Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
Adapted from The Doors song, “The End"
This is the end, ugly fiend,
This is the end, my only fiend,
The end of your elaborate plans,
The end of everything that stands
The end of no safety or surprise
The end we’ll never look into your hollow, empty eyes again
Can you picture what will be?
The Cretin continues to give his “White Power” fisted, flexed elbow salute to his White Fascist supporters. He gave one when he learned that his personal militia showed up at a D.C. rally in order to offer violent insurrection activity for his “Stop The Steal” fantasy movement. Then he had to do a helicopter fly-over in Marine One in order to egg on street violence against Black Lives Matter supporters. Fascist-Nazi Bob Good -ie-two-shoes, a Trump wannabe, who is about to fill Virginia’s 5th Congressional district seat, praised maskless rally zombies and told them the Trump Virus was a hoax and “phony”, while cheering them on as a “group of people that gets it.” Gets what idiot? Gets the virus? Did he subliminally say that they will get the Trump Virus, at some point soon, because they are “Snowflakes”—afraid to wear masks because it challenges their image of masculinity, which is a mask to their fantasy of “freedom”?
Trump’s Good-ie-bagman said, “It’s a virus, but its a virus, it’s not a pandemic.” Whaaaat? He really said that? As the pandemic rages, yes Bob, it is a real raging pandemic. Over 301,000 Americans have died in less than a year. 16.7 million Americans have gotten the virus. So, moron, what are you talking about? The majority of the voters in the 5th Virginia district must really be stupid to have elected you. Trump demands “Good” foot soldiers to do his fake news bidding.
This is the first time that our democracy has been challenged. There was no time in our history that a fascist, whose lifetime business was rooted in fakery, grifting, cheating, sliming, and lying his way to power, while all the while looking toward the next scam. What is amazing is that Trump’s crime family found like minded followers and politicians to join his small time crime syndicate scam, while working to overthrow democracy and replace it with a Re-Q-publican Russian style fascist political system. Many in Congress have no shame as they attempt to push for sedition. And now, on his way out, and ending up as a one-term president, he continues to grift doing his song and dance routine asking his automaton fascist supporters for their Social Security cash to be funneled into his personal bank account, which he disguises as a political action slush fund to be used for his imaginary re-election committee, and legal team. Once again, Trump is stealing $200M in cash instead of actually earning it!! He grifted it, again. Did $30M of this grifted cash go to Ivanka so she and Jingo Jared could buy their Indian Creek Island property? Jingo being used because Jared, Ivanka, Trump, and Dr. Atlas, along with Trump’s pandemic deniers within the medical community, have declared war on the American people with their lack of action, which resulted in a stampede herd immunity killing the most vulnerable people. Trump entered the political fray as a racist by dismissing Barack Obama’s American heritage, and trying to destroy his presidential legacy, and now, he leaves office challenging the legitimate votes of Black Americans as stolen and fake votes. He is leaving office as a racist bigot, just as he entered office. There is something to be said for consistency.
The D.C. rally, with thousands of automatons cheering on Michael Flynn, a Russian Idiot Asset and traitor, My Pillow idiot—Mikey Lindell, and fascist ally—Alex Jones all of whom are Trump’s Brownshirts acting like Hitler’s ‘propagandestas’ whose only objectives were to stir up hate not unlike Hitler’s henchmen who stirred up those German Aryan’s who followed the Fuehrer’s hateful instructions.
We have a medical group of Demon Semen anti-vaccine Trump supporters dismissing and pushing for people to not submit to a vaccine because they will be embedded with a chip that will track them if they get the shot. This is just one of their insane conspiracy theories that they are pushing. Read more here.
They believe that a piece of cloth across their face and nose is a form of tyranny. So what do they call having car insurance, or a fishing license, or paying their property taxes, or following traffic laws? So, to wear a cloth mask is tyranny; then, why do they follow and obey these other supposed acts of tyranny? It is because their death cult leader commanded them to do so. Not unlike crazy man preacher Jim Jones, who commanded his cult followers to drink the deadly Kool-Aid, back in his Jonestown, Guyana jungle compound in 1978, who believed they could all be transported to the Mother Ship; all 918 followers, and 304 being children. Trump is like Jim Jones. Trump commands his followers to cause seditious acts on his behalf. He commands them to ignore the Trump Virus and avoid mask wearing, yet now praises himself for claiming that the vaccine is “My Vaccine”. So, why isn’t he also saying it’s, “My Virus”?
