Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Trump, Pence, and Kushner Have Committed Crimes Against Humanity

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

   Trump’s town hall with Fox News freaks at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial was a slap in the face of President Lincoln. Trump is nothing like Lincoln. He is the opposite of Lincoln. Lincoln was a leader. Trump is a coward. Lincoln led the nation through a national war of division bravely and felt the pain of all Americans during that horrible crisis. Lincoln was eloquent with his words. Trump cannot put a single thought to words without it sounding like gibberish.
   Trump sat there and lied with every answer as
cowardly as were the Fox News questioners who accepted his lies as fact. They were complicit in the fake news broadcast. His failures were heard as a tsunami of vocal blame, which became a tidal wave of lies that led us to an outlandish number of American deaths. He blamed the WHO, when it fact, the CDC’s medical experts, who were embedded in the WHO as they raised the red flag of a world pandemic coming toward us last December, prompting a  warning to Dark Side Donnie of the coming deadly contagion. Trump ignored it then and has continued to ignore for months until he could no longer do so. Even upon being told of the pandemic washing over the deck of his sink Titanic Task Force, he decided to not act in the best interest of the country, but to play politics and engage in cronyism with his donors and supporters of wealth.
   He blamed Obama by saying, “The cupboards were empty.” Trump had three years to restock the National Stockpile warehouses following the Ebola epidemic, which drained the stockpile. Obama asked the Republican White Nationalist Congress to fund the restocking of the stockpile, but they refused.
   Then The Cretin blamed Obama for “broken tests”. What tests, Dumb-Dumb are you talking about? The COVID19 is a novel virus. That means it has never been seen before this outbreak. So, how can there be broken tests, since researchers had no way of developing a test for a virus that had not yet surfaced? The development for a new COVID19 test was Trump’s responsibility. He failed to do that, too.
   Delusional Donnie had to develop his own novel COVID19 test for this very specific virus. He failed to prepare in December 2019 after the WHO and his CDC began to warn him. Germany had developed a reliable test but Trump rejected using it because he wanted his own really, really YUUGE test, but it continued to fail for weeks. Until it became a reliable test, valuable weeks were wasted and the virus took off. This incompetence fueled by ego and arrogance killed many, many people. This makes Trump a murderer.
   This shameful and embarrassing town hall event was really a “shelter-in-place” campaign rally without cheers and free Lysol Lattes for all the non-symptomatic Tin Foil hat carriers of the virus.
   Dumb–Dumb keeps saying, “It’s going to go away. It’s going to just magically disappear”, but in fact, the numbers continue to rise. It’s not disappearing anytime soon.
   The prediction of more infections will be centered on the rural Midwest and throughout the South. The meat and chicken packing and processing plants will become and currently are HOT SPOTS where the virus spreads inside the plant and all through the communities.
   It appears The Cretin is in denial with this prediction. He is missing a key point, which is that these areas of the country are his voting base.
   One must ask, ‘Is this what making America great, again’? And, why did he, and why has he continued to fuck it up at every turn when tackling the pandemic? Is he just profoundly stupid and arrogant? Or, is wanting people to actually die reducing the numbers of elderly and people with pre-existing conditions from the planet? Does he see such people as weak and inferior to him and those in his Death Cult?
   As his base becomes infected, their ire and anger will likely be directed toward him for lying about the seriousness of this contagion, which, hopefully, they will throw back into his face.
   They believed him and his lies. They believed the lies told to them by the morons at Fox News, such as Ingraham, and Hannity and the other propagandists that give Trump cover.
   As discussed in earlier blog posts, Trump has proven to be a very stupid and incompetent person along with his fellow Three Stooges of Pennsylvania Ave that roam the halls of the White House. Had the Three Stooges acted after every single warning beginning in January 2019, and throughout that year, this virus would have been contained early on and the country’s economy may have been able to be left more open as seen as in Vietnam, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia and other places.
   Dark Side Donnie, because of his profound stupidity and incompetence, has ultimately begun to alienate his own voter base, except for Nazis and far-right anarchists.
   In just a week’s time over 8,000 more deaths have hit the nation. We are now at 70,000 people who lost their lives needlessly. The prediction is that an average of 10,000 deaths per week will occur over the next few weeks.
   Trump cannot run, lie, deflect, or fake the epidemic math. He can sit at the Lincoln Memorial, or fly to a mask factory in the battleground state of Arizona, or stand before us in the Rose Garden, but nothing he does now will change the trajectory. He makes bad decisions over and over again. He can force meat and chicken packing and processing facilities to stay open using the National Defense Production Act instead of using it to manufacture critical care machines, equipment and supplies for our hospitals, which will be needed as the virus escalates around the country. Where will all that meat and chicken go during a time when restaurants and schools are locked down? It might just be discarded. Maybe it can be shipped to the countries that are now free of the virus.
    The Devil Donnie and his clone, Jared Kushner, are playing politics with the relief funding. It is all about cronies and friends of Trump that are getting preferential treatment and cash from the relief fund through the Treasury. And, it is all about racism, as well. Kushner as head of his secret COVID task force filled with his pals, has agreed and negotiated with Fox News propagandists acting as newscasters, such as Hannity and the others, to channel hospital PPE to hospitals that have a relationship with those FOX News people. More cronyism at its best. “Be Best”.
   Also, Native American Indian tribes would have gotten zero dollars from the relief funding, if Trump had his way. The Democrats in the House demanded that Indian Nations get the funding they desperately need. The virus has hit these tribes very hard. In some cases, harder than many places around the country. In the Navaho nation there has been 46 deaths for every 100,000 people. They finally were targeted to receive $8B to be spread out between the 530 tribal nations around the country, which is not the $20B they asked for. Thus far, they have not received a penny of the money they were targeted to receive.
   The big news that hit the fan has to do with Dr. Rick Bright, who was Deputy Assistant Director for Preparedness and Response, and the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority------BARDA---- with the HHS, but Trump fired him because he didn’t like what Dr. Bright was saying. Dr. Bright has now revealed the corruption directed by Trump and his foot soldiers in the administration as a game of cronyism and politics, which has resulted in this out of control pandemic in the country.
   Dr. Bright wrote a whistleblower complaint and you can read about it HERE.
   Dr. Brighthas arraigned the administration on charges of negligent homicide by willful blindness.”

