Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Every Single Trump Supporter And Voter Needs To Be Held Accountable!

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

                                           Hail To Putin

   It is time we lay a full court blame at the feet of the worst among us, such as The Republican-Q’Anon Party, along with the far-right religious fanatics, which includes crazy Evangelicals, who laugh during an indoor event at the dangers of the virus and those far-right Orthodox Jews who hold large wedding events in the face of a deadly virus. These are the despicables in our country. They don’t care one bit that our first responding doctors, nurses, peripheral staffers, ambulance staffers and others are working endless hours without sleep or downtime, and are suffering from weakened immune systems and PTSD must endure their selfishness, and self-absorbed attitudes toward the wellbeing of the nation. They are only about themselves. Giving the middle finger to all Americans working hard at adhering to the infectious disease expert rules and guidelines. These selfish deplorables only care about themselves and their fun. These are the worst among us, and they don’t care. They adhere to the fake news, instead of real, and factual news. They don’t care that their lived ones are getting sick because of their behavior. And many just can’t admit that after they catch the deadly virus, and end up in the ICU, that they actually have the Trump Virus and plead with the medical staff to tell them the truth and find out what other thing infected them.  They don’t care that they are the very reason why the Trump Virus is raging wildly. Over 11 million Americans have suffered with the virus, and the death toll rises to 180,000. Now we have Dr. Atlas, a Trump stooge, and traitor to conquering the virus, calls for a rebellion against Governor Whitmer’s tightening up Michigan’s state infection rules of social gatherings. 

   Lil’Boy Bush started an Endless War in the Middle East with absolutely no lasting success. Afghanistan is a disaster. Iraq is a disaster. And now, another Republican, namely Donald—

Dumb-ster—Trump started another war, a domestic war, by allowing a virus to kill, maim, debilitate, and destroy human lives and an economy that employed those lives. 

   Every single Trump supporter and voter is to blame. There should be no forgiveness until each and everyone of them gives some sort of meaningful penitence over the next four years!! They need to serve some sort of public sentence. They are the ones who allowed Trump to declare war against all of us. In just 10 months, The Cretin living in the White House has bombed this nation with a deadly virus, which has even penetrated his enclave. This man and all his fascist cowards are to blame and need to be held accountable for it. A hands-off special counsel and grand jury might be one suggestion. Every neighbor, relative, friend, co-workers must also be held accountable for supporting and voting for this fascist warmonger who tried to rot this nation from the inside out. His Fascist Attempt was squashed, but unless a day of reckoning is declared and major reformation play is enacted by the reasonable people within the Republican and Democratic Parties, another devil in sheep’s clothing will rise to power, such as Nikki Haley, or Marco Rubio, or The Putz, formerly known as Pence, or another.

   On February 7, 2017, Trump said, “My responsibility is to keep America safe.” “I will never forget that my responsibility is to keep you—the American people—safe…”

   While The “Kofefe” Cretin sulks, lies, and plays golf, the Trump Virus rages on. On February 7, he lied to Americans. His intention was never to keep us safe. He allowed the virus of his own doing to infect 10.5 million people (and rising) and kill at a rate of outrageous proportions. Now, his Putz, formerly known as Pence is vacationing while acting——it’s only an acting job for him——as the head of The Trump Virus Task Force, in Florida.

   Mary Trump has nailed her uncle for being a pouting, sulking, crybaby loser. She said that Donald’s father saw that losing was never an option and losing was the worst type of character trait a person can have. Now, his son has become “The Biggest Loser” ever. The Cretin knows it and has been humiliated. She said in the past, he avoided losing by buying his way out of the situation, or by bullying himself to victory. This time, he cannot do either with this current loss. His fake lawsuits and election ballot challenges will only further bring shame because the election results will likely give Biden more votes and a bigger spread defeating Trump’s purpose. Trump is so desperate following his law firm walking out on him that he brings on Da’Rudy Ghouliani as his vote challenge attorney.

