Thursday, December 24, 2020

Don Trump Is Not Don Corleone

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

     "A worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech, winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, points with his finger, with perverted heart devises evil, continually sowing discord; therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; in a moment he will be broken beyond healing."

                             The Trump Zombie Train To Hell

   Trump continues to fume over his election LOSS claiming it was stolen from him by Democrats who were dead. Well, the results are in. A Re-Q-publican voter from Pennsylvania from Delaware Country decided to register dead people to vote for Trump. One was his dead mother. A Trump supporter from the grave. Can Trump pardon a dead person, too? First he is starting with living people.

   Trump is now on a 20-person pardoning spree freeing criminals that he identifies with. He campaigned on draining the swamp but instead, he is filling it back up with his very special swamp lizards. He chose campaign fraudsters, money-launderers, and insider trading fraudsters. Four are Blackwater murderers who killed innocent civilian Iraqis, while stationed in Iraq; three are big time corrupt politicians who stole money, and cheated on their tax forms; two turtle doves; and a one healthcare company owner who committed a $1BILLION of Medicare fraud by cheat billing nursing homes. 

   Trump is held up in the White House plotting a takeover of the political system. He has Lieutenant General Michael Flynn waving the Marshal Law flag of fascism. He is leading the charge to overturn the election result of a several states. By declaring Marshal Law he is purporting a new election be orchestrated. He was one of Trump’s pardon head cases. One thing that can be done to shut his stupid ass up would be for the military to reverse his retirement, which the military can do at anytime, and call him back up to active duty, and then court marshal him. He has committed treason by inciting an insurrection, which the military code of conduct doesn’t permit. Can any of these pardons be overturned?

  As of today, December 24, 26 more pardons were granted for more Russian Idiot Assets, such as Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone, who had already given a release by BillyBob Barr. What is Trump wanting from these people once freed? Will he call a favor some time in the future? These pardoned sleaze bags could be forced to testify at a future trial that could involve Donald J. Trump for federal crimes committed against the U.S. government. They cannot plead the 5th Amendment once pardoned. This maybe a reason why Ivanka or Jared or others in the family may not want to a presidential pardon. Another sleaze bag pardoned was Jared’s father who was convicted of plotting crimes against his sister and brother-in-law, and tax evasion. According to Chris Christie, who prosecuted the crime, Kushner was the worst case he ever tried. Charles Kushner was, and still remains to be, the worst lowlife that was a millionaire. No wonder Trump identifies with the Kushners. From one lowlife to another. With The Cretin still in office for 20 something more days, he will inflict as much damage as he can. More pardons are on the way. Even Evangelical figurehead Pat Robertson can't take it anymore. Here is a partial list of the pardons.


   Trump is likely plotting more pardons, such Rudy ‘Ghouliani’ for federal crimes not yet filed against him; but, New York is waiting for him. There is a movement to disbar his shoe polished head. While Trump’s Russian idiot asset cabal eats French fries and burgers in the Oval Office Day Care Center plotting a government takeover, the Trump Virus continues its attack. We have over $18M total infections. There are now 323,000 deaths. 3500 death per day. 240,000 infections per day. And, one in seven Americans are food insecure.

   Trump is playing a game of chicken with Congressional Re-Q-publicans. Who will give in first? As Americans are starving, The Collectively Delusional Congress Re-Q-publican cabal have decided that $600.00 per week is just good enough. But now, The Cretin has raised the stakes by saying that he will veto the stimulus-relief bill if it doesn’t include $2000.00 for desperately suffering Americans. The Collectively Delusion ReCons don’t know what to do. Nancy Pelosi is saying let’s go with a new bill vote that will raise the financial relief benefit. She is saying that the House members are ready to pass it immediately. The game of Chicken has begun. The purity test will be dumped on the Senate Re-Q-publicans, who feel that they can override The Cretin’s veto, which would totally embarrass their cult leader on his way out. At that point, the Senate fascists will be remembered as fake representatives to their suffering GOP voters. Moscow Mitch is now between a rock and hard place, just a place The Turtle doesn’t want to be. And, Trump is putting him there. Trump could let the clock run out on him signing the bill, which would be around January 8, 2021. If he runs the clock out, then Congress has nothing to give the tens of millions of suffering Americans, and vaccine relief gets stalled, as well. That means that Congress has to start all over again. Trump believes he will be the next president to sign a rewritten relief bill. Good luck with that, Donnie.  And, he once bragged that he has the back of the military, yet he said he won’t sign the defense act bill, as well, leaving the military without an increase for their soldiers. At the end of his failed presidency, he decided to let the military know exactly what he thought of them all.

