Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
The unbounded corruption and grifting by the King of Grift and his sleazy court jester, Jared Kushner, continues to ooze out of every pore of their existence. Two Bit Crime Family made up of the Trump KKKlan never ceases. Here is the latest. Under Kushner’s magic 8 ball watchful fingers, he set up two shell companies, one wasn’t enough for their YUUUGE grift against their donor contributions for the campaign, folks!!!], which they kept hidden as best they could in these shell companies away from prying eyes that would look into the financial details, such as where did the money come from, what other shell companies were used to transfer donations into the Trump campaign accounts, and more.
These companies were under the management of Eric Trump’s wife Laura, Jone Pence, Mike da’ Putz Pence’s nephew, and Sean Dollman, the Trump campaign’s chief financial officer whose new roll was the treasurer of these shell companies, or should be call him Michael Corleone. ‘Keep da’ family close.’
This money was funneled into the pockets of the Trump crime family through these shell companies where it couldn’t be easily traced.
Inside the Trump campaign organization existed another entity called the Trump Victory, which funneled donor cash into these shell companies and into Parscale’s group for managing the campaign. Parscale ended up getting pushed out after it was thought he was enriching himself with Trump donor cash via his management company. Laura Trump and Don—da’ Junior—Trump’s girlfriend was also on the payroll but didn’t have a defined role in the campaign. It was like the Trump Organization paying a salary for old Auntie Mae Corleone who never did anything for the business but sit home and bake cookies. The two ladies of the crime family were supposedly making $15,000 per month!!! It was reported by Business Insider, and also by Salon.com that there were others given big cash amounts for their work for Trump: Brendan Fischer, a videographer, Jason Miller, a strategist who supposedly raked in around $35,000 per month, Katrina Pierson and Stephanie Alexander, Jeff DeWit, Bob Paduchik, and Bill Shine. An outside vendor was also used to funnel cash as directed by Kushner through Jamestown Associates.
The Campaign Legal Center filed legal actions against the campaign with FEC for transparency because they suspected money-laundering of $170M through it. Around $620M was sent through the money maze. In spite of losing the 2020 election, the crime family wins by walking away YUUUGEEEE piles of cash. How much went into ‘Javanka’s’ Indian Creek Island $30M piece of property?
Brad Parscale was Trump’s campaign manager, at the time, and Jared’s purpose was to funnel money away from Parscale Strategy group was thought to have his hand in the cookie jar, as well.
This looks like a major criminal enterprise of money shuffling for the sole purpose as to hide where it came from and from where this cash originated. One could call it a Trump Campaign Slush Fund directed by Jared—Jingo—Kushner.
While all this is going on, we all have to ask, “Whose on first?” No one knows who inside the White House is in charge of distributing vaccines to places and locations around the country. No one has answered this question in Operation Warp (ed) Speed. Pfizer doses are sitting in the Pfizer warehouse, millions of doses, with no logistical directions. Doctors and hospitals are desperately waiting for this vaccine while at the same time, their ICU beds have filled up beyond capacity, especially in California. Is Trump doing this on purpose to let the people of California suffer and die?
Murderer Trump needs to be removed from office using the 25th Amendment NOW!!
As the Trump Virus runs wild like a stampede of buffalo across the Wild West, a new strain of virus is attacking Southeast England. No one yet knows of its severity and just how deadly it is. No one knows if the current vaccines are effective against it. As the GOP Death Cult leader, Donald Trump, sits idle staring into his Magic 8 Ball for answers, the American people, around 80%, are waiting for the availability of the vaccines. Americans are willing to get the shots, except of course, those who are waiting under the stars to get beamed up by the Mother Ship. Just what we need is for this new strain of the coronavirus to hit America within the next three months.
Moscow Mitch McConnell and a handful of his men’s room pocket billiard buddies are holding up the relief bill because, according to West Virginia’s senator Joe Manchin (D), they have included in the bill a continuation of the Federal Reserve’s capability to inject the economy with cash if the fed chairman believes that if the economy is faltering and falling into an economic and fiscal problem, they would be able to stimulate the economy with their available cash reserves. According to Manchin there is one senator who is holding up the bill for a vote because he wants to see this section of the bill removed. No one has revealed this particular senator’s name.
It has recently been exposed that the obstructionist Senator holding up the bill that would put money in the hands of Americans in need is Obstructionist and Elitist Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. His D.C. office number is 202-224-4254. In a letter received by this Blogspot, Toomey wrote that he was proud of the Trump legacy and he voted for Trump in this current election. How can he be proud of a criminal crime boss who ignored the Trump Virus and is stalling to get the vaccine into hospitals overwhelmed with infected Americans. Toomey should hide his head in shame. He is a despicable senator. A Harvard graduate and bought and sold foreign currencies during the and before the 2008 economic collapse. He is a financial predator and now wants to screw those suffering as a result of the guy he voted for and is proud of. He lost all integrity by being proud of the Trump legacy. Call this jerk and give him a piece of your mind. Today’s Nitwit Obstructionist Award goes to Senator Pat Toomey.
Stephen Colbert's "Twas the Coup Before Christmas"
When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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