Saturday, May 30, 2020

America Is Burning While Trump Tweets Hate

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   The crybaby, whining Republican White Nationalists are unable to make a simple, basic adjustment to their lives by wearing a mask in public and keeping a minimum of a six foot distance between others. These lemmings would jump off a cliff if Trump asked them to do so. It’s Monkey See, Monkey Do.
   It is so strange to see government pensioners with “Make America Great Again” signs in their windows. These morons are supporting a person who would love to see local and city and county pensions to get squeezed or eliminated. These idiots can actually thank their Democratic government legislators and officials for maintaining these pensions when times get tough. It is a Democrat who is looking out for these morons with the signs.
    If the Death Cult followers of Dumb-Dumb Donnie cannot make the above simple personal adjustments, then when they are called on to make another serious sacrifice for the country they will likely run to their favorite hiding places as did Trump who fled to his golf course, or maybe he will hide deep in the White House's underground bunker. During the Washington, DC protests, Trump ran to the underground bunker to hide from the mess he created. The nation is spiraling into chaos because he failed to calm those who were hurting from the Mr. Floyd murder at the hands of a cop. 

   The Republican who could make a patriotic sacrifice for the country doesn’t exist any longer. They disappeared a long time ago. They have no national pride. Only self pride. Narcissistic pride.

Bone Spur Donnie, who salutes the flag, surrounds himself in the White House with a YUGGE number of flags, more than anytime before, salutes soldiers and flies in Air Force 1, yet has never in his entire life made a single sacrifice. And he flaunts this fact that he NEVER needed to make a sacrifice. He is too big for that action; and now, the whining, crybaby White Nationalist party members in government and state houses and in the public realm are imitating the behavior of their leader, which is totally narcissistically and without duty to country. Haven’t we had enough of this already? As we move beyond 100,000 innocent deaths, and nearly 40 million unemployed working class people as the Trump Virus digs its heels into the country, we have the Death Cult party calling for more harm.
   The Trump Virus is singing,

 This land is your land, this land is my land from California to the New York Highlands, from the Redwood Forests, to the Gulf Stream waters, this land was made for you and Me (the Trump Virus).

   Now that Minneapolis burns because of police brutality, will Devil Donnie retreat to his golf course, once again? He tweets more vile words, which could easily create more chaos, which he thrives on. He said,

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

  It appears he is encouraging more violence. Is he intimating that he hopes the cops shoot-to-kill the looters? Trump quoted this statement from a 1967 Miami Police Chief Walter Headly who declared “war” on crime in Black neighborhoods. He also added “We don’t mind being accused of police brutality.” Trump gave a rally speech giving permission to take the gloves off when making arrests. He said that cops don’t need to protect the heads of accusers who are being placed in the back seats of police cars. He has a history of racism as a landlord in New York. In the 1970s, he was charged with racial discriminatory rental practices and was sued over it. He then hired a former Senator Joe McCarthy aide, Roy Cohn, to defend him. McCarthy was a full-blown hater, racist, anti-Semite and Blacklister of Hollywood types who may or may not have been a person interested in Communism.
   If so, Trump is killing his own reelection chances. He may very likely see the nation in flames. These protests and outrage is as a result of a cop killing a Black man in restraints while three other cops stood by doing nothing. Trump’s White Supremacy beliefs are shining through.
   Now that Minneapolis burns, Tucker Klansman Carlson says that the violent protests are a form of tyranny. Of course, Klansman Carlson, a White Supremacist, believes that White cops have a right to kill Black men while in custody. Trump feels the same way. He believes White Supremacists are “very good people”.
   Apparently, these crybaby White Nationalist Trumpie Rumpies will totally freak out when the Trump Virus rears its ugly contagious head later this year; or, when a new novel virus hits our shores and we need another immediate lockdown with testing and retesting, which could last for six entire weeks. Will that be tyranny too, Tucker, you F**ker?
   These weenies won’t have the patriotic maturity and strength and guts to commit to protecting the country to wear a piece of cloth over their mouths and noses or stay in a quarantine as much as possible, along with keeping one’s hands clean. These simple rules are just too hard to follow for these whiners.
   Could The Cretin be trying to lose the election without actually realizing it? His press secretary Kayleigh McE-Ninny be helping him in this effort? All they bloviate about is how mail-in voting is the worst thing ever!!! They say it is riddled with corruption and fraud, while the only documented case of corruption was committed by Republicans. They seem to forget that most of the people surrounding The Cretin already vote by mail.

