Friday, May 1, 2020

Government Projections-- 100,000 American Death By The End Of May

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

   The Third White House Moron from Outer Space, also known as The Third of the Three Stooges of Pennsylvania Ave. has pretended to demonstrate intelligence, competence and common sense his entire life. Creepy COVID Kushner has become Donnie’s double dumb-dumb. An odd type of a doppelganger. He and his imbecilic con man father-in-law are very similar. They have both shown to be a bad businessmen making horrible decisions time and time again.
   What’s even scarier is that he is the physical twin of one of Hitler’s Nazi officers. This archival photo is uncanny to Jared Kushner.

   You can read a piece detailing Kushner’s life of incompetence HERE.  

If it wasn’t for his daddy’s money, Kushner would be a nobody. Once again, just like the Devil Donnie, Creepy Kushner had to have his daddy give him the money to become nothing more than a “Slumdog Millionaire”.
   One author wrote that Kushner is more like Donnie Jr. than Trump’s own son---Donnie Jr. .Kushner upstages Trump’s own sons.
   Now Devil Donnie is muscling Saudi Arabia to pump more oil, in spite of the price of oil dropping into negative territory; otherwise, he will end military support for the country. That sounds like extortion. Not much different than his actions toward Ukraine.
   What is the goal? To push oil prices even lower, will produce an even larger supply causing a glut, and nowhere to store the stuff. What will this accomplish? Clearly, Dumb-Dumb Donnie is drinking too many Lysol Lattes, which is causing a serious mental collapse.

   The Cretin’s administration is trying to distract from the Trump Virus pandemic that swept throughout the country. They are trying to figure out how they can blame China for the worldwide viral outbreak. A pandemic can begin anywhere because climate change problems can play a role in the origin.
   The White House is projecting 100,000 to 240,000 total deaths by the end of May or soon beyond. On April 16, the U.S. hit 4,591 deaths in a single day.

     Is this really “Mission Accomplished”?...
        As Jared Kushner believes?

   Creepy COVID Kushner said that the government’s aggressive plan to solve the pandemic was a “success story”. Kushner needs to stop drinking those Lysol Lattes, too!!

   If you have not been following Nick Cordero’s COVID19 traumatic life threatening experience, then here are some facts. He became ill with the virus. He had breathing issues and was admitted to the hospital. He then suffered leg blood clotting and had to have a leg amputation. Now his lungs are being destroyed from the virus. His lungs look like those of a heavy smoker. He never smoked. His lungs are breaking down. They are filled with holes. Cordero, a Broadway actor, is not doing well at the age of 41. His wife and new baby are optimistic about his recovery. Let us all hope so.
   12 year old Jennifer Daly had COVID19. She suffered a heart attack because of the infection. The doctors had to perform CPR to bring her back to life. She went to the emergency room for abdominal pain. She was ventilated for 4 days, and was sedated. She has now recovered. Now that is a personal success story.

   This deadly and infectious virus is very sophisticated. It can cause inflammation everywhere and anywhere in the body. It can also hide in the body disguising itself as a benign protein molecule until it decides to become an infectious COVID19 protein molecule and attacking the body as it multiplies into millions of molecules. Just like other viruses it can hide in the body until it becomes active.

   As this is going on, there is a big uprising at occurring at Walmart stores. One uprising has to do with workers feeling they need to strike because the corporation is not looking out for their health and safety as frontline, essential workers. Amazon is also experiencing an uprising for the same reasons.
   But there is another uprising happening at Walmart stores. Shoppers are having trouble following those one-way aisle floor stickers directing shoppers to travel only one way down an aisle to allow for social distancing; this is angering many of them because they don’t want to obey or are confused by these directional restrictions. No doubt, too many Walmart shoppers have a problem following simple directions, let alone more complicated directions. Many stores require face masks to enter, but once inside they end up wearing their masks around their chins exposing noses and mouths. They, like Mike Pence, have trouble understanding how to wear a face mask.

This was the model that Mike Pence was following. 

   We are hearing that Moscow Mitch is also drinking too many Lysol Lattes. Now he is showing further signs of brain cell breakdown. He said he doesn’t want to burden future generations because of these bailout relief funds, which were intended for their parents, grandparents, and their workplaces. If he was so concerned, then why did he support the 2017 massive tax cuts given mostly to the 1% and their major corporations? And, why did he allow major cash rich corporations to Hoover-up billions of dollars through the CARES ACT? Moscow Mitch is so full of hot air that he needs to be tied down; otherwise, he will float back up into outer space.

   The Death Cult GOP is a sick and damaging political party. They care much less for people and more about rewarding their contributors and the biggest corporations.

   This should be a test for Walmart shoppers to pick the correct picture illustrating the proper way to wear a face mask before allowed in the store.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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