Saturday, May 16, 2020

Trump Hits A Three Strikes Game: WIlson, Hoover, and Impeachment

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

               Trump's Stormtrooper Base

            Trump's Non-Mask Primal Scream 

   Trump hits a three strikes game giving his the worst legacy any president could achieve. He will be the only president in American history to have failed on three major life critical national crises. Impeachment--strike one; pandemic--strike two; and, the highest unemployment rate in history, along with a nosediving and collapsing economy--strike three. Heckuvah job, Donnie. You are the bestest at your biggest failing achievement.

   Why did the government of Iceland gear up and fully prepare for COVID19 back in January, even before their first COVID case appeared? It was because they wanted to get ahead of the virus when it hit their population. They were ready with testing and test analysis, as well as a societal protocol to reduce the spread. Now they have the virus under control and their economy is open again.
   During that same time, Trump was being warned by his medical experts, as well as by the WHO, about the coming pandemic. The leader of Iceland had the same information. The Trump team had assembled a report called “Red Dawn” warning Trump and his blindfolded foot soldiers of the coming dangerous pandemic, which was ignored, ridiculed, and dismissed. We heard such criticism as it being a hoax and that Democrats were behind it, etc.
   Trump dismissed all science and all facts, and continues to do so. One crybaby protester had a sign that said, “Let’s do it like Sweden”. This whining moron had no idea that Sweden’s economy was open because the entire government and population listened and followed science. Now the U.S. is the leader of outbreaks and deaths. Even in those Rightwing states that opened all the windows in spite of tornado winds and debris was flying all about, are seeing spikes in COVID19 outbreaks. They are seeing outbreaks in reopened factories that were relying on OSHA to guidelines that would work. We should have released that Eugene Scalia, a crony, to head the Department of Labor, which runs OSHA. He got the job because his daddy was that rightwing fascist Supreme Court judge.
  Another crony is Jared Kushner. The problem with Jared Kushner, who is part of the Three Stooges of Pennsylvania Ave, is one of the very reasons this pandemic is out of control. Every time Kushner opens his mouth, he lets all of America know that he has no idea what he is talking about, yet pretends he is the smartest guy in the sandbox. When asked about the scuttlebutt about his Dumb-Dumb Donnie daddy delaying the November election, he said he cannot say right now whether it will or will not be tampered with. Well, what about after “right now”? This is what happens when a president surrounds himself with people who do not know the laws or the function of government.
    Kushner is very scary, and creepy, as well as simpleminded. Is he in the White House just to sharpen pencils and make sure the Men’s Room is sterilized? Wasn’t Kushner running the family slumlord business, at one time? And, didn’t he over pay for 666 5th Ave by millions of dollars making it the most overpriced and overpaid for building in NYC, at that time? So, we must assume someone much smarter that J.K is keeping the lights on, since J.K is acting as a creepy, ghost-like statue standing next the potted ferns.
   Well, in fact, Dumb-Dumb Donnie cannot alter election day without Congress’ approval. And, that won’t be happening. By the time November rolls around, unless real stimulus checks get distributed to the 36 million unemployed (current numbers and much worse than during The Great Depression), and for the 20-25 million marginally employed, there just may be a working class uprising at the doorstep of the White House. When there is currently one-fifth of the country worried about food, rent, and sickness, what will it be like in November if a second viral tidal wave of The Trump Virus pours over America?
   The big question is if 5 out of 100 people tested using the antibody test shows as a false positive result ( showing that the person tested no longer has the virus, but in fact, actually IS positive for the virus), and there are similar results from the nasal swab tests showing the same false positive results (5 out of 100 people tested), when in fact those people are actually positive for the Trump Virus. They then believe they are safe to mingle again, but end up spreading the virus. In this example, we now have half or more of these 200 people infected in just a matter of a week. And, it then snowballs.
   It is very clear that there are many more people who don’t believe they will be the next victim of the Trump Virus, and disregard any and all physical distancing and the wearing of a face mask. This is scary stuff!!
   Donnie Dumb-Dumb spoke about how our supply chain broke down because of global trade. What broke down was Donnie’s response to the pandemic and our preparedness. He acts like he had an epiphany. He said,    
    “Yikes, the light bulb went off!!”