   Mary Trump believes The Cretin will not run again in spite of calling for a blustery re-match in 2024 for fear of losing again, which he could not face. She further added that the “Orange Crush-ed” will be drowning in lawsuits (one rape charge) and submerged in his own defense due to state and local indictments. She further reiterated that Ivanka, Eric, and Junior may likely be holding onto to life rafts as they, too, may be indicted for insurance fraud, tax fraud, business fraud, and bank fraud, along with possible money-laundering through The Trump Organization’s business practices. It is possible that the Trump Organization’s brains behind the operation, those who are not related to the brain damaged crime family, will give testimony if given protection from prosecution. They will likely spill the crimes all over the floor.

   It maybe time to dump Supreme Court Samuel Alito for his outrageous remarks that state COVID restrictions are horrible and that same-sex marriage legalization was wrong. Impeach this jerk. He doesn’t belong on the court.

I guess Alito is blind to the fact that the Trump Virus has reached a daily infectious rate of 180,000 per day, and rising, overwhelming hospitals and staff. Apparently, Alito is just as self-absorbed as Trump. This moron lives in an ultra-rightwing fanatically religious bubble. Another fact about COVID is that 20% of COVID patients end up suffering with a form of mental illness side effects 90 days post recovery! State restrictions are needed. These side effects are just one of many that can be deadly or debilitating.

   Trump has millions of automatons, some in the courts, while most are drinking their morning Clorox cocktail before getting into their Floridian gated community golf carts wearing MAGA hats. He has made these supporters actually less safe and less secure. Go figure!

   Desperately Dumb-Dumb Donnie continues to fire people in his cabinet departments because they aren’t fascist and vile enough for those positions. We are learning that his new hires are hateful, racist, bigoted horrible men one could have ever dug out of a dung pile.  By doing this, The Cretin boosts his YUUGELY damaged ego giving the impression he is still a viable tough guy. Trump now has hired a few more school yard bullies to stand with for the remainder of his 60-some more days before escorted out or when he abandons all his duties around Christmas time.

   On the Saturday following Friday the 13th, Trump’s—‘I’ve got nothin’ to do on Saturday’—automatons made it to D.C.’s Peace Plaza to declare war against the other side, and for a ‘pre-good-bye-to Donald’ rally. They are all so sad to know that a daily list of vile, perverted and ignorant lies will be coming to an end. They are whining that 

they’ll no longer hear about “The Wall”, rapist Mexicans, kids in cages, racial tensions, the fake China Virus, COVID COVID COVID, a flood of fake tweets and fake news stories, the delusional affirmation boasting of the best economy in history, the self convincing of his brilliance and wonderful horrible use of the English language, and his ability to create brand new words, such as Cofefe.

   This gathering was the final good-bye and a sad reminder that they will no longer find themselves purchasing such rally collectables as Trump’s red MAGA hats and Space Force Jammies or bikini briefs. What a bummer!

   What will people do with all this extra time on their hands? They will flock to propaganda sites, such as Rebekah Mercer’s latest social media on-line platform called Parler, where conspiracies can be hatched and explode like a bad case of diarrhea. Mercer is the spoiled child of her billionaire father, another rightwing freak, who financially backed Breitbart “News”. She and her father are just another member of “The Earth Is Flat” mentally deranged billionaire society. Thousands of pitiful Trump zombies can now feast on conspiracy carcasses laid out on Parler, or chomp on the bones thrown to them on OAN— the T.V. site, or, Newsmax, or other fascist oriented platforms.

   But without Trump fueling the fires, only embers will be left for them to covet. They can commiserate over Trump’s stolen loss. “Save the Steal!” But in fact, Democrats and sensible Americans are calling for our nation to “save the steal” from Trump!

