Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
The killer Supreme Court extremist and fanatical justices decided to rule in favor of death. The ruling to allow religious facilities to hold in-person events/ services, while at the same time restaurants have to put a hold on indoor dining, and schools had to move to virtual classrooms; but the highest court justices don’t care about kids or small businesses. When it comes to religion they are willing to create more super-spreaders—raise the death toll, increase the total infections and put every American at-risk of illness. A-hole Alito, Two-Bit Thomas, Phony Baloney Barrett, Creepy Kegger Kavanaugh, and Neil Numbskull Gorsuch gave death an entrance through churches, synagogues, and mosques by allowing gatherings during the worst time in our national pandemic. With nearly 150,000 infections per day, 2.3 million total infections, and and over 260,000 deaths, and empty chairs at America’s Thanksgiving tables, these 5 Trump lackies gave the Trump Virus a YUUGE encore. These 5 justices crawled up Trump’s backside supporting his claim that the virus is a hoax fueling his conspiracy theories.
This court’s fundamentalist majority of justice jerks have totally discredited their intelligence, independence, and credibility. It is clear they don’t believe in the separation of church and state, and have given religion a “get out of lockdown and COVID restriction” card in the Trump Virus game, yet everyone else must abide by the recommendations of our public health experts executed by our reasonable governors. They don’t care that our first responders, frontline hospital workers and staff, who are overwhelmed, must endure high levels of stress, and add to their PTSD by treating Americans who were victims of the Trump Virus many of whom ignored mask wearing, hand washing, travel, gathering rules, and physical distancing guidelines. They just reinforced every Q’Anon, White Supremacist and twatwaddling Trumpster to ignore any effort to stop the spread.
Every non-Trumpster should be disgusted with the Stupid Suck-up Supremes. They now are covered in the virus. It is time to stack the court, Joe Biden. The Five Fuck-ups, and they are not a harmonizing barbershop quintet, proved to the country that it is time to drown out their votes by adding more sensible justices making their fascist-leaning decisions a moot point.
Trump’s lack of shame, as well as his manic psychotic episodes are in full bloom. He rages on about how he is the winner and cannot wrap his shrunken head around the fact that Joe Biden got more votes than he did. He doesn’t understand that the majority of the country’s voters despise him, and they rejected a second term for this insane incompetent. More and more people see Trump as a mass murderer. In fact, he should be brought before the International Courts and Tribunals for his crime against humanity. His purposeful inaction to do everything in his power to contain the Trump Virus should be cause to prosecute him before this international body. In addition, the aftershock of his deliberate failure to contain the deadly virus were massive car lines of people waiting in food bank lines. The need in Texas for food so unemployed people could eat and feed their families is a crime in itself. Trump is a criminal, and this fact should never be forgotten. While hungry and desperate people stand in massive and unbelievable lines for a basket of food, The Cretin is hiding in the White House bunker, playing golf, or giving an interview to Fox New hack and Trump ass-kisser Maria Bartiromo where she allowed The Twatwaffler-in-Chief to ramble on about every conspiracy he could pull out of his ass. He driveled on about about how BillyBob Barr, the CIA, the FBI, Venezuela, and a slew of others were all complicit in his undoing.
Now the editors of the National Review, a conservative publication, couldn’t take it anymore and ripped Trump a new one. They called him “petulant” in his refusal to admit that he lost the election. The said he had demonstrated “disgraceful conduct” by pretending that he actually won the election. “Flawed and dishonest assertions like this pollute the public discourse and mislead good people who make the mistake of believing things said by the president of the United States.” Since Trump always has to believe he is the best at everything he does, they said he is trying to “bid for infamy.” Now that would be a great award for Trump, “The Worst Person Of The Year”. Congratulations Mr. Trump, you have been nominated for the “Heinous Award” for 2020. The editors said that Trump’s self-brainwashing where he believes that Phony Baloney Barrett, and Kegger Kavanaugh and Numbskull Gorsuch will come to his rescue at the ‘Church of the Supreme Court’ and rule in his favor allowing him to pressure state Republicans to abandon the will of the people who voted for Biden and who then was granted the state’s electoral votes in his favor, to go rogue and change those votes for Trump.
The National Review’s editors called his imaginary fantasy “fantastical”, and that it was “Trump’s most reprehensible tactic to attempt, somewhat shamefacedly, to get local Republican officials to block the certification of votes and state legislatures to appoint Trump electors in clear violation of the public will.”
What is also shameful is how this piece by the National Review is gone on the deaf ears of Lindsey Graham-Cracker and Moscow Mitch McConnell, as well as other Brownshirts in Trump’s army of idiots.
CNN’s Brianna Keilar called out Trump’s conspiracy theories as also “fantastical”. Watch it here. It is excellent.
Also, Chris Cillizza, a CNN editor, put together “the 40 most utterly unhinged lines from Donald Trump’s first post-election interview” hosted by Fox News’ latest moron, Maria Bartiromo. Is she trying to get the job of writing Trump’s fictional memoir? Jim Acosta and Caroline Kelly of CNN, believe that “Trump sees ‘the writing on the wall’ in regards to his demise according to some of his advisors. They write that Trump actually understands that he has no chance of a second term according to two of his advisors. Yet, these two said that Trump continues to try and pull his rabbit out of his MAGA hat in the courts, such as in Wisconsin. One advisor said that Trump did understand his failure to win, but cannot face up to it. Another reason is this—“Trump and his political operation have raised more than $170 million, a person familiar with the matter said—“a massive fundraising haul fueled by Trump’s baseless allegations that the election was rigged. In all, the campaign has sent 400 fundraising emails and another 125 texts between 11 p.m. Election Night and early Tuesday morning.” This confirmed that “… the $170 million number and… it’s a big indication that Trump “isn’t going anywhere.”” One of Trump’s advisors said, “there is already talk of Trump doing some extensive post-presidency travel, including overseas trips to maintain his visibility.”
Since Trump is running out of his own cash, he will use what is left of the $170 million to try and stay relevant with his fans around the world before he has to sit before a judge in the courts of New York State and the district of Manhattan.
Trump is spending all his time living in a fantasy of his own creation. While the nation spirals into desperation, food insecurity, illness and death, The Cretin ignored the devastation he created in order to push for an imaginary victory which he knew was unobtainable. He is a criminal of the highest order. When looking at homicide there are 4 types: murder—where one intends to kill; second degree murder—where one intended to kill but didn’t not have time to plan out the crime; manslaughter—where the killing was unplanned; and, justifiable homicide—where one kills defending one’s self, which is not seen as a legal charge. Trump fits into the category of murderer. He planned this killing of innocent Americans by ignoring a federal mobilization of resources to contain the Trump Virus.
Trump supporters voted for a murderer and knew it when they casted their vote. They didn’t care. Their choice was to keep a fascist dictator in the making in the White House. These supporters don’t deserve our compassion. It is for them to admit their wrongdoing, and make amends in order to ask for our forgiveness. So, what are they waiting for?
Trump's Wall of Lies
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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