Saturday, December 12, 2020

The 2020 Nitwit Awards Go To...

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow


                    So long, farewell, you narcissistic liar....

   This episode of the Trumpty Dumpty Report will be dedicated to the 2020 Nitwit Awards. Trump, Pence, Graham, and McConnell are the recipients of this prestigious award. 

   “Individual One”, once known as Trump, wrote on Twitter, “I WON THE ELECTION, BIG”. Is Trump talking about his fantasy win in the Russian House of Parliament? Or, was it on the board of Mike Lindell’s My Pillow corporation? Let’s all boycott My Pillow products into the future.

Pennsylvania Representative Bryan Cutler, the Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has called for an abandonment of the will of the voters for all the electoral votes given to Biden, to instead be given to Trump. For no apparent reason, Cutler is calling for a legitimate election without any evidence of voter fraud to be handed over to Trump just because he believes that authoritarianism is a better choice than a democracy. Maybe the voters in his district should consider writing up a petition to recall his election. We don’t vote for fascists!!! Cutler is a Stormtrooper for Trump’s fantasy and sociopathic fantasy that he is the rightful holder of the never ending presidency. Instead of telling the truth and not pretending to his voters, Cutler has proven to be an incompetent, anti-democratic, and dishonest representative.

   Nitwit One, also known as Donald the Destroyer, made an unsubstantiated claim that the country has reached a level of 15 percent herd immunity. He said this number is “terrific” and “that’s a very powerful vaccine in itself.” It is not a solution. A vaccine saves lives. Herd infections causes more deaths. Donald is the Death Cult president! The Trump plan for the infection has been to spread and kill and to weaponize the virus. This illustrates the evil in the White House.

   The Idiot also said, “I think the vaccine was our goal. That was Number 1 because that was the way it ends. Plus, you develop an immunity over a period of time and I hear we’re close to 15 percent. I’m hearing that and that is terrific. That’s a very powerful vaccine in itself.” Trump only hears stuff in his head. He doesn’t read anything but the back of cereal boxes.

   Not only is he an ignorant fool, he has no shame in spreading the lies that ooze from his psychopathic, and pathetic mind. Over 2200 deaths per day are equal to the people that died during the single attack on Hiroshima. As we close in on 300,000 Trump Virus total deaths, and 15M total infections, Trump continues to spew his moronic opinions about the “terrific” viral contagion that he allowed to run rampant over the American people. Trump avoids speaking about his virus, and focuses on his fake election fraud and the lawsuits that are being shredded at every turn.

   The U.S. Supreme Court decided 9-0 to refuse to hear Trump’s Pennsylvania court case. The Nevada GOP Snowflakes (defined as a person triggered over the most benign reason) are whining that they were denied a chance to argue their fake case filled with opinion and not facts before the U.S. Supreme Court. The GOP fantastically believe that facts don’t matter anymore under the current regime when going before a judge. They believe opinions supersede facts.

   The Cretin and Moscow Mitch want to protect corporations and businesses from lawsuits resulting from blatant and purposeful negligence by ignoring COVID-19 protections in their workplaces, while giving all Americans a one-time payment of $600.00, but nothing more for the unemployed. This is their Trump Virus economic collapse relief package. Protections to corporations who make us sick at the workplace, but crumbs to everyone else who are suffering from this attack against Americans by Trump.

   At the Trump Vaccine Summit Clown Show, with the starring attraction being Clown Donald, he decided to do his dog and pony show routine by beginning with an attack against Dr. Fauci. He then proceeded to call the vaccine “My Vaccine”, and that he is the biggest and be-bestest person ever because he believed that he was the reason why the vaccine manufacturers moved so quickly to get a them ready for use. His “Warp Speed” initiative should really be called “Warped Speed” because Trump’s mind is extremely warped. He said how great it has been that so many people have gotten his precious Trump Virus. He ignored that the U.S. had gone full-blown herd immunity under his watch with over 3000 people dying on December 9, 2020. A day that would go down in infamy!!! How many of the dying and sick are from his maskless wearing cult who voted for him?