All eyes are on January 6, 2021, now that the Electoral College has called Joe Biden as our next president. This day will be when Mike Putz, or Mike Pence, will finally end Trump’s time in the Oval Office Daycare Center. No more free Fish crackers for Baby Trump. The Putz will read the senate’s votes in order to confirm the Electoral College’s vote count. The Putz will be put in the AWKWARD position to either stand with the U.S. Constitution or with the seditionists. He will have to announce that Joe Biden is our next president, and Trump is the Loser. Therefore, The Putz will be put in the position telling his fascist crime boss loser that he will be sent back to his cretinous compound on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, maybe to be swept away by a future tsunami. But, hopefully, he will be in a New York State prison serving time for crimes committed in New York.
Representative Mo-the Ho-Brookes, (R-AL) is spearheading the charge to upend the Constitution and gather together more fellow fascists to refuse to agree on the vote decided by the American people through the Electoral College outcome. His list of fascists are: Rand Paul (R-KY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Mike Lee (R-UT), Scott Perry (R-PA), Matt Gaetz (R-PA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Jim Jordan (R-OH) among others. These proliferators of poisonous propaganda who believe that there was widespread voter fraud without a single shred of proof, which in fact, brought out the largest number of voters for both a winner and loser because of mail-in voting, to date. Trump continues to rail on about widespread voter fraud, when it is really all over for him.
There is a call for Trump's fake lawsuit attorneys should be disbarred by their bar association. Ghouliani-Guiliani, and Powell should have their legal licenses taken from them. Read it here.
Trump’s 47 percent voter turnout was equal to Gerald Ford’s vote totals. Not a remarkable win. How can there be voter fraud when Republicans won seats across the country at the same time Trump lost? The Congressional Re-Q-publican are not able to think logically. They’re too busy wanting to crush democracy in favor of authoritarianism led by Trump’s small time grifter crime syndicate. These Mo Brookes fascist collaborators apparently want four more years of grifting, sliming, cheating, lying and corruption. They stand behind Trump’s criminal presidency and corrupt incompetence displayed pervasively throughout the administration that stands behind Trump.
One blatant example can be seen with Stevie Munchkin Mnunchin’s total incompetence during his rollout of the Paycheck Protection Program. The PPP gave out $670B through the Treasury. He “distributed $520B in forgivable loans to more than 5M American businesses before it expired in August.” This money was to be used in order to keep working people paid during the crisis. The issue with Mnuchin’s PPP plan was the lack of transparency detailing who got the money and how much did they get. “There has not been ample scrutiny around the loans that went to well-capitalized public companies while many mom and pop small businesses missed out on the relief they needed, as well as funds received by wealthy and well-connected entities.”
The Trump Organization and Kushner and Company received such government hand-outs amounting to $3.65M (!) Tom Brady received $1M, YouTuber Jake Paul received $30K free cash from the taxpayers, just to name these three grifters. Grifter Ivanka and Jared have bought a $30M 1.3 acre piece of property on the very exclusive Indian Creek Island in Florida, following his acquisition of the government’s free PPP forgivable cash, which is secured by a 13-person police force making sure the 29 households are protected from the riff-raff behind secure gates.
“Small businesses may also have been hurt by the government’s decision to distribute PPP funds through large banks and other private lenders.” Mnuchin gave out cash to the richest among us, but left the working class riff-raff to suffer in poverty.
As Melania packs up he stuff preparing to return to their Florida refuge, Dumb-Dumb Donnie hunkers down in his Oval Office Daycare Center for another four plus years. She understands the fact, while The Cretin is stuck in his self-directed episode of Ground Hog Day. Melania has earned a Nitwit Award, specifically a Dishonorable Mention, because she is a disgusting piece of shit fascist and self-absorbed fool. She did her once a year visit to the D.C. Children’s Hospital without wearing a face mask. She could care less about protecting children from the Trump Virus. She sat reading a storybook before a group of hospitalized kids without a face mask. As the White House has been a Superspreader of the Trump Virus, and as one security chief administrator, Crede Bailey, with a White House office, had been hospitalized for three months suffering from The Trump Virus. He ended up having to go under the knife resulting in lower extremity amputations. So, Moron Melania, who clearly has no soul or an ounce of compassion, read to kids without a mask in spite of the hospital’s policy that EVERYONE in the hospital wear one. Of course, Moron Melania sees herself above everyone else.