   Here is a video link fact checking Trump’s lies surrounding voter fraud. See it HERE.

   To further distract, The Cretin signed an executive order to remove liability protections from Twitter and other social media platforms because he is threatened with being “de-platformed” by Twitter and fact checked because he fills his threads with lies, hate speech, vile racist comments and more.
   The Cretin would have none of that. Hitler had no checks on his lies and propaganda. Putin has no checks on his lies and propaganda. So, Trump, who emulates these two figures, wants no checks on his lies and propaganda, either. He loves to lie and spew propaganda to his White Nationalist base. He uses Twitter to rile up hate and fear and more among his followers. Will his base eventually realize that when they get sick from the Trump Virus, while Donnie fails to care if they live or die, that he is using them? Will they change their minds when their jobs don’t return?
   Will Twitter and the other social media platforms begin to heavily fact check their nemesis or will they cave to his revenge? If they don’t step up and resist his hate, then the next president will have an established precedent to go after them, too. Is this what they want?
   Dumb Dumb’s executive order is full of grand standing and will likely see his order legally challenged. This is just another distraction to refocus his base away from the growing death toll, jobs losses, economic downturn, and the Trump Virus of his making.
   In New Mexico, Cowboys-for-Trump leader, Couy Griffin, said “The only good Democrat, is a dead Democrat” at a rally rebelling against stay-at-home orders. Trump responded with “Thank you Cowboys. See you in New Mexico!”
   This is very much Hitleresque. Hitler felt that ‘The only good Jew was a dead Jew!’ White Supremacists say, ‘The only good Black person is a dead Black person!’ And Trump salutes this type of language and rallying cry.
   Griffin said that both Governor Northam and Governor Whitmer “could be guilty of treason and the punishment that comes with it. You get to pick your poison: you either go before a firing squad, or you get the end of the rope.”
   It is clear that Griffin is a complete moron. This guy, who is a full-blown narcissistic psychopath, is a county commissioner. He is filled with hate. Treasonous behavior could be said to have been performed by Trump by violating the U.S. Constitution, and allowing COVID19 to attack the country without following an established preparedness plan.
   The U.S. is 4% of the world’s population, yet has one-third of viral outbreak. This is Trump’s fault. He committed treason by not acting immediately to contain the virus. He allowed it to attack the country. He dismissed its seriousness. He called it a hoax. Trump committed treason. His plan was to kill Americans.
   Jamie Ducharme from Time magazine, wrote, “Up to 80% of COVID 19 Infections Are Asymptomatic”, “It is difficult to estimate how many people get infected without showing symptoms.” This report is eye opening. We don’t know who is a carrier and who is free of the virus.
   White Nationalist Republican Kim Reynolds, Iowa’s governor, needs to be replaced. She has made very bad pandemic containment decisions. Tyson foods’ meat packing plant is continuing to have infectious outbreaks. They have not gotten ahead of the virus. “555 of the Storm Lake (Iowa) plant’s 2517 employees had tested positive for coronavirus.” That comes to 20% of their workforce getting sick. 500 cases were reported in the Buena Vista County’s Tyson Foods plant tested positive in this pork processing plant. This is unconscionable.
   Back in March, the federal government didn’t have enough ventilators because Trump failed to be prepared for this pandemic. So, Trump went to Russia and asked for medical equipment and ventilators from Putin to be used in New York and New Jersey. Trump kept the request quiet from FEMA and the FDA. The ventilators were not adaptable to U.S. electrical requirements and these Russian ventilators were the source of several deaths in Russia because they caught fire. Trump was desperate because of his incompetence. This illustrates The Cretin’s inability to handle this overwhelming pandemic. The U.S. had the resources to build reliable equipment and ventilators, but Trump didn’t move to assemble the country’s experts and manufacturers to prepare for the pandemic and the trauma that it would create back in January and February. So, off to Russia he went for a bailout. But that flopped, too. Everything Trump touches turns into crap.
   In the coming year, we may very likely see a Second Great Depression. The current economy is not taking off as predicted by The Cretin and the idiots surrounding him, like Mnuchin and others. What is being talked about by the country’s economic experts are that 50% of those people earning $40,000 or less may end up losing their jobs. This will further raise an ever climbing unemployment rate, which is now 40 million Americans. The richest among us are doing just fine. They are seeing large gains on Wall Street, but that joyride will slow as corporate earning falter and businesses begin to shutter and file bankruptcy.
   What Trump touches turns to crap over and over again.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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