  Chicken- Pox Fox News’ Laura Louse Ingraham said, “The influence of the Chinese Communist Party in our society is dangerously widespread and so pernicious.” Sadly, she is a lying pro-Russian propagandist. Is she also a Russian Idiot Assets? It appears so. There is no evidence that the CCP has infiltrated our society. But, in fact, the Russian Communist Party has penetrated the Trump Presidency and the GOP and the 2016 election. Such members are Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Rudy Guiliani, who are clearly Russian Idiot Assets who penetrated the White House, and influenced Donald Trump. It is also very likely that Trump is also a Russian Idiot Asset. Melania might be one, as well. One must wonder exactly how many in the U.S. GOP Senators are Idiot Assets, as well. We likely could add Moscow Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham-Cracker. Jim Jughead Jordan, Mike Jiggle Johnson, KKKevin McCarthy, and Tom Pick-a-bail-of Cotton-balls who both continue to carry water for Trump’s bucket of lies and fascist agenda. How many Russian oligarchs and crime syndicate operators have funneled cash into the campaign coffers of the GOP.

   Pennsylvania’s attorney general Josh Shapiro said, “Texas does not seek to have the court interpret the Constitution, so much as disregard it.” This action is a “seditious abuse of the judicial process.” The attorney general of Michigan, Dana Nessel said that the Supreme Court must reject this lawsuit unless it wants to be “the arbiter of all future national elections.” “A coalition of 23 Democratic states and territories also submitted a brief opposing Texas’ bid, as did the Republican attorney general of Ohio, Dave Yost, who argued that what Texas was seeking “would undermine a foundational premise of our federalist system: the idea that the states are sovereigns, free to govern themselves,” as written by Shabad and Gregorian, for this article. Representative Mike Johnson (R-La) was told by The Cretin in his last days of occupying the Oval Office Daycare Center, “to express his great appreciation for our effort to file an amicus brief in the Texas case on behalf of concerned Members of Congress. He specifically asked me to contact all Republican Members of the House and Senate today and request that all join on to our brief. He said he will be anxiously awaiting the final list to review.” In other words, The Death Cult leader wants to see who is against him and who is up his ass. It was heard by an anonymous source that Trump thought an amicus brief was like an Attends, which he wears all day long because he tends to soil himself without them.

   What we may be discovering is that Trump’s fight against his so-called belief that the election was rigged against him and stolen from under his feet, while down ballot Republicans won big around the country, is going nowhere fast. He has spent a great deal of money supplied by his supporters, and time used to fight election fraud. This YUUGE effort of filing fake lawsuits is really much more about delegitimatizing Democratic votes everywhere. He has a psychopathic condition where he cannot ever lose anything. His father told him that only losers lose and now Trump is hearing his father’s voice from the grave calling him a big headed loser. LOSER!!!! So, this little voice in his head keeps telling him to prove that he is not a LOSER by bellowing out the subliminal message to himself and his automaton supporters that Democratic votes were illegitimate because they didn’t vote for him. This is the message and his followers have bought into it hook, line and sinker. They are being pulled under by Trump’s drowning ship. When a person does the same thing over and over again expecting a different result than the one that keeps occurring time and time again, that person is considered insane. Trump is insane. He is doing the same thing over and over again expecting that he will be exonerated and remain in the White House for another four plus years when he won’t. Melania has had enough and has already decided it is time to get out of Dodge and head the wagon train to Mar-A-Lago and begin to find seclusion behind those walls and begin her ten page memoir filled with pictures.

Texas has filed a lawsuit against Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because the state of Texas, which actually casted fewer votes for Trump than were cast in 2016, assigned a possible criminal, Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is being investigated for criminal charges, as he frivolously goes after these states because he didn’t like how these four states held their election. To hell with state’s rights! The Supreme Court will be throwing this case in the shredder. Seventeen state attorney generals have soiled their credibility and integrity by signing on to Paxton’s lawsuit. Now there are somewhere around 126 U.S. House of Representatives (in this link, click on the "additional 20 house members signed on", and the list of all the house members who signed on will be listed in the court brief) who continue to show the same cowardice that has been displayed over the past four years by sitting in Trump’s lap stroking his orange face because they fear he will call them names and chase them around the school yard. This is an act of sedition, which violates American democracy and leans right into fascism. Trump has done exactly what Adolph Hitler did to gain support. He spread hate and fear into the minds of Germans. He spread lies and propaganda to poison the minds of his people, which took years to deprogram after Hitler was finally destroyed at the end of WWII. Trump has convinced his automaton supporters that he won the 2020 election, and it was stolen from him by Democrats and Democratic political strongholds without a single speck of evidence. As he proceeds with frivolous lawsuits to perpetuate his mythology, his supporters ignore facts and have replaced them with fantasy. Jake Tapper lays in about the Texas lawsuit. Listen here. S.E. Cupp on right-wing media idiots. Florida is governed by a true fascist, Ron DeSantis. He ordered cops to raid the house of Rebekah Jones, who was documenting and encouraging Floridian scientists to speak out against COVID data cover-ups. He had Rebekah Jones' house raided by armed cops. See it here.

