Thursday, December 3, 2020

Trump--The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

   BillyBob Barr apparently got cold feet as The Cretin’s lying lackey. He is not supporting his crime boss’s claim that the election, especially when it comes to Democratic votes, was swamped with widespread fraud. Is he afraid of being investigated by the bar association’s ethics division as is happening with Rudy Ghoolie Guiliani? Nevertheless, The Cretin marches on with his false voter fraud allegations and belief that Barr has been plotting against him, along with the country of Venezuela and all the morons from outer space. Barr’s Justice department is investigating a scheme that would grant a pardon by the Grifter-in-Chief in exchange for money. Thus far, no names have been leaked. Trump continues to consider pardoning his grifter cretinous kids from crimes that have not yet been filed in federal court. Getting such a pardon labels them as having committed a federal crime that had not yet been filed against them. Guilty by pardon. That stigma would follow them forever.

   The Grifter-in-Chief continues to scam his supporters by asking them to send him money for his various fake endeavors, such as the re-election campaign-2024, challenge the fraud fund, pay off my debts fund, my legal defense fund, Melania’s YUUGE diamond ring fund, my kid’s defense fund, my farewell world tour along with my special guests, and more.

   Pox Fox News continues to infect the Trump automatons using Lou Doodoo Dobbs. He railed against BillyBob Barr’s decision to say that the Justice department hadn’t found a single sliver of evidence signaling widespread voter fraud. Voodoo Doodoo Dobbs somehow knows differently without a single shred of evidence. Dobbs, who now is playing infectious disease doctor, and intelligence expert, said that Barr was either politically “compromised” or “distraught and ill”. Dobbs is so far up Trump’s backside that he can smell the horrible cretinous odor. Dobbs is a lifelong conspiracy theorist. He has been drinking toxic Kool-Aid cocktails for years. He was one of the original Obama Birthers. He just completed the book, “The Trump Century: How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever”. Dobbs wrote a book filled with fantasy. He focused on how Trump reversed America’s decline, when in fact, Trump actually brought about its decline domestically and abroad. Maybe Dobbs should be on anti-psychotic medicine. No doubt, he didn’t discuss how Trump’s goal was to destroy democracy and use his power for an “authoritarian/autocratic attempt” in his first term, followed by an “autocratic breakthrough” had he won a second one. He made the claim that Democrats were the radical party, when really the Republican-Q’Anon Party is the most radical-fascist party in our history. This new Trumpist Party is the closest we are to a New Nazi fascist party. The Deep State are Republicans, who adopted the Q conspiracies. This incredible idiot wrote how Trump remade America in a way that would recreate established and accepted political and social norms by future presidents in his image designed out of authoritarianism, which would bring about greater abuses of power by his successors carrying the Trump torch.

   “Make no mistake” the attempt to harness Trumpism [authoritarianism] without Trump, but with calculated, refined and smarter political talent — is coming. [Then count out Donnie Junior and Ivanka.] And it won’t be easy to make the next Trumpist a one-term president. He will not be so clumsy or vulnerable. He will get into office less by luck than by skill.” 

Read Zeynep Tufekci’s Atlantic article here.

   Tufekci writes that Democrats can’t rest on their nostalgic past history. We must grasp that Trumpism created a major crevasse in our democracy. To fix this we must move beyond political “politeness and right rhetoric.” We must “highlight the value of norms and call for the restoration of democratic institutions.” “The good old days will not get us out of this” deeply dug hole that democracy has fallen into by the Trumpists many of whom are White Supremacists, White entitlement voters, radical right religious fanatics, conspiracists/Q’Anonies, neo-Nazis, fascists, White identity crisis voters, macho men of color and more.

   Speaking of Q’Anonies, Trump spent 46 minutes spewing conspiracy filled rhetoric over Facebook. His insane pontification focused around his obsession with voter fraud committed by Democratic strongholds. He told his automatons, “It is statistically impossible that the person, me, that led the charge, lost.” Yes, he led a fascist authoritarian charge to overthrow democracy, but he failed to grasp that the majority of the country didn’t want him to do so. Instead of focusing on the rising daily death toll due to his virus (275,000 total) (2,800 daily deaths), and massive lines of hungry Americans waiting for free food, which is the worst food insecurity catastrophe in modern history, since the Great Depression, he spent his time preparing for this incredible dysfunctional rant. He wailed against Dominion Voting Systems, which he falsely claimed switched ballots from Trump to Biden without a single shred of evidence. 