We have learned that Trump’s Russian crime boss, Vladimir Putin, has been directing his equivalent of the U.S.’s CIA, to hack into government and private computer servers and networks, while Trump plays in his daycare center or roams his golf courses. Putin had hackers spread malware into multiple Trump government departments and agencies, such as, the CIA, Commerce, nuclear power systems, Treasury and corporations in order to steal personal data, learn vulnerabilities of systems, and agencies, along with other pieces of useful information. It appears that Trump could care less about such a cyber attack. He may have allowed it, for all we know, since he is a Russian Idiot asset.
This is proof that he needs to be removed from office before Inauguration Day. We have learned that a Tennessee Republican with a checked past has called for the 25th Amendment be enacted to remove Trump from office now. Ray Blanton, a former Congressman who has been marred by scandal because he pardoned murderers and felons. The pot calling the kettle black, it appears, yet he is pointing his justifiably dirty fingers at Trump because of his plan to pardon for cash. U.S. prosecutors are investigating Trump’s bribery-for-pardon party favors. U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander, apparently, is prepared to submit a draft petition to enact the 25th Amendment. Let’s get to it!
Nitwit Awards—Dishonorable Mentions:
The Nitwit Awards will now give Dishonorable Mentions to more of the evil people who enabled The Cretin to build a foundational system of authoritarianism and fascism to proliferate throughout our government and society.
The First Dishonorable Mention Award goes to the Nazi Adolph Eichmann look alike,
Nazi Stephen Miller, who is a Trump collaborator and chief architect of U.S. concentration camps to hold brown Latino immigrants fleeing oppression, violence, and kidnapping, along with the separation of children from their parents, many of whom (over 500) have not been accounted for and lost in the system, at this time. Miller believed that Trump still has a pathway to a second term even as the Electoral College confirmed Biden’s presidential win. Watch Erin Burnett on this video. Law professor Lawrence Tribe said that Miller is acting out his Nazi motives by inciting violence by telling Trump’s supporters that he is to remain as president.
The Second Dishonorable Mention Award goes to BillyBob Barr, who violated his Attorney General oath to represent the country and operate independently from the President. He ended up abandoning his oath and worked directly with Trump to further his agenda. Barr ended up being a crime boss attorney. He became author Mario Puzo’s Tom Haden, The Godfather’s personal attorney.
The Third Dishonorable Mention Award goes to both Kevin McCarthy and Mo Brookes who are mobilizing the act of sedition on January 6, 2021to create a congressional uprising in order to oppose the results of a fair and partially free election that chose Biden over The Cretin.
The Fourth Dishonorable Mention Awards go to those inside the administration. One goes to Stevie Moron Mnuchin, operating out of the Treasury, and who had a leading role in bringing about the destruction of Main and Side Street’s economic collapse! The collapse of jobs is directly linked to him by dishing free money to rich and big corporations, instead of the unemployed.
Betsy Devos, also known as DeV-ass, called for her career employees to stand up against the Biden administration’s new education secretary head. She is calling for her type of insurrection. She falsely believed that she put students first, and believed that her self-righteous bullshit represented America’s students, when in fact, she represented rich family students and private schools and private higher educational systems. The Biden Administration will do more for public education than DeV-ass could ever imagine. She has been a total failure and Big-L Loser.
During Trump’s last gasp of his presidency, he continues to disrupt democracy. In the latest Congressional bill, which The Cretin has threatened to veto, is to repeal Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which protects social-media companies from liability over posts on their sites. The Cretin is fearful that once ejected from the Oval Office Daycare Center, he maybe removed from his Twitter account for spewing lies, hate and violence; otherwise, Twitter could face lawsuits.
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention has released a study that spanned over 20 countries that found that one’s home is a significant Trump Virus hotspot. Community spread apparently starts from home. If a family shows any sort of symptomology it could trigger a viral spread within the family and out into the community. Read it here.
Adapted from the song, “It’s Over”
Your baby (voter) doesn't love you anymore
Golden days before they end
Whisper secrets to the wind
Your baby (voters) won't be near you any more
Sleepless nights before they fly
Send falling stars that seem to cry
(Many a voter) doesn't want you anymore
It's over
It breaks your heart in two, To know (they’ve) been untrue
But oh what will you do? Then (they) said to you
There's someone new— We're through We're through
It's over It's over It's over
All the rainbows in the sky
Start to weep, then say goodbye
You won't be seeing rainbows any more
Setting suns before they fall, Echo to you that's all that's all
But you'll see lonely sunset after all
It's over It's over It's over It's over
Hey Death Cult Donnie, It’s over. It is over. It is over.
When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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