Tuesday, May 12, 2020

For Trump Supporters 'It's Trump At Any Cost'

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   We are in a food processing, packing and distribution crisis as a result of the Trump Virus. What brought about a COVID19 pandemic was traced back to a Wuhan wet market, in China. What Americans haven’t woken up to is the reason why we are experiencing a pork crisis, which is directly related to our own version of a wet market. Our version happens to be our pork, beef and chicken processing plants, which numbers around 800 nationally scattered around the country, although a few are centered in the west. There are around 10,000 of these workers that had tested positive for the Trump Virus.
   Those workers stand in close proximity, only feet apart as the slaughtered animals travel down a dis-assembly line. These workers stand on a floor saturated with water and fluids, in rooms with very cold temperatures to keep bacteria and viruses down, and fans blowing all of which are ideal conditions for breeding and spreading viruses. In addition, the worker’s own bacterial micro-biome intermingles with the viral conditions to further the opportunity for infections.
   In fact, there are basically four major pork processing/packing facilities in the country. 1000 people could be hired to work in one facility. Most of the people tested were non-symptomatic carriers of the Trump Virus. The workers are being “incentivized” to come in everyday, even they don’t feel well. Being checked for a fever before entering the plant can be deceptive if the person is a non-symptomatic carrier with no fever before beginning their shift. Only a nasal cavity swab would be able to determine if the person was infected or not. In one facility, somewhere around 80,000 cows are disassembled in just one day.
   Now all of this has either temporarily stopped or slowed down creating an environment where hogs cannot be slaughtered because the time has been interrupted. A hog must be 200 pounds; otherwise, they are disposed of by the farmer. Cows are different. A hog’s feeding process becomes costlier as they grow causing the farmer to cut their losses resulting in the wasteful termination of the lives of their animals. In the case of hog distribution, much of the processed meat went overseas before the pandemic, but that supply chain has been seriously interrupted. Read more about it HERE.
   The Trump administration ignored this scenario prior to having to face the global pandemic, which dope slapped them in their faces. That dope slap didn’t appear to faze them much, unless you are a reporter asking questions at a press briefing, then you get a racist comment thrown at you; or, you are told you are a terrible reporter. The Cretin cannot stand being told he is an idiot.
   There was no plan to redesign our food processing and distribution to quickly shift and adapt to adverse changes in the supply chain, such as when a disaster hits the nation. We have watched critical government positions filled with cronies, hacks, morons, dumbasses, golf buddies, family members, and worse so as to satisfy Trump’s desire to only have those around him who will tell him such things as: his make up doesn’t make him look fat, or to use a particular spray glue on his hair and not that one over there with the coronavirus stuck on the can. Quick thinking responses did not happen. Apparently, no one on the staff can think very quickly on their feet. In fact, just the opposite occurred. These clowns did nothing, just as Death Star Donnie ignored every warning to prepare for a national pandemic disabling the country.
   And, nothing much has changed in these 8-10 weeks of viral spread. We hear that the White House is being tested daily, but what was learned is that these nasal tests are ineffective. These morons are only getting the nostril swabbed and not reaching up into the nasal cavities, which is where the virus testing is the most effective. How can Americans feel safe and secure if the White House not only is getting infected, but their testing is bogus?
   How can Americans feel ready to return to work when their leaders are behaving haphazardly putting their own workplace at risk?
   Dumb Dumb Donnie said that the U.S. is the world’s leader in COVID testing.

 “We have met the moment and we have prevailed.” “America leads the world in testing.”

Even when it matters, he lies. The country doesn’t have enough testing. The middle of the country in small communities, such as  in Kentucky, Iowa, South Dakota, Tennessee, South Carolina and elsewhere are becoming infected and need tests. Many states from California to Florida to Michigan are still showing significant levels of infection. Testing is still inadequate in spite of what Death Cult Donnie is saying.
   Thus far we have performed around 9 million tests, which is around 2.74% of the population. In Iceland, they have tested 15.4% of their population. Italy tested 43% of the population. Germany 3.3% of the population. Canada 2.9% of the population.
   The U.S. currently has 1.34 million confirmed cases of the Trump Virus more that Spain, U.K., Russia, France, and Germany combined. The Cretin can boast that the total number of infections are declining there still are states with infections increasing, such as Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, Kansas, and Maryland.
   The country is under testing by 400,000 per day when 900,000 should be the minimum per day.

   During a press conference, when asked pressing questions, The Cretin responded to an Asian American female reporter using a racist response, and then stormed off the podium in a huffy tantrum. 

Trump is clearly afraid of answering important questions. All he knows how to is to deflect, ignore, toss out racist innuendos, and display full-blown incompetence; as well as, the inability to execute the duties of the president.

   This ignorance displayed by the Devil in White House has pushed for a reopening of the economy, which has resulted in a death toll of 10,000 innocent Americans. Moscow Mitch has been a major player in the Death Cult within the GOP by pressing the House to accept a clause in the next CARES Act allowing businesses that reopen to taken on absolutely no liability risk when they do so. Moscow Mitch doesn’t want these businesses to have no responsibility to their workers or their patrons when they reopen. In other words, the burden of any reopening in any state or any city or town will be on the worker or the patron if the business owner failed to be responsible by making sure everyone was as safe as possible through distancing rules, masking rules, and hygiene rules.
   Dr. Fauci has been warning that without proper precautions and available testing, this reopening may lead to many more deaths, and a possible second outbreak.

   This is the Death Cult in full operation. The Trump Death Star is looking to kill as many people as possible, and the most at risk people are those who are poor, black and brown, and Native American.
   Apparently, his supporters don’t care that they maybe the next person listed in the death statistics. They don’t seem to care that their families or friends will be a death statistic, either. For them, it is Trump at any cost.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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