Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
Ivanka, our lil’Miss Cretin, was upset that she had to answer questions from the Washington, D.C. district attorney, Karl Racine, regarding significant price gauging directed by Ivanka who led the Trump 2016 Inauguration Committee as it arranged the inauguration party held at the Trump International Hotel in Washington. Approximately an extra $1M was charged by the hotel to the committee, which was donor funded, which went into the pockets of the Trump Organization bank accounts. This was just the beginning of Trump’s thefts either by donors to his campaign or from the U.S. Treasury.
The grifting Lil’Cretin felt insulted that she had to be accountable, since she was the overseer of the committee, as well as serving as an officer inside the Trump Organization. Ivanka should get used to having to testify before a court of law in the coming year or two as she and the others in her KKKlan get indicted.
The accusation of price gauging for personal profit by a public official is a crime. She called it a witch hunt. Where did we hear that before? She learned well from daddy grifter Cretin. She had been told by Rick Gates, the Inauguration Committee Deputy Chairman that the over charges were too high. Also, Stephanie Wolkoff, who worked on the event, said the charges were too high, as well, as estimating that the per day charges were 100% above the going rate. If lil’miss Cretin believes she is going to win a political race of her own after her corrupt history, and the coming court hearings where she will have to testify under oath, then she also lives in her daddy’s fantasy world.
The entire Cretin KKKlan is crazy, greedy and extremely incompetent. Susan Glasser wrote in her piece, “The President Is Acting Crazy, So Why Are We Shrugging It Off?” As Americans die from the Trump Virus in escalating numbers everyday, Daddy Cretin went on a 46 minute monologue of lies, falsehoods and dysfunctional diatribes pretending the big bad wolf blew his election house down and no one believes him. But they will, at some point when he proves it. He continued to claim “tremendous election fraud and irregularities” without a single shred of evidence. Hey Trumpty Dumpty keeps asking his fans to keep those checks coming into his fantasy island fund. He ranted words like “illegal”, “corrupt”, “shocking”, “constitutionally absolutely incorrect”. This impeached moron has no idea what is in the U.S. Constitution, and actually believed it needed to be rewritten on his behalf, such as a perpetual presidency, along with bribery and extortion as acceptable actions by a sitting president. And, don’t forget unfettered presidential powers to mimic what his Russian idiot asset handler, Vladimir Putin can do. He has been violating the constitution since day one.
He has been ranting about Wisconsin voter fraud citing the case of the part-time contractor mail delivery person who said that mail-in ballots were postmarked after Election Day, and then back dated, and were counted. The actual fact is that in Wisconsin, ballots received by 8:00 p.m. Election Day would be counted in spite of the postmark on the envelope. Trump is using his donations from his automatons out there in MAGA land to fund these worthless lawsuits and supporting these worthless lawyers working for him.
Glasser said, “Donald Trump in defeat, it turns out, is even more whiny, dishonest and self-absorbed than he was before his decisive loss to Biden, a month ago.” Trump whined about Detroit’s imaginary corruption. Just wait when he is prosecuted for his actual corruption by the state of New York and the district of Manhattan. He claimed that “millions of votes were cast illegally in the swing states alone” without any proof. He went off on Dominion Voting Systems claiming Venezuela’s dictator Chavez was involved in stealing the vote against him and that Dominion’s electronic votes were collected, and changed out of the country and then sent back with Biden laden votes. “[W]e have a company that’s very suspect” and that “with a turn of a dial, with a change of a chip,” “nobody understands” how it works “including in many cases the people that run them.”
With the turn of the dial, poof, presto chango, Trump votes magically become Biden votes. Trump has been watching way too many cartoons! He said that the votes were “counted in foreign countries, not in the United States.” Perhaps they were electronically sent through an alternate dimension and then into the Matrix before returning and in that alternate reality Trump votes became Biden votes, while a great many down ballot votes stuck with Republican winning candidates. HUMMM. How did that happen, Donald? Maybe your Magic 8 Ball can answer that; or, just ask Batshit Crazy Rudy.
