Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
The grifting grotesque Grinch Trump of Psychoticsville said this, “The Swine Flu (H1N1), and the attempt for a vaccine by the Obama administration, with Joe Biden in charge, was a complete and total disaster. Now they want to come in and take over one of the “greatest and fastest medical miracles in modern history.” I don’t think so!”
“President Obama has upped the ante in the battle to control the H1N1 flu by declaring it a national emergency, the second such declaration since the flu first emerged last spring. The White House said the proclamation, which was signed late Friday, will allow public health agencies as well as doctors and hospitals to bypass certain requirements, but details about how that will transfer into clinical practice are not clear. The proclamation notes that the declaration is a precautionary measure, "given that the rapid increase in illness across the Nation may overburden healthcare resources and that the temporary waiver of certain standard Federal requirements may be warranted in order to enable U.S. healthcare facilities to implement emergency operations plans." At least one extraordinary step -- FDA permission to use the investigational antiviral peramivir to treat patients who are critically ill with H1N1 -- was also announced yesterday.
Last April, in the early days of the H1N1 outbreak, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, speaking for the administration, declared a public health emergency. That declaration freed up supplies of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) from the national stockpile.
At a press briefing yesterday, CDC director Thomas Frieden, MD, said that H1N1 has thus far claimed more than 1,000 American lives, a death toll that includes about 100 children. Moreover, 46 states are reporting widespead flu activity.” Read the source here written October 2009.
Trump of Psychoticsville failed to understand that in only a matter of a couple months, Obama declared a national emergency. He mobilized the use of drugs that would be used to treat those infected Americans. Under The grifting grotesque Grinch, we have 3,700 people dying everyday from the Trump Virus. Our hospitals have run out of beds for the sick. Hospital workers are overworked, while the automatons following The Cretin down the nation’s memory lane of death ignore mask wearing and family gatherings. These self-centered, ego-centered twatwaffler ignoramuses are the ones putting our hospitals and healthcare workers at risk, as well as everyone else.
The Fool in the White House has failed at every turn. He ignored the warnings of a coming pandemic back in early 2019 and into 2020. He was more concerned about the stock market and making sure that everyone was working, while a pandemic infected millions of people who were working. Mike da’Putz Pence followed in lockstep just like a good Nazi. Once the Trump Virus spread throughout the country, Trump told Carl Bernstein in the infamous interviews that he didn’t want to alarm us so he kept the seriousness of the pandemic to himself, while calling himself a War Time President fighting the virus. More insanity from the Cretin-in-Chief.
Then, he got Jared Junkhead Kushner involved, and he screwed up the already messy mobilization process with his incredible incompetence. Trump told cities and states that they were on their own to find PPE and other necessary equipment. He pitted state against state, and governor against governor. He failed to institute the National Defense Production Act to push manufactures to dedicate their production lines to produce PPE.
Then he failed to mobilize testing, lab sites to do the analysis, and contact tracing. What happened next was that the virus got so out of control that it became ineffective to contact trace with accuracy.
Trump then said that wearing a mask was sissy-like and real men don’t wear masks. He encouraged businesses to open up. He ranted that shutdowns were basically the sign of the devil, and his supporters ignored the them, along with mask wearing and physical distancing. The virus spread. Re-Q-publican governors went along with Trump, which eventually caused major outbreaks in their communities. Then Trump’s sick Nazi anarchist followers stormed Democratic governor and mayor offices protesting shutdowns. They threatened to do harm to officials who didn’t do what these Nazi Snowflakes demanded. These fascists were just too sissy to wear a mask, and pretended that a simple piece of cloth was damaging their masculinity and “freedoms”.
Now the Trump Virus was killing more people each day than those who died on 9-11 on that single sorrowful day. Parties at the White House went maskless resulting in the office of the presidency becoming a super-spreading site.
While Trump was denying the dangers of the Trump Virus and claiming it was just the flu, drug manufacturers went full speed ahead to develop a vaccine because they saw the enormous need because the rest of the world was seriously getting infected, and did not want to be out done by a foreign vaccine manufacturer. Operation Warp Speed turned into a dud and became Operation Warped Speed. “The greatest and fastest medical miracle in history” had nothing to do with the Trump administration and their compulsive denialism.
Next, around Thanksgiving, Trump promised 20M doses of vaccines to be shot into the arms of Americans. Thus far, 2.1M doses have been injected into the arms of people. Operation Warped Speed says that 100M will be allotted to the states, but that doesn’t mean that they will be immediately distributed to the cities, towns and hospitals. Another piece of fake news from the administration.
At this time, a mutation of the Trump Virus has infected a 20 year old in Colorado, which is much more infectious than COVID-19. How it arrived in the United States is unknown, at this time. Other countries have been analyzing the genome of this variant virus, while the Trump administration is not doing so in order to understand just what this virus looks like and just how dangerous it might be. More incompetence from Trump.
The projections say that around 400,000 Americans will be dead from the Trump Virus by February. This is Trump’s legacy.
So, Trump’s tweet criticizing the Obama and Biden administration is just more insane bluster and more denialism by the grifting grotesque Grinch who has created the worst domestic disaster in modern history.
Trump has spent more time on the golf course in just four years, than any other president in history. He has spent over 314 days avoiding being presidential by chasing his tiny and rock solid balls over 18 holes.
When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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