Thursday, November 26, 2020

Turkey Trump Sings The Blues

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

   Turkey Donnie trotted out during a press conference today to tell us that “the stock market hit 30,000 for the very first time. It’s a sacred number. Never before. That was YUUGE. No one thought. Very big. Amazing.” He failed to tell us that the Trump Virus infections hit an all-time high of 12.4 million. That number he didn’t want to talk about.

   Dumb-Dumb Donnie is finished. He is done. Turkey Donnie is all but fully cooked. But he is saying, “It isn’t over ’til I say it’s over.” But he keeps sing the blues.

   Here are a couple of tunes:

        I Can’t Quit You Baby (Led Zepplin)


       I can't quit you baby

       So I'm gonna put you down for awhile

       I said I can't quit you baby

       I guess I gotta put you down for awhile

       I Can’t Quit (Colton Dixon)

       If I'm being honest

       I'm thinking of turning off the lights

      Throw in the towel and

      And going back to my old life

   Now that Evil Donnie and his Maniacal Melania are planning to celebrate Festivis at the White House with a big, super-spreader gala for Christmas. Here is a song by Three Dog Night that the guests will be singing 14 days following the YUUGE final party.

       Mama Told Me Not To Come

                       Mama told me not to come

       Mama told me not to come

       She said, that ain't the way to have fun, son

       That ain't the way to have fun, son

   Donnie you are like a cake that has been in the oven way too long. But Donnie, the voters have now been certified. Vladimir can now begin the arduous process of disinfecting and fumigating your hotel suite. Melania’s begun stashing White House goodies in her U-Haul boxes. She’s thinking ‘Nobody will miss this or miss that.’

   Emily Murphy, Trump’s lackey at the Government Services Administration who jumped when told to finally approved funding to Biden’s transition team. She said, “…I came to my decision independently…” but Dumb-Dumb Donnie stepped out in front and took credit for the decision. Of course, he can’t be the understudy. He is always the leading man. Trump uselessly tweeted, “…fight, and I believe we will prevail.” Captain Trump, while knee deep in sea water, says to his crew as they float off in the lifeboats, “It will be full steam ahead!” His inane and ridiculous lawsuits against state certifications will not magically convince Electoral College delegates to turn their state’s popular vote for Biden over to him.

   Trump’s delusional ineptness caused him to say,  "I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done…” She already to you, Donnie, you had nothing to do with her independent decision. 

   As he Idiot First Family moves ahead with full Christmas decor, and plans for her final good-bye party before heading to Mar-A-Lago, where they got the zone code changed allowing them to live there full-time, while the nation is blanketed with the spreading of the Trump Virus. State leaders are pleading with their citizens to act responsibly and do whatever they can to “STOP THE SPREAD”. 83,000 more people just began their hospitalization as a result of Trump’s deadly virus.  HECKUVA JOB DONNIE! The country is heading toward a partial lockdown, depending on specific infection rates. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the biggest Canadian city, is now in lockdown for two weeks.

   Trump’s favored states, such as the two Dakotas, filled with his stupid, and foolhardy supporters don’t care if they infect each other. “If Melania can go without a mask when facing her staff, then why should I wear one at all.” “It’s a hoax.”

   Some of these governors actually believe that their Republic-Q-Canon Snowflake psychophants (you can also call them bootlickers) will follow public and comply with health guidelines. That would be the only way to stop the spread as the nation needs a several more months to roll out widespread access to a vaccine.

   The NAACP is going after Trump in the courts knowing that Trump’s actions are motivated by hate and racism. They are suing over his position of baseless claims of election fraud lawsuits in Black counties that voted against him. The NAACP filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court located in Washington, D.C. claiming that Trump is violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which “protects against efforts to intimidate or coerce officials to disenfranchise Black voters.” They claim that Trump used his power to pressure Wayne County (Detroit) officials from certifying votes over less than 400 votes that are in question, in spite of Biden winning the city of Detroit, the county and the state by 140,000 votes, which is a margin considerably larger than the one he had won over Hillary Clinton in 2016 that went uncontested.

   Sherrilyn Infill, president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund said, “The president’s use of dog whistles to suggest the illegitimacy of votes cast by Black voters in Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Atlanta are an appeal to a dangerous and corrosive radicalized narrative of voter fraud.” “[T]actics repeat the worst abuses in our nation’s history…”

   Even as The Cretin’s attempt to hold onto power for an illegitimate second term, he keeps drowning in a bathtub of his own making. Taken from a saying by Grover Norquist over a decade ago describing the size of government, “…we can drown it in the bathtub.” Now it is happening to Trump.

   Trump's legal attempt headed by Rudy Ghouliani went to meet with the Pennsylvania Republi-Q-Canon Party driven by two PA fascist representatives Kelly and Parcell who sued and got a positive verdict from Trump's appointed district judge of less than one year on the bench in the Gettysburg area of PA, to recount votes. But, when Trump heard that it was big failure because Governor Wolf had already assigned the 20 PA electorates for Biden following an official certification of the Biden/Trump results in favor of Biden, the day before the judge's order, The Cretin decided to stay in the White House bunker's daycare center. What has ended up is a recount for all the PA down ballot winners of House seats, which many are Republican winners. Maybe this recount will overturn some or even one of these RECON winners. Wouldn't that be poetic justice.

   Trump’s fisted White Power salute, which he does all the time for the cameras, is about to come to an end. His “Authoritarian Attempt” to build his White Power Party is now over, and his salute will no longer be a fisted upward pump, but will end up drooping down to the floor as he drags it along the jail cell cement.  

   The rage by White men especially is that they feel disenfranchised and damaged in spite of their overall majority in the population. This White Identity Crisis is really insane. White men have been in control of power of this country since its inception; but, come the next ten years, they will really have something to cry about when the White population will end up being a minority in the United States. This White Authoritarian Rage is not going away. It will continue to whirl like a micro-burst tornado tossing out of its core candidates that will bring this rage onto the political stage spewing hate, racism, bigoted, fascist dogma in order to spin fear in the White, and especially the evangelical and Christian populations, unless Biden can quiet the tensions with a nation that will experience prosperity and better health for all, and illustrate that socialism, even as we have known it for decades, is not a dirty word. 

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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