Speaking of batshit crazies, look no further than Jim Jordan, Ohio’s congressional representative, who called out Dr. Fauci by nominating him as this year’s Grinch by asking all Americans to abide by physical distancing and mask wearing over the upcoming holidays. He said that Fauci is calling for a “war on Christmas.” Apparently, Jordan is calling for a viral invasion of Christmas, instead.
Mary Trump said that her drunk Uncle Donald is a “traitor” and “belongs in prison.” She said that “It’s quite frankly insulting to be told time after time that the American people can handle it and that we just need to move on. “If anybody needs to be prosecuted it is Donald; (otherwise,) we just leave ourselves open to somebody who, believe it or not, is even worse than he is.” [Let’s look at Jim Jordan or Nikki Haley, or Matt Getz, for example.] She went on to say in the article written by Michael Sisak, in the Associated Press, “America is looking down the barrel of an explosion of psychological disorders (from the) trauma of living in a country in which the pandemic didn’t just strike, but it was completely mishandled.” “It’s not simply that Donald is horrible and incompetent and cruel, it’s that he’s been allowed to be. Every transgression that’s gone on unpunished has been an opportunity for him to stretch the envelope even further. That’s partially why we’re going to see him smashing as much stuff on his way out the door as he can.” “I think it would be a tragedy if Donald and everybody who’s enabled him and committed crimes with him is not held accountable. It would make it impossible for this country to recover in the long term.” It doesn’t get anymore real than what Mary Trump has been saying all along.
Glasser said in an interview that the majority of the Republi-Q-Canon congressional delegation in Washington have been silent about Trump’s insane beliefs, and support the belief that he can pull off four more years out of his magic MAGA hat; yet, they are already criticizing Biden’s cabinet picks. How does that work? They are saying that Biden is actually headed to the presidency with potential cabinet picks they don’t like, yet, at the same time, are saying that Trump will have four more years? Make up your minds you congressional cowards.
The Cretin decided to fly to Georgia supposedly to wave the MAGA hat for Purdue and Loeffler, but instead, he decided to host his own game show and stand-up rally routine all for himself. He only cares about dear ‘ole daddy grifter. The crowd of diehards who came to see the star of the Fantasy Island “You’re Fired” special exile episode heard him spew his conspiracy theories and lies. This crowd had to be made up of fearful, lonely, empty, angry, White racist people who feel that fascism is better than democracy under a Trump-style authoritarianism. The purpose of the rally was to try and keep himself relevant during these last handful of days in order for his automatons to keep those checks and automatic credit card charges flowing his way. In just 40some days, he will be back in Florida, draining his $207M and growing slush fund, which will be used to bankroll his whims supplied by his lonely and soul-empty supporters so he can pay down his YUUGE debts, and begin paying for real lawyers who will do their best to keep his ass out of an orange jumpsuit. Trump must be the daddy his supporters always wanted.
Watch Smerconich’s video and interview discussing a Trump 2024 come-back kid run for the White House. Only Grover Cleveland attempted this act, yet Cleveland was a totally different person. He was respected and was seen as a decent and honest person just the opposite of Trump. Also, one can hear Trump saying that he does understand that he is out of the White House come 2021 when he says that he will consider a come-back kid attempt at becoming the Republi-Q-Canon nominee for 2024. Trump must be writing his memoir in comic book form.
Trump is either batshit crazy, or playing a horribly anti-democratic, pro-fascist game to discredit our entire democratic norms and institutions that actually make America truly great. He is spinning these fantasies into the minds of his automatons so they can continue to further his anti-democratic agenda once he leaves office, while being left with only his Twitter feed, as he battles for his freedom from incarceration, at most, and at least, bankruptcy.
Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue is excellent. Halfway through he does a mash-up of Trump’s 46 minute diatribe and distills it into a very funny minute long edit. Watch it here.
Here is a video asking the silly question can Trump beat the odds and win in 2024.
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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