He might as well say that the morons from outer space came down and placed their magic spells over voters switching from Trump to Biden. That would be just a credible as what he said for 46 minutes. Mary Trump said about his infomercial was that “He’s the only person I’ve ever met who can gaslight himself.” Trump is the real Saturday Night Live Drunk Uncle character.

   After his moronic 46 minute rant, he went to the Oval Office Daycare Center and had his snack.

   Drunk Uncle Donald continues to slip further into the crevasse of his own making by pressing the Wisconsin Republican majority legislature to abandon the U.S. Constitution and give him all their electoral college votes because of his made up conspiracy theory fantasies. He has filed another federal lawsuit against Wisconsin. (In the photo of this link you will see Kreepy Kushner standing in the background maskless clapping for his drunk uncle while everyone else are wearing masks.) Trump and attorney Jenna Ellis’s claim is that the pandemic was no excuse for modifying the voting process by making available and expanding mail-in ballots to everyone in the state who were needing protection from exposure to the Trump Virus. They claim that the rules of the election were changed in the final days prior to election day. Trump alleges access to absentee ballots went beyond the law even though his virus was out of control.

   As Trump ignored the crisis the nation is engulfed in, Trump and his Brownshirts focused on fantasy except Treasury Secretary Stevie Mnuchin who was trying to move one-half trillion dollars away from pandemic relief for small businesses and those people that are out of work because of the Trump Virus into the general fund. Katie Porter ripped Stevie an new one during a congressional hearing. He had the balls to ask Representative Porter if she was a lawyer after she questioned him whether he was an attorney. Porter is a Harvard law graduate and teaches law as well as being a Congresswoman.  

   Caroline Mimbs Nyce writes in The Atlantic, “Trump Might Fade Away” “The president is commanding far less attention in his last weeks of office.” David Graham said that “people have already stopped paying attention to the 45th president” but “[t]his is not license for the nation to let its guard down.” Timothy Noah says, “we’ll likely learn a lot more than we know now.”

   Mary Trump believes her drunk uncle Donald will be juggling many woes once he leaves the White House. In her upcoming 2021 book, “The Reckoning” she will examine her uncle even deeper. She will dissect “America’s national trauma” and “the Trump administration’s corrupt and immoral policies.” She says, “America is suffering from PTSD.” She will explore how we need to recover from the trauma The Cretin has inflicted upon the nation. She said in the interview with Joe Pompeo in Vanity Fair, “There are people among us who have always existed—unrepentant racists, white supremacists, people who are hateful and nothing you say is gonna change their mind, nothing the government does to make their lives better is gonna convince them the government isn’t out to get them. The problem is that under the current administration, they’ve been activated and represented in a way they never have been before.” “Living with these levels of stress, it’s incredibly unhealthy in all sorts of ways, and it isn’t just COVID.” “For some of us it’s the sense that we believed that our government was there to protect us and help us in tough times, and clearly that hasn’t happened. In fact, the opposite is the case—the government actually made things worse.” In the next 50 days, “he’s gonna counter-program the inauguration, maybe with a rally announcing his 2024 candidacy, which is a complete joke, or something like that.” Once he leaves office, “He is, and his children are, looking at potentially very serious charges—tax fraud, [bank fraud, insurance fraud], money laundering, and what have you.” Banking institutions will no longer protect him.

   2021 looks very serious for the Trumps. They are in deep trouble. There will be no 2024 political dreams for any of them. Their lives will be totally disrupted and maybe crumbling. We have more to worry about than the Trumps: a presidential run by a smarter and more charismatic fascist, such as Nikki Haley, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio; the Trump Virus further doing damage to humanity; the economy and additional unemployment; evictions; overburdened hospitals; and overburdened food banks; and, a vaccine that isn’t controlling the spread of the virus, as well as maskless, anti-vaxxer populous still waving the MAGA flags. Biden has his work cut out for himself. We must stand behind him and other Democrats willing to move the country forward, as well as, electing Ossoff and Warock in their Georgia run-off elections.

            Worldometer COVID statistics here.

When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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