   What he was talking about was not a new idea whatsoever, but it had less to do with a faulty global supply chain, than for the U.S government and corporations to react quickly and nimbly in response to the need to alter their typical production and shift to a “crisis” production scenario. The required response, and needed production of supplies, equipment, materials and medications should have been a coordinated plan a year ago. It has more to do with centralized governmental organization, and preparedness coordination with the private and public sectors.
   The Cretin failed to do all of this. Look around the world. Iceland, South Korea, New Zealand responded in this way. It is very clear that these three countries had to rely on the global supply chain and more to do with his profound incompetence.
   There are Republican White Nationalist congress-people who say there are states that had a robust reopening, but when questioned about this outrageous statement, they walked it back and re-answered that these states’ reopening are not robust but guarded.
   Not only is Trump morphing into Herbert Hoover by ignoring the signs of a coming economic collapse, i.e. the 1929 Great Depression as he transforms into Woodrow Wilson by ignoring the pandemic warnings as Wilson had done when the 1918 Spanish Flu killed millions, he has not stopped morphing into the worst aspects of our past presidents. Trump has hit a triple, when including his ass getting impeached.
   Wilson caught the virus causing temporary mental impairment. After he recovered, W.W.1 was finally ending. The allies negotiated a peace treaty with Germany. Wilson then caved into stifling and bad concessions, which was a primary reason for the rise of Hitler leading to W.W.2.
   There was fake news disseminated by the Wilson government in 1918, downplayed the seriousness of the coming public health disaster, which was published by the newspapers. He trivialized the threat. Wilson was trying to prosecute any newspapers that printed the truth and contradicted Wilson’s fake news press releases. Dumb-Dumb Donnie kept referring to “those terrible and horrible times during the 1917 pandemic.”
 He kept saying the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was in 1917 over and over again. No one in his advisory circle was willing to correct him, so he kept illustrating just how stupid and ill informed he really is. The Spanish Flu killed 300,000 people in just three months. It broke out in April of 1918 with only mild cases, but by July it exploded and began killing so quickly that the country could not keep up with all the dead. Bodies were piling up. Then the flu settled down. It wasn’t until October that it exploded once again into astronomical numbers of sick and dead. It lasted for a year before is leveled off. This flu scared people so much that people began to believe that it was the ancient Black Plague.
   This sounds like the fake news perpetrated by Trump and his lackies, which is being regurgitated by Fox News and the far-right Nazi, and fascist websites. History is repeating itself. Trump attacks the press printing the truth. FAKE NEWS!! He threatens suing the press for what he calls lies.
    Trump, too, trivialized the truth and botched up the reopening of local and state economies without adequate testing, OSHA guidelines, wearing of face masks, hand washing protocols, and more. More Trump Virus outbreaks is occurring now and will likely continue. We are seeing bars and restaurants, gatherings, and parties happening as a result of these poorly planned reopenings.
   The Trump Virus and the failure to contain it in a controlled, systematic and comprehensive manner is damaging the middle class. Middle class business owners and employees are finding their incomes and reopening possibilities in jeopardy. Day care centers, salons, jewelry stores, clothing shops, and the many other places where the middle class have hung their hats are suffering from a very poorly administered government cash support to most of the country.
   As the nation spirals downward and has to keep both eyes wide open on the horizon for a second wave of the virus to hit those places that have reopened without care and caution, the CDC and  HHS  and their medical and scientific experts have been sidelined as The Cretin spews his fake news commentary. He continues to dismiss the efficacy for widespread testing, as well as unproven and possibly dangerous treatment methods. While speaking on April 22, he said, “You may not even have corona coming back” contradicting CDC director Redfield. Then he turns and says, “Just so you understand.” This is how The Cretin is subverting the “recovery” plan.
   Here is more proof that The Cretin hates his base supporters. During the two months of lockdown around the nation, he failed to ramp up valid and reliable and quantifiable testing in order to identify COVID19 infected people, as well as those testing false-negative results. False-negative tells the recipient that he/she has not contacted the virus, when in fact, the person actually has the Trump Virus. The way one gets a false-negative result is by developing antibodies after contracting a previous flu infection. Those flu antibodies protect the person from getting the exact same strain of flu. Those same flu antibodies flowing through one’s body can intermingle and interfere with the COVID19 test results possibly indicating that you don’t have the Trump Virus when in fact you actually do.
   Another failed response by Death Cult Donnie during the national lockdown was to ramp up  community based sanitation sewage poop tests, which would be cheap and easy, allowing a community to accurately predict and track a viral outbreak.
   The Trump administration had a few months to pull together a dynamic and robust testing program, contract tracing, antibody follow up, and a nationwide sanitation poop testing program. But he didn’t care enough to show the American people suffering from their horrible state of affairs that he wanted to help them out of the darkness they are living in.

Nearly 3000 more people died since yesterday.

You can listen to more about the 1918 Pandemic in this interview. John Barry's book is now on the New York Times bestseller list.


  “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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