migration, and more. He was so vocal about wind turbines, but in fact, he hates birds. He doesn’t care if they get injured and killed just because they are birds. He only likes to eat them with fries and the special sauce. So the hell with birds as pollinators and seed distributors, as well as a part of nature’s beauty.
Trump’s coup clown club, Lindsey Graham-Cracker, Rudy Sweat Hog Ghouliani and the Fox freaks must also be held accountable. Graham needs to be investigated by the Senate for his vote count interference; and, Ghouliani needs to be investigated by the State of New York law licensure board.
Lindsey Graham-Cracker has committed felony election fraud by interfering in Georgia’s election count. The business markets are getting sick and tired of all this Republican chaos. Here are the two laws broken by Graham:
1) ‘soliciting requesting, commanding or imputing or otherwise attempting to cause anyone to commit election fraud;
2) ‘attempts to interfere with an electoral official’s performance of any act or duty.’
These are the crimes committed by Graham. They are serious and Georgia needs to charge him in spite of him being a Senator.
Republican-Q’Anon Party governors, such as those of North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Iowa have failed to protect their citizens from the Trump Virus because the listened to their cult leader. Now Alabama is spiking, as well. These states, per capita, have the worst outbreaks in the country and have placed hospitals at a critical breaking point. These pro-Trump ReCons are the most incompetent governors when faced with a dire crisis. They aren’t any different than their cult leader who walks away from all dire crises. S.E. Cupp nails it here.
Attorney’s who have a relationship with Trump have called out Ghouliani’s voter fraud pursuit as bogus. They call Rudy “Sticky Hands” and that he has “been unable to pursue a shred of evidence concerning the alleged voter fraud he swears happened…” Trump keeps tweeting in all capital, “and I won the election. Voter fraud all over the country!” “This is a rigged election.” What Trump and Rudy Ghouliani are doing is fighting election results in only majority Black cities and counties, and doing nothing in locations where Trump won. More racist attacks by Trump by Black voters.
Trump is loading his lame duck pond with two more fascists. One being Jason Richwine who regularly said that Mexican and Latino immigrants were dumb. He has been a think tank floating turd. The other is Darren Beattie who had speaking ties to White Nationalists. Dr. Richwine has been targeted for a position on the Commission for Preservation of American Heritage Abroad. This fascist would have a permanent 3-year term and unable to be removed by Biden. This is one strategy Trump is using. He is putting fascists in positions in hopes to sabotage Biden's agenda. Beattie is a self-hating Jew with ties to anti-Semitic groups and White Nationalist/Supremacists. He loves these people!!! He spoke at the H.L. Menchen Club, an alt-right group whose core belief is that “White Identity” is at risk of further attack. He has been pals with Nick Fuentes who has been linked to neo-Nazis, and is a big shot in the far-right “AMERICA FIRST", a mantra used by Trump for four years, that rallies against Jews and non-Whites. Fuentes is a Holocaust denier, and promotes an anti-Semitic self-help manifesto called “Bronze Age Mindset.” The CEO of Bend the Arc: Jewish Action is appalled by Beattie’s recommended appointed. If people cannot see that Trump has been dog whistling Nazis and fascists, then they are choosing to look the other way.
These two are now joining Trump’s list of fascists, Nazis, and White Supremacists that encircle him. They will fall in lockstep with Trump’s number one Nazi and self-hating Jew, Stephen Miller, an Adolf Eichmann uncanny look alike and embodiment, the mastermind behind placing kids, and their parents in caged concentration camps. He separated the kids from their parents, and now there is around 850 kids that cannot be located.
To further illustrate Trump as a murderer, 900 staff members of the Mayo Clinic network in the Midwest have come down with the Trump Virus. The spread has not been linked to the hospital but to community spread. The number amounts to 30% of Mayo Clinic employees placing a horrible burden on their ability to care for patients. The national numbers of infection and deaths from COVID are skyrocketing while Trump hunkers down in his bunker.
Here is a really excellent link comparing other causes of death against the Trump Virus, such as car accidents, cancer, stroke, and heart attacks. Just click on those buttons and you will see the comparisons.
Now the financial sector is worried about a major market collapse. In this link, JPMorgan expresses their worries and defines how it could happen. Michael Cembalest of JPMorgan spoke of a “remote risk of an American horror story.” “Post-election chaos would of course rattle markets, which famously hate uncertainty.”
Donald Trump is doing his best to destroy democracy. John Avlon of CNN asks, “Which side are you on?” He asks, are you drinking the conspiracy theory Kool-Aid dished up fresh from Trump’s keg tap. Jenna Ellis, before she hitched her lawyer wagon to Trump’s team, said out loud that Trump was an “idiot” and didn’t care on bit about his supporters. She called Trump “disgusting, not a Christian, unethical, corrupt, lying criminal dirt bag.” Now she has changed her tune, no doubt, because she loves Trump’s campaign cash flowing into her pockets. She now says that The Cretin is “a sincere Christian, the best president in modern history.” She, too, must be a White Supremacist and fascist!
It has come to a war against democracy and Democrats. We must never vote for a Republican-Q’Anon (Republi-Q-Canon) Party candidate ever again. They are allowing Trump to fire bomb our country, freedom and democracy. They have lined up behind him even though he will be mowed down on January 20, 2021. These Republi-Q-Canons are ignoring facts and reality but rather have chosen to believe in lies and ridiculous fantasies, along with conspiracies. They are traitors and are behind a failing authoritarian Coup Attempt (discussed in Lisa Feldman Barrett’s talks and book, and mentioned in a previous blog posting). Trump and Pence have committed treason, along with their legislative allies. They are encouraging their ReCon Senate hacks, like Senator Johnson, to spend Senate time on Trump Virus treatments that don't work. They love hydroxychloroquine because it is cheap, even though it doesn't work on this virus. They should be in prison. They all should be in prison. They stand behind two murderers--Trump and Pence, who have done everything they could to allow this virus to run wild throughout the nation.
The Putz, formerly known as Pence, said that “not a day goes by that I haven’t thought personally about families that lost loved ones” to the Trump-Pence Virus!! The backlash has been YUUGE! This moron only thought about it but failed to act to change the deadly trajectory. Thoughts are not enough. It is like thinking about being President -For- A- Day, but not actually doing it by enacting the 25th Amendment to kick Trump’s ass out on the street.
And then there is Randie Paul who said that Trump Virus survivors no longer need to wear masks. This moron is a creepy doctor who apparently doesn’t believe in the oath he took to “do no harm”. His failing brain cannot remember that those people who recovered from the virus could catch it again and the side effects that could materialize months later could weaken their immune systems for the rest of their lives! His sidekick Eric Trump are proclaiming that that Rudy Ghouliani is about to takedown “dirtbags”. But Ignorant Eric hasn’t woken up to the reality that the dirtbags are actually the members of his very own Trump KKKlan and his fellow fascist Brownshirts in government. Dirtbag Eric hasn’t figured out that he will likely end up facing a New York judge along with his father and siblings.
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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