Thursday, November 12, 2020

Trump's New Theme Song, "Burning Down The House"

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow


   Trump is a flailing, deposed, clownish dictator resembling a beached whale unable to return to the water for safety and life. He reconstructed a form of his once used Birther conspiracy theory into his now election fraud theory, which will be his new mantra until his death. In spite of several down ballot Republi-Q-Canon Party candidates winning, Trump says how come he wasn’t chosen along with those party candidates? Well Donnie, they just weren’t into you anymore. He believes that his votes were undercounted without any proof. He is proceeding with lawsuits using his fascist BillyBob Barr to assist him. Trump is failing to understand that more than likely those voters who once voted for him in 2016 changed and voted for Biden causing him to believe his votes were uncounted.

   The clueless Cretins in the Trump grifter KKKlan said they had no idea their father was so hated by so many Americans. They have no idea just how hated they are, as well!!. This KKKlan of Cretins are closer to Hitler than they are to over 50% of Americans who believe in democracy and the rule of law.

   We have Pompous Pompeo saying that “there will be a smooth transition for a Trump second term.” This other beached whale trying to stay relevant in a tide keeping him from returning to the sea, is trying to save himself from getting fired and attacked by his boss. Instead of demonstrating any degree of integrity and humanity, this evangelical screw-up is willing to go down with the ship’s captain.

   The White House, via Ivanka, has declared that the Trump Virus is gone. Ivanka has now become our pandemic expert. WOW! She is amazing! She bought the book, “Pandemic For Dummies” and has transformed herself into an expert. Who knew that was all it takes. This is what is happening inside the dictator’s dungeon. Pandering to the Putin Poodle is what his circle of cretins are engaged in. And then there is Idiot Eric Trump.

   Even Melania is keeping her mouth shut and parrots her Donnie poodle. No doubt, she is jumping for joy knowing her “transactional agreement” with Donald is coming to an end. No one wants to do an intervention. They will just destroy the country over the next 60some days. They are all afraid to say, “Donald, You are done!” Melania is just waiting to leap into her lover’s arms after January 20, 2021. Before Trump ran for the presidency in 2016, she had a post-pre-nuptial document drafted and signed. In that agreement, Barron now gets a piece of Trump’s overall wealth. Well, it appears that that wealth is about to evaporate. It is clear that Trump is virtually cash poor. His wealth is tied up in properties. He is basically broke. So Bannon, good luck getting any cash for your future.

   Trump is now pleading with his 49% to give him money. He is claiming that his reelection fund is going to be used for his plan to litigate his false claims of voter fraud and to launch a future presidential bid, but in the fine print of his request it says that any money received could be used for his personal use and to pay down his massive debt, such as what he owes to the IRS in the form of back taxes due, and fees and penalties. He is asking for $68 million. This is what this grifter living in the White House does. He cons people out of their money.

   Trump is doing an O.J. or a Bill Cosby, as he asks for money to pay for his future legal defense fund. This grifter will be standing trial for tax fraud, insurance fraud, and bank fraud, and possible money laundering in one court room and in another for rape against E. Jean Carroll, who accused him of raping her in a department store dressing room during a fashion event. He may use some of that cash donated by his deplorable suckers to get a tailored orange jumpsuit to wear while serving time at Riker’s Island prison.

   No wonder no one wants to rattle Trump’s cage about losing the election because he is now beginning to start his rampage of firings. Esper is the first domino to fall. We are hearing from intelligence and military experts that Trump is destabilizing our country to possible attacks or retaliations against the country setting Biden up for a YUUGE problem, which could deflect attention away from solving the Trump Virus pandemic problem, but instead dealing with a military or cyber attack against us. 

   Biden needs to be very cautious as he begins to replace a stupid, incompetent dictator who achieved to create a vertical autocratic hierarchy. Biden must begin to quell the 70% of White hateful Trump supporters from rising up, which is part of the defined autocratic dictatorial process, he must begin to improve the lives of all working class Americans; otherwise, the next Republi-Q-Canon Party presidential candidate will be charismatic, intelligent, persuasive and also a Nazi in sheep’s clothing. If that happens, then the autocratic hierarchy process will be more dug in. Biden needs to bring Florida over to his side, especially Cubans who are fearful of Communist-style socialism. He needs to teach them that social-democracy already exists in this country, as well as in other democracies around the world; and, it works for everyone. We have socialism in the form of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Disability Insurance, Veteran’s affairs services, patents, government, police, fire, municipal, teacher pensions, government grants, bailouts, subsidies, CARES Act, farm aid, etc.

   49% of Americans have been sold a basket full of propaganda disseminated by fascist leaning media outlets, such as Fox News, OAN network, the New York Post, just to name three Republican/Q’Anon brainwashing services. Then comes Zuckerberg’s Facebook, Twitter, podcasts, and other Internet sites.

   Trump’s behavior is just more of the same. He is a small-minded man-child engaged in a playground bully tantrum because his ball was taken away from him. So now, he is retaliating by chasing and attacking all the other kids around the playground throwing anything and everything he can pick up from the ground. Sociopaths cannot tolerate losing. His grief stages could be to deny, resist, retaliate, and then withdraw. Michael Cohen, his former business fixer, believes that come Christmas, The Cretin will head to Mar-A-Lago only to never return to the White House again. No doubt, before this happens, he is scouring the place for stuff to steal: crystal, silver, pictures, nic-nacs, and the like. Psychopaths like their trophies. 

