Sunday, November 1, 2020

Trump Does Moron Really, Really Well

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

                          This is Trump's Wall Of Lies--23,000!

   Hitler learned from Julius Streicher “techniques of porn and anti-Semitic propaganda are very similar as both subjects.” “Objectification of Jews enabled people to feel hatred toward them.” “…Hitler attempted to use Propaganda as a way to control people’s consciousness and mind.” “Goebbels [Hitler’s Director of Propaganda] wrote in his diary, “No one can say your propaganda is too rough, too mean, these are not critical by which it may be characterized. It ought not be decent nor ought it be gentle or soft or humble: it ought to lead to success.”

   Trump follows these principles each and everyday of his life. He does this while in the White House. Melania Trump does this, as well. Jared and Ivanka follow these principles. BillyBob Barr, Mike-da’Putz-Pence, and his entire cabinet adhere to these principles, too. Many in the Congress march to these orders as they fall right behind their cult leader. The Cretin does this on the campaign trail and at his rallies. He is now lying and attacking the doctors treating Trump Virus patients who are suffering on ventilators and risk dying without a single family member by their side. He is claiming that the doctors and nurses are exploiting the deaths from his deadly virus to charge the insurance companies more in order to make a few extra dollars by documenting that all deaths in the hospital that cannot be explained are as a result of COVID. The Cretin says at is rallies to his fearful “Snowflakes” in attendance, “Everybody dies of COVID.”Trump speaks ‘Moron’ very well!!

   Trump’s followers believe that they are losing their White identity in a multicultural country and they are duped into believing that Trump will save them from their fears and anger. They are willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for tyrannical rule, which will rescue their disappearing White superiority, and White pride, i.e. Nationalism.

   He is using the techniques taught by Goebbels and Hitler to gain the support of his fearful and angry cult followers. He lies for votes. He has brainwashed his automatons at the rallies.

   Trump has exploited his position in the White House to steal taxpayer cash from the Treasury by abusing the Hatch Act, along with his little Cretins—Jared and Ivanka. Trump allowed the virus to run roughshod over the nation and its healthcare systems, as he blames our first responders, once called heroes, who risk their lives, selflessly, to save others. Has Trump EVER, EVER acted selflessly in his life?

   He has brainwashed his followers to believe the pandemic is over, while the viral cases surge creating a second wave. Now he is convincing his followers that the doctors are no longer considered heroes, but users!

   Trump is creating a facsimile of Hitler Youth among his supporters! How can this be acceptable? Trump should be removed from office immediately under the 25th amendment—win or lose the election. His ’stupid’ is dangerous. His White grievance “snowflakes”, who are afraid of wearing masks, are whining over their delusional fears that they can no longer live in Ozzie and Harriet’s 1950’s world portrayed in a television series in the 1960s. He has brainwashed his White grieving cult followers to ignore doctors, ignore hospitals, and ignore the virus. He has manipulated his followers for the sole reason of getting their full and unbridled attention.  His only motivation for his rallies is to perform before an audience and once the show is over, he boards his safe and luxurious Marine One or Air Force One plane, while his audience of elbow to elbow “snowflakes” are left in the lurches. Since the Trumpie Zombies must park a distance away from the Trump stage, they must board buses and get transported to the venue site. When the gig is over, they supposed to get transported back to their cars by the same buses, but once again, the buses don’t show up. The Trump campaign is so disorganized that the buses don’t show up leaving people standing in 33 degree temperatures wondering what to do. So, they end up walking up to three miles in crowds down the roads to their cars. Trump doesn’t care about his automaton zombies who cheered and clapped at his lies. It has been roughly analyzed that around 700 people have died from being maskless at Trump rallies, and crowded on bus rides. Around 130,000 have contracted his big, beautiful, YUUGE virus. The world laughs at this tyrannical buffoon, but we worry about a possible second term.

   He has been a grifter his entire life and is attracted to other grifters. One such grifter is Eugene Zurlo, from South Carolina, who conned the Moron-in-Chief into being given $65M of taxpayer dollars to fund a non-existent plasma company, which only lives in his condo. There is no manufacturing site, office, staff, research facility or operational team of scientists. It’s a likely con by a fellow grifter! Oh, how Trump loves grifters.

   Another grifter, who is close to Trump, is chief of staff, and former congressman, Mark Meadows. When Meadows was a North Carolina congressman, he stole from his campaign fund to buy tens of thousands of dollars of stuff for his personal use, such as gourmet cupcakes, club visits, Trump Hotel stays, jewelry, and other stuff. Now he is being investigated by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington because a watchdog group has filed a complaint against him. He is a member of the Trump Liars Club. He lied claiming he graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor’s degree, but he never earned one. He did earn a two-year associate’s degree. His work history amounted to owning Aunt D’s restaurant. He sold it to engage in buying and selling houses and a 134 acre piece of property. His “Highlands Property” business doesn’t seem to be anything but in name-only. This must be why Trump hired this grifter to be his chief-of-staff.

   What Trump supporters are hoping for is more of the same dysfunctional administration hires. They are voting for a Three Stooge’s style fascist government created to serve Trump and his family, along with his Market Leninist donors. What these White Supremacists living in the suburbs and rural communities have ignored is that they are drawn to Trump because of their own weaknesses and despair. These people are often angry, depressed, addicted to various substances, unhappy in their lives, feeling stuck and trapped so they follow a lying and cheating grifter who has brainwashed them into believing he will preserve their White purity, as Hitler promised to his fair-haired Germans, who feared the dark-haired and culturally different people living among them.

   Trump is no better than Hitler!!! He is using the same playbook; the same techniques and methodologies. In the process, Trump riles up their disdain for truth and facts. He tells them to not believe in doctors, nurses, scientists, the dangerous virus, social programs, which they already benefit from, a collapsing economy, and their disappearing jobs. 

   This is America today. We are a devolving nation. The rest of the world is evolving but the United States is rotting out from the inside because of people who are afraid of losing their White privilege and identity. They fear that their Christian beliefs, which they have abandoned by supporting a mortal/moral sinner, will disappear. The Cretin scares his zombies into believing that Biden will create an imaginary billboard reading, ‘Bye-bye Christmas, graduations, Easter, and birthdays.’ As more people identify as secular in their beliefs, and become disillusioned with religion, these so-called religious people stand firm on their soapbox of fragile religious beliefs, by aligning alongside a disgusting, vile, and anti-Christian person acting the role of president. This is why Biden must win.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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