   As the days run the clock for Trump in spite of his insane plan for a self-coup, the question is, who is responsible for escorting The Cretin from his Oval Office Daycare Center? Is it the Secret Service? Or, is it the military? Will it be the United Van Lines movers who encase him up in bubble wrap, or shrink wrap him in Cosmoline, which is what was used to wrap Army surplus Jeeps for long term storage, and stick him in a large round cardboard tube for transport? Technically Trump would be considered trespassing if he doesn’t leave. But today, Wednesday, he took off for Mar-A-Lago and said that he will be very busy meeting with people and taking care of business. The only business he will be busy with is playing golf and fudging the score cards. He may very likely not return to the White House ever again. He may have decided to take early retirement without giving notice. Remember, Trump has been a rent-free occupant of the government’s most expensive public housing unit. Once his lease is up, and a new tenant has signed the four year agreement, the current occupant will no longer be allowed to remain in the place. No doubt, Melania will be already gone with her stuff, and maybe stuffing a few precious items in her carry-on bag as she packs up her own valuables.  An inventory will need to be done once she is gone. Now she has to worry about where she will actually live full-time. Mar-A-Lago doesn’t allow full-time residency and those who live in Trump Tower and in NYC don’t want her there, either. Maybe there is a double-wide in her future. Let’s all imagine The Cretin being escorted out of the White House either in handcuffs, or surrounded by Secret Service agents who then point to the limo out on the driveway waiting to shuttle him to his private airplane for his one-way flight to somewhere—anywhere. It is possible that won’t be necessary, since he may not return to the White House again. 

   Once out on the street, The Cretin is alone without a staff surrounding him to boost his sociopathic ego, and without Kellyanne Conway to spew “alternative facts” being dictated to her by her crime boss. He will be alone without a bully pulpit, or the presidential twitter account. His pardoning days will be over, and he will be vulnerable to a slew of lawsuits against him. He will have to face women accusers who have filed cases of rape and assault against him. His Leadership Pac slush fund, which has over $200M in the account, will no longer be used to “steal the vote” back to him; but now, it could be used for his legal defense fund. His lawyer costs could ultimately bankrupt him or force him to sell off properties to pay to keep him out of a stark and drab studio apartment in Rikers Island prison. Other lawsuits will filed by Letitia James, the New York State attorney general, and Manhattan’s D.A. Cyrus Vance, Jr.. Trump cannot plead temporary insanity because many insiders know that their two-bit crime boss is frightened of jail time as his days finally come to an end.

   As Joe Biden said about the Trump Virus, the worst days are ahead of us. The same goes for The Cretin’s final dark days ahead. 

  Donald Trump fantasizes about being Don Corleone, the Godfather, but sadly, it is only a fantasy. Trump lives in an alternative reality. He saw himself as a Putin-style crime boss. His pardons are an action to reward his loyalists, but there is no guarantee that they will remain loyal. Several are a signal to Putin that his Idiot Assets will get a "Get Out Of Jail" card for free. The courts could decide such a fate in the future. Don Trump is not Don Corleone. The former is real; the later is a story developed out of Mario Puzo's imaginative, and creative mind. Don Trump is not creative nor intelligent enough to stay away from having to face lawyers and judges sooner than later. Trump will continue to alienate himself from those he strong armed while sitting in his Oval Office Daycare Center. Those presidential powers will disappear as did Golum's who so quickly lost his power once Bilbo found the ring of the trilogy, his Precious, that he so worshipped in his isolation from the real world of Middle Earth. Donnie fantasizes about creating a media empire that will squash his betrayers, such as Fox News, but he will be too busy trying to defend himself from numerous crimes--state, local and hopefully, federal. That is the real world, Donald. Your Precious ring of power will disappear in just 28 more days. You will be the Emperor with No Clothes. As it happens in crime syndicates, when an elder loses his power and is humiliated before the eyes of his criminal peers, his mantle is fought over for dominance by younger and just as vile underlings. As Trump fights for his survival, others will steal away his Zombie followers who are all aboard the train to hell.

When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln 

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