   As the Trump Virus rages full speed ahead, worse than anytime since it began, he is playing golf. During his time at the White House, Trump has spent more than 411 visits to his golf courses and clubs, and played golf over 200 times. Remember when he criticized Obama for the times he played golf? Nothing compares to The Cretin’s time off from his job. Now he is missing in action and is hanging out in his bunker ruminating over his loss. 

   We now have over 10.4 million overall cases. 1300 deaths per day. Over 240,000 total deaths. Over 100,000 cases per DAY!! Rural South Dakota, a state ruled by a virus denier, is now getting hit. Oklahoma, California, Texas, Nevada, and other states are seeing their ICU hospital units getting filled up. This is all because of Trump. But as Ivanka says, the virus is over. The burden suffered by our doctors and nurses and other staff members involved in caring for Trump Virus patients is the fault of Trump, as well as his voters. They are to blame.

   This administration is the most negligent in American history, and Trump’s legacy will show it as the books get written. It will show that Pence, Pompeo, Barr, and those in the Congress, such as Graham, Gaetz, Rick Scott, and McConnell are among the worst politicians in history. Retired General Wesley Clark said Trump has made the United States vulnerable to attacks by foreign actors that could destabilize our defenses and possibly our intelligence capabilities. All these idiots in Trump’s circle are complicit to this vulnerability by encourage Trump to keep proceeding with the delusional belief that he will have a second term. Instead of enacting the 25th Amendment to stop him from doing serious damage to the nation, they keep feeding his ego. This illustrates that a deposed fascist dictator flailing before his exile is a danger to the nation. The Putz, formerly known as Pence, is equally at fault of failure and incompetence by ignoring how dangerous to the country Trump has become to all of us. This is his legacy, as well. Barr will also go down in history as a fool, who has been Trump’s Hans Frank, Hitler’s attorney representing the Third Reich. In protest, a DOJ prosecutor, Richard Pilger, resigned because he saw that Barr was not acting independently of Trump and pandering to Trump’s delusional election fraud conspiracy theory. Pilger was the director of elections crime division in the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section. He witnessed how Barr was subverting the 40-year Non-Interference Policy for ballot fraud investigations. His resignation is a stunning rebuke of Barr’s corruption. So much for BillyBob being a devout Christian! You are the worst kind of sinner. Hans Frank would be proud of you. The Weasel, also know as Moscow Mitch McConnell, is a mouthpiece for Trump by encouraging him to continue his resistance to the legitimacy of the election results because he is so desperately trying to hold onto power of the Senate as Georgia awaits a January 8, 2021 senate election runoff. By crawling into Trump’s lap, and licking his face, he stays on his good side deflecting any possible humiliating attacks tossed at him. Trump is so freaked out over losing the election and the damaging repercussions heading toward him that no one wants to ruffle his feathers. Trump is refusing to pack up his action figure toys, and Space Force jammies, while ignoring his duty to help Biden with his transition team; therefore, all he has is to continue his tantrums.

   We are learning that Cretin Junior, and his freaky girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle are planning an attempt to take over the RNC leadership by deposing the existing hierarchy in order to prepare for a 2024 presidential election bid. This would give him access to free cash for the base. Junior would move ahead with his fascist agenda clearly proving that the Republican Party no longer exists, and has been transformed into a Republican-Q-Canon Party, as this Blogspot has been editorializing for a long time.

   Masha Gessen, author of the book “Surviving Autocracy”, and political scientist expert, who worked in Russia and knew Vladimir Putin, discusses Trump’s autocratic dictatorship and what he has done to begin to destroy our democracy but creating his fascism. She says that there was no Pre-Trump normalcy but it has been brewing for at least, the past 20 years following 9/11 and the erosion of our sense of security.  This fear of losing our personal sense and national sense of security; therefore, 49% of Americans falsely believed Trump’s lie that he and only he can make them secure and safe. That lie allowed him to gain their support. He said that he will make them safe and secure if they are willing to give up their freedoms. This false promise allowed him to use force against Americans and immigrants and to capture greater militarized and oppressive power, but it didn’t actually make his followers more secure and safe. Trump has been able to brainwash a large part of the population to follow him in spite of his lies, failures, and incompetence. This is what is called an Autocratic Attempt, which is the first step to solidifying an autocratic dictatorship. The fact is the nation’s communities became less safe and less secure. Most families became less safe and secure as jobs began and continue to disappear. And, as the Trump Virus inflicts its infectiousness upon the people. And then the greatest disaster of the pandemic brought about less security and safety over our society, communities, neighborhoods, and homes because of Trump’s incompetence and failure to get the Trump Virus under control. This illustrated that his only purpose had been to capture more and more power over the country. Gessen understands the correlation between Putin and Trump. Listen to her Youtube interview here on Surviving Autocracy. It is fantastic.

   Unless Biden address Trump’s ability to create an Autocratic Attempt upon our democracy and people, then his presidency will ultimately fail no matter how much good he does. According to Gessen, Biden must begin to dismantle the structures that allowed Trump to attempt an Autocratic Attempt. He has his work cut out for him. He should hire Masha Gessen as an important consultant to his presidency.

Here is Masha Gessen’s speech titled “The Trump-Putin Connect”.

On a positive note, here is a young man with Down's Syndrome who completed the Iron Man competition. Bravo Chris!!

 When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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