Monday, May 4, 2020

Flattening The Curve Is Nowhere In Sight

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

   It has become very clear that Trump is morphing into Adolph Hitler. He lies about the seriousness of the coronavirus and believes that 80-100,000 American deaths is a success story as declared by his young clone, Jared Kushner.
   The Nazi master plan was to kill all the Jews and Hitler’s design was for the German people to get behind him. This is happening throughout the state of Oklahoma. It began in Stillwater, and now is spreading to do away with masks and physical distancing guidelines. This is not unlike the Hitler Youth who got behind Hitler to follow his orders. Now, Trump is talking about easing nursing home restrictions, which might very likely experience more deaths and illnesses. This is Trump’s master plan. More deaths. Old sick people are a burden to him and the country and the treasury.
   Trump is following the same playbook as the authoritarian murderers of the past. He wants his Republican White Nationalist governors to reopen their states forcing vulnerable people to become exposed to illness and death. The most vulnerable people are seniors, especially those with pre-existing conditions and the poor who rely on social programs to live. Trump’s Death Cult wants these vulnerable people to die.
   He spoke positively of the Nazis and anarchists at these protests by saying that many were “good people”. He said this when the Nazis showed up at the Charlottesville catastrophe. That is very unlikely. The “good people” were at home saving their money because they have been out of work. They were home stretching every penny until it was safe to go back to work. They were doing what they could to not get infected or infect someone else. They were waiting for the curve to flatten, as those in other countries have done so their economies could open safely.
   The Trump supporting “Liberate” protesters apparently had enough expendable income to travel to and from the protesting sites, feed themselves, and stay overnight, if necessary. Were they paid protesters? Did they get financial support from far-right groups, such as Betsy DeVos’s Foundation, or from the Koch foundation, or from InfoWars, or from the Freedom Works Foundation who all have deep pockets?
   Hitler did the same thing with his Hitler Youth groups that stirred up hate, fear, and support.
   Trump shows no remorse, or sympathy or empathy for our first line responders, or the sick and dying, or for the families who are suffering. It is all about him.
   By letting the virus spread---Herd Immunity—he is allowing the most vulnerable to likely die. Many are his base. Trump doesn’t seem to want to increase testing, and to increase the labs that analyze the testing, which is needed in order to expand and track the trajectory of the Trump Virus. He said that he believes it may not be necessary to expand testing. But without testing there will be “no flattening the curve”.
   While other countries have gotten the viral spread eliminated or flattened in these 8 weeks, The Trump Virus has only gotten worse.
   The Death Cult president wants fewer people on social programs and pensions. Death is the answer. We recall the former Pennsylvania failed senator Rick Santorum, who pushed for the “Retirement Savings Account”. In other words, people would put their Social Security contribution into an account that would be managed not by the government, but by a private brokerage firm that would take fees even if the account rose or fell as determined by the stock market gamblers. Santorum, even to this day, doesn’t believe in social programs. He doesn’t believe in a government based guaranteed system either for Social Security or Medicare. He is a card carrying member of the Death Cult Society. The only job he ever had was to be a talking head for the Far-Right Death Cult.
   Trump’s state owned news site, FOX News, is in full support of sacrificing those over 50 years old. Huckabee, Hannity, and the others believe the young need to be saved, while the seniors are expendable. That is their subliminal messaging. The messaging is that it is OK to die so the young can live. The strong live; the weak die. This is a Hitleresque message.
   Trump doesn’t believe that during our time of deep national crisis that we should be united together to fight it. That, too, sounds like something Hitler would also be saying---divide and not unite. Hitler was united behind ridding the nation of “The Other (Jews), and divide the German people against “the Other”.
   The reason for this outcry by Trump was because George W. Bush called for unity. Trump said that Bush was a loser president because he didn’t stand with Trump against the impeachment hearings. It is all about the Dumb-Dumb narcissist.
   For Hitler it was all about him and preserving the Arian race. For Trump it is all about preserving HIM and the White Nationalists that stand behind him.
   Trump doesn’t want national unity. The only unity he desires is from his White Nationalist and Nazi, and hateful base.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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