Friday, May 22, 2020

100,000 COVID U.S. Deaths By The End Of May--The Trump Virus

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   Nancy Pelosi basically asked The Cretin, “Where’s the money—stupid?” The stimulus checks promised to all Americans are nowhere in sight to millions. Now Speaker Pelosi is using her grit and power to stand over Trump “who is like a little boy with poop on his shoes.” She wants to know exactly the what, when and how Trump screwed up the response to the Trump Virus pandemic and how they have been managing the $2T economic rescue law. She will assemble a new select committee that will have the ability to subpoena the administration to investigate their incompetence.
   This committee is making Moron Mnunchin, Treasury Secretary, nervous. No one has been checking on his “missing in action” time in the office. Trump has been firing any Treasury Inspector General who investigates The Cretin’s bad decisions. And then there is Pompous Pompeo and his wife, who by the way has a cushy office alongside her husband in the White House. WHY? They have been instructing their staff to do their daily household duties for them, paid for by the taxpayer, with Dictator Donnie’s approval.
   Trump is now questioning whether he will physically attend the upcoming G-7 meeting. He’s mulling over having it at the White House. What is he worried about? He is supposedly sucking down hydroxychloroquine tablets, along with zinc, with a big glass of his special Lysol latte to stave off the Trump Virus. He is afraid that the world leaders would be worried if he brings in his new pet potato. He is now focused on potatoes.
   Trump says he is America’s cheerleader with his red MEGA hat and red Putin time shaking his fat, short fingers chanting, “Make America Die Again”, while people like Andrew Cuomo are on the field making the plays work in order to win against the Trump Virus.
   Trump bullshits his answer when asked by a reporter, which was what would our recovery look like if he had implemented the pandemic guidelines back in January or February, which had been done in South Korea when both countries diagnosed their first COVID patients on the same day? South Korea implemented their pandemic plan immediately controlling the outbreak. They have had 11,000 cases and 264 deaths, to date. 
Devil Donnie bloviated about what he thought was “maybe my biggest decision” to cut incoming travelers from China into the U.S. THIS was his biggest decision while occupying the Oval Office? Is he kidding? He failed to say that he had allowed several exceptions to that very specific travel ban.
   He failed, again, to answer the question, which was more about early use of testing, quarantine, lock-down, contact tracing and more and not a travel ban. Trump is not capable of doing two, three, or four things at the same time, let alone stay focused on a question asked of him. He doesn’t know how to answer, either. A full travel ban might have been effective, along with the implementation of a pandemic preparedness plan, but he didn’t do that. He had to back away from the answer by handing it off to Dr. Butthead Birx to cover for him.
   “Confidence Interval” is what Birx was saying. HUH? Straight talk lady. The country doesn’t need Birx Speak in order to answer a simple question. “We really can’t really answer your question until we get antibody testing” was her answer after all the mumbo jumbo. What bullshit, Birx! She cannot answer that question, either.  If there was a virus in the early days, there would be no need for a mitigation plan, was part of her answer. What crap!! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the virus was beginning to build momentum in January and February. And, antibody tests cannot be relied on to be accurate. Those 13 sailors on the U.S.S. Roosevelt, which had a COVID outbreak, had antibodies after catching the Trump Virus, but still got the virus a second time! Birx is so far up Trump’s Rump (A TRUMPIE RUMPIE) that she can smell the spray tan. She has become an embarrassment.
   South Korea, Iceland, Hong Kong and other countries started testing in January, even before their first cases or thereafter in order to get ahead of the obvious coming outbreak. Trump didn’t care!! He didn’t care. He wanted people to die.
   It is not clear what The Cretin’s medical team or advisors are telling him about a second Trump Virus outbreak. He said that the country will not shutdown again. Maybe it’s the Lysol lattes or the hydroxychloroquine, but he doesn’t seem to remember that the state’s stay-at-home orders are not his call. The governors make that decision and not Trump. Also, it all boils down to the consumer. If you decide to not go to restaurants, movies, stores, putt-putt golf, or absolutely anywhere, then the economy shuts down in spite of what Death Cult Donnie hopes for.
   Apparently, he wants more deaths. He is telling his base, “It’s the economy, stupid!! And, you are the sacrificial lamb for our open economy.” But, what Dumb-Dumb doesn’t understand because of his small, simple and dysfunctional brain is that if the consumer is nervous, apprehensive, or scared to go places because of additional viral outbreaks, then the economy will tank in spite of Trump’s plan to “open at any cost”.
   Trump is just a very stupid incompetent. He cannot escape it. He has no idea what the heck he is doing and saying. This is why Pelosi’s plan to investigate is essential.

If you want to learn how people die from COVID19, and the complications surrounding the deaths, watch this video.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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