Monday, May 11, 2020

Unemployment Rate Is 25% The Same As In 1932-33 Great Depression

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

   People must know that Walmart corporation and their owners—the Waltons—don’t care if you get the Trump Virus or not. They refuse to commit to a corporate policy that all store patrons must wear masks, not around their chins or just around one ear, but over their noses and mouths, which they seem to not understand. They must be Death Star Clones. Local store employees must remain silent when they see violators of adhering to viral protection. They say that it is a local police issue because the store’s corporate management ignores everyone’s safety.
   The unemployment is getting worse and worse. Mnuchin has actually said the unemployment rate is closer to 25%, while Kevin Hassett, Trump’s economic advisor, didn’t seem to get the memo. He downplayed the unemployment rate by 5%. Hassett must have been trying to calm the outrage of Donnie-- Star of Death. Mnuchin let the facts slip out. It may have happened because White House staff is unraveling now that two workers have come down with the Trump Virus.
   Stevie Mnuchin’s number of 25% is what it was in 1932-33 of the Great Depression. A depression is declared when there is 12 months of straight double digit unemployment. Everyone beware. It will likely happen.
   As the Trump Virus has taken over 80,000 innocent lives, all The Cretin has on his mind are his golf courses. Disgusting Donnie moves ahead to promote Californians to dress up and head for his golf courses. He must be afraid of falling into Chapter 11. While doing the grifter hustle, he is going after China. China, along with South Korea, is seeing more outbreaks following their loosening up of their economies. We should take a lesson. Anger is being unleashed against China’s poor sanitation controls over their wet markets, and the sale of wild animals for consumption, is a breeding ground for pandemics, since bats are often the origin of viral outbreaks.
   James Carville, the political strategist, said that the people in the Trump reelection campaign are lying to their Death Star moron that HE will win the election, when in fact, they realize that HE will lose!! They are making millions of dollars off their deception. It appears, the understanding is Trump will find himself back at Mar-A-Lago full-time.
   The Trump Virus is killing veterans. The latest death toll happened at New Jersey Veterans Home of Paramus. 113 of the 211 residents have come down with the Trump Virus. 72 have now died from the virus. One person said, “It’s like a mass shooting.” And all the Death Star Derelict cares about is opening up his golf courses, and blaming others for his incredible failures.
   190 veterans at Menlo Park Veterans Memorial Park, also in New Jersey, have the virus, while 55 have died, and 77 of the 445 employees have tested positive!! This is outrageous.
   Everyone should be wearing PPE. The White House failed to make our oldest citizens living in veterans care homes are safe, along with their caregivers. This is absolutely shameful. This is on the heads of the Republican White Nationalist Party.
   Trump should resign. There needs to be an outcry for his resignation. Pence, as well. They had the chance to have American made N95 masks made by Prestige Ameritech at a rate of 1.7M per week, back in January, but they turned down the offer. “It was a hoax.” “It will just disappear.” “Let the virus sweep across the country.”

  Pence needs to be stuffed into his 1996 Chrysler minivan and sent back to his Gay Conversion Camp for good. After being exposed by Katie Miller, to COVID19, and failed to wear a mask when meeting with anyone, but instead, he stuck up his middle finger at the need to quarantine himself, and headed back to his White House office on Monday.

The Three Stooges of Pennsylvania Ave don’t seem to care much that as the Trump Virus spreads and the economy freefalls into the Second Great Depression, around 45 million Americans will likely end up with no health insurance. Many Americans get their health care through their employers, yet as they lose their jobs, or get laid off, they will end up high and dry without health insurance. So, what happens if they get sick with anything, let alone the Trump Virus? What about people within their families? This story looks very grim. As goes health care insurance, so goes the economy!!!

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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