Saturday, May 9, 2020

Trump Has Never Made Anything Great In His Entire Life

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

          Coronavirus Cases in the United States

There’s a sick, disgusting moron living in the White House. He basically said for some odd reason, Mnuchin’s wife tested negative for the virus a few days ago, but for some strange reason she was tested and now has the virus. She magically got the virus. He had no idea how that could have happened. What is this fully certified idiot he talking about?


Had not Dr. Fauci or Birx, or someone else tell him that the COVID tests are only as good at time the test was taken and not thereafter, but his imbecilic mind just ignored it.

Here is the idiot-in-chief trying to talk about the COVID in his inner circle.

   The second of the Three Stooges, The Putz, formerly known as Pence, told the American people that the Iowa governor was doing everything right to get their economy revved up, when in fact the virus was spreading and not vanishing miraculously.
   In nearby Nebraska, that far-right authoritarian governor wants to hide the numbers of viral outbreaks and where they were occurring, such as 1000 viral outbreaks at the meat processing plant. This dictator wannabee is engaged in a serious cover-up. Are these Republican White Nationalist governors preparing for a possible economic Depression?
   In addition, to these horrible far-right neo-fascists running Trumpster states, we have their Death Cult leader honoring our oldest population, our World War II veterans, without a face mask. He appeared to be standing around 5-6 feet away from each of these heroes as the wind could blow any viral droplets in their faces.
   It is clear that this administration doesn’t care about life at all.
   Jane Goodall said that the wet markets around the world are a prime breeding ground for the spread of viruses, such as COVID19. Live wild animals kept in cages meant for slaughter right there in these markets, such as in China, are a perfect environment for a viral outbreak. The people handling these animals get their hands contaminated, which is a medium for jumping the viruses from animal to humans. Clearly, Jane Goodall is much smarter than The Cretin and his Pet Pompous Pompeo when it comes to facts.
   Republican Former Governor Tom Ridge wrote an op-ed condemning the way Devil Donnie has been handling these outrageous crybaby protesters. He is easy on these morons by calling their behavior as “selfish protests against stay-at-home orders dishonor America’s veterans.” How ironic is this op-ed title? Trump is the most selfish of all Americans dishonoring our oldest veterans by not wearing a mask in their presences. Ridge wrote about how his fellow veterans, who fought for wars declared by past presidents and who now have to fight to stay alive during the Trump Virus. He asks why are these crybabies and whining protesters have to carry AR-15 weapons to protests because they don’t want to honor the stay-at-home orders and wear masks when buying stuff. He asks,
“What are they planning to do, shoot the virus with their AR-15s?” “These self-absorbed and selfish Americans complain they are irritated, anxious, bored, upset—unhappy that their lives have been affected by this temporary restraint on their freedoms.” 

WOW!!!! We heard the same words pour out of The Cretin’s mouth. He complained that he was irritated, bored, upset, anxious and unhappy because he couldn’t leave the White House and desperately wanted to get out on his golf course at Mar-A-Lago. That is why he flew to Arizona to “Live or Let Die”.
Governor Cuomo is very upset that a 5 year old child died from the virus and had what is called Inflammatory Syndrome, which inflames the blood vessels throughout the body. Children are suffering from this condition. Governor Cuomo is very concerned that a high number of COVID patients being admitted to the hospital are those people who have been sheltering-in-place and have not left their homes. How is this happening?
   While our first hospital responders are focused on their lifesaving work, these morons must get into confrontations with nurses and doctors. They don’t care if they spread this deadly virus and turn back the clock on this pandemic.
   These morons have no idea what it’s like to be a P.O.W, who were locked up, which is a whole lot worse than having to shelter-in-place. This contrast was what Ridge was expressing in his op-ed. “Politics be damned. No time for it now…Let’s get on with it.” He must have been talking directly at Trump. Trump is telling us that COVID19 will go away without a vaccine.

 “I feel about vaccines like I feel about tests: It’s going to go away, and we’re not going to see it again, hopefully, after a period of time.”

This is why he is the Star of Death and the leader of the Death Cult GOP.

   He is more focused on other things, such as his new song—

 “I have a grey wall and I want to paint it black.”

 He would rather spend $500M on his new wall painting project than spend $500M on PPE for our doctors and nurses who are saving lives.

   The most pitiful part of Donald J. Trump is that he has never made anything great in his entire life.

   “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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