   David Frum wrote, “The anti-Trump vote exceeded the pro-Trump vote by almost 3 million in 2016, by nearly 9 million in 2018, and by 5 million and counting in 2020.” “ Trumpism minus Trump has no idea how to shrink the gender gap among voters, no idea how to appeal to the college-educated, no message for the suburbs except more and noisier racism, nothing that can speak to the productive centers of the new American economy.” “As the idea of bypassing the college-educated, the suburbs, and the great majority of American women so that the party can reinvent itself as “multi-ethnic, multi-racial working class coalition,” in Rubio’s words-how can that fantasy come to life? The GOP has no coherent policy on health insurance or college-tuition costs. Trump appeals to less-educated voters in part via his seething loathing of experts.” “He can only feel smart only be dismissing everybody else as dumb…” “…Trump meant it.” “Trumpism is the political equivalent of losing money on every sale but hoping to make up the loss on volume. The harder you try, the worse you do.”

   Trump has been spending his days doing nothing, like usual, but complaining, whining, and tantruming. He is like a school yard kid throwing a fit in the classroom by turning over desks and chairs, while tossing books and papers everywhere. He actually believes that the Electoral College state delegates will ignore Biden’s popular vote wins and go rogue by casting their votes for Trump ignoring Biden’s defined lead in those states. Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. Trump is truly insane. This delusional psychopath’s unconscious mind is screaming loudly inside his tiny brain, “be afraid Donnie, be afraid Donnie; you are now going to prison, and just maybe your kids, too!!!” “You are a loser and your conman, grifter act is over and done with.”

     To the tune of “Matchmaker”——

     Crybaby, Crybaby loser man,

     Give me a pardon as fast as you can,

     Find me a judge who will toss me a break,

     And, find me a spot on FOX.

   A final note on the culpability of Trump supporters. If a person decides to join a group of friends who decide to rob a convenience story in the middle of the night and they ask you to drive them to the store; and, you stay in the car ready to drive them off, but the robbery goes bad and one of the criminals pulls a gun and shoots and kills the clerk behind the counter, the driver even though he did not pull the trigger or even know that a gun was brought to the robbery, can be tried in court as an accomplice to the murder and the robbery.

   This is exactly the same with Trump supporters and voters. They are culpable to the murderous crime committed by Donald J. Trump by ignoring and avoiding the necessary actions to put an end to the spread of the Trump Virus from the first day it killed one of us, on through this very moment.

   These Trump voters must be held accountable. If you decide to break off your relationships with people in your circle who supported, defended, and voted for Trump, then you have every right to send them on their way. They are accomplices to the rising tide of COVID illnesses, long lasting serious side effects, and deaths in lonely isolation. The verdict is guilt of the crime. And the sentence is to either make serious amends and penitence, in order to be forgiven with honor, or tell them that you wish them no harm, but that you will no longer associate with them.

   You have every right to break off such relationships in this way. Don Lemon and others have spoken about having to end their relationships with Trumpsters. It is unfortunate that it has come to this, but it should and must be done.

   It is time to vote "NeverTrump" as TurdTrumpies run for any and all government positions from this day forward. It is very clear that every single vote counts!!!! We all matter. We all must vote. Enough of these religious cultists, such as Jehoviah Witnesses, who take government services, but decline to vote saying, "God will take care of me." What a bunch of garbage. We are providing such people with services that come out of our taxes. Not God. God is serving your soul and well-being. We all are providing you with Social Security, Food Stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, police, fire, ambulances, and a long list of other programs.

   This is how we end the steal!!

   Here are some links on newly discovered side effects resulting from COVID and signs indicating you already had COVID. A sign of COVID. COVID and Vitamin D.

   Here is a link from a South Dakota nurse who cannot believe that some of her patients, as they lay dying in the hospital still say the Trump Virus isn’t real and that the doctors need to really find out what is killing them. How sad. Trump did this.

   Here some links to Lisa Feldman Barrett, a neuroscientist on creating totalitarianism, and on counterintuitive ideas on how the brain works. It is the mainframe for the body’s functions, and not just for thinking about stuff.

Link one. 

Link two. 

A YouTube link. 

Another YouTube link. 


                  Brilliant Video

 When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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