   What is clear is that the way Trump has played this pandemic response is by far the most impeachable act he has yet to engage in. Pence and Kushner are fully culpable and should be prosecuted for their actions, as well. Dr. Bright was not supportive of Trump stocking the shelves with unproven drugs, especially those manufactured by Trump’s pal, who makes chloroquine.

   On page 28 of the formal complaint, Dr. Bright wrote the following:

“As detailed below, despite Dr. Bright’s efforts to ensure that the U.S. government dedicated the appropriate resources and expert personnel to combat this deadly virus, HHS political leadership leveled baseless criticisms against him for his proactive efforts to invest early in vaccine development as well as in critical supplies such as masks, respirators, and swabs, which were in short supply and would be necessary to combat COVID-19. Thereafter, HHS political leadership retaliated against Dr. Bright for his objections and resistance to funding potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political connections and by the Administration itself. … Dr. Bright opposed the broad use of chloroquine, and hydroxychloroquine as lacking scientific merit, even though the Administration promoted it as a panacea, and demanded that New York and New Jersey be “flooded” with these drugs, which were imported from factories in Pakistan and India that had not been inspected by the FDA.”

   If you are not flabbergasted by what Dr. Bright is charging Trump and his administration with, then you need to stop drinking those Lysol Lattes, as prescribed by Trump.

Here is more:

   Dr. Bright objected to these efforts and made clear that BARDA would only invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address the COVID-19 pandemic in safe and scientifically vetted solutions and it would not succumb to the pressures of politics or cronyism.”


   “BARDA oversees and executes government contracts and acquisitions with a cumulative value approaching $50 billion, and its average annual budget exceeds $1.5 billion.”

   This blatant corruption by the White House has put people’s lives at risk, and the country’s economy on the brink of another seriously YUUGE recession all for playing another version of the Apprentice. ‘You’re in and you’re out”.

The Lincoln Project are a group of Republicans who are totally against Donald J. Trump and have pissed off Trump with their ads. See their site HERE.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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