   Trump has asked Ted Cruz, the same guy who Trump had called out his father as a traitor, to defend his Texas lawsuit against Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in the Supreme Court, which will very likely refuse to hear the case, for allowing Democrats to vote against him. No doubt, Cruz will read his infamous senatorial bedtime story written by Dr. Seuss in the book, “Green Eggs and Ham”; instead of actually having the highly professional legal intellect and skills to defend Paxton and Trump’s legal position, he decided to jump when Trump told him to. Having Cruz acting on your behalf in front of the Supreme Court, would be like wanting Dr. Ben Carson to perform brain neurosurgery on you tomorrow. NO WAY NO HOW!!!       

   Republicans, such as Rick Scott of Florida and Dan Crenshaw of Texas, want to impose a very strict national law making it harder for people to vote. They see that this is the only way to win elections. They believe that a national law that would force the states to implement a very strict voter ID requirement, which would hurt minority and low-income voters, would be their only answer to win elections suppressing, therefore, stealing votes. Read Ronald Brownstein’s The Atlantic article here that details what Republicans want to do to damage and steal future elections.

   The news flash during Friday evening was that the Supreme Court put a quick end to Trump and Paxton’s imaginary lawsuit, which was to have been hosted by Teddy Cruz-a-Palozza. He didn’t get a chance to use his legal skills to read “Green Eggs and Ham” as Trump’s legal argument before a laughing court. Too Bad!


   Senator Kevin Kramer (R-ND) said Congress needs to save Trump from himself; but, The Cretin cannot stop Gaslighting himself each and everyday. Trump continues to carry a can of gas that he tosses on himself every chance he gets and then flicks his Bic. It is too late to save the Orange Creature.

   It even gets crazier. This is why Trump wins the top Nitwit Award for 2020. An Israeli professor, Haim Eshed finally came forth with what he knows about space alien life. He said that aliens from the Galactic Federation have been in touch with the U.S. government. Now we finally understand where Trump’s mental disorder and incompetence originated from. He must be a alien Galactic Federation reject and these aliens must be observing his impact on our planet. Trump was on the verge of revealing this, but the aliens from the Galactic Federation “wanted him to wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding,” Eshed reported. Trump said about an underground alien base on Mars, “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it but it’s a very interesting place with a lot of people that would like to know what’s going on.”

   Mass hysteria is already happening!!! Trump’s Q’Anon fan club is running hysterically wild in the streets. A great many of his voters have joined their mass craziness. They are saying that the Trump Virus vaccine will be loaded with personal tracking chips, the vaccine will make a person a 5G transmitter, and other far-out conspiracy theories. It doesn’t appear the aliens will let us know if Trump is an alien reject. We already know it.

   Trump called a Nevada field hospital that had to expand its COVID beds into the parking lot because the actual hospital was filled with Trump Virus patients. Trump called this expansion a hoax. Trump displayed his idiocy by criticizing Germany for their rise in COVID numbers. See Erin Burnett talk about it. Trump is filled with election denialism. 

   The above examples prove that Donald J. Trump is the best choice for the top Nitwit Award Prize.

   The second prize goes to Vice President Mikey Pence, also known as The Putz. He has been awarded this prize by being an absolutely worthless and incompetent Vice President over the past four years. He has done nothing. And what he has done as the head of the President’s Trump Virus Task Force has accomplished absolutely nothing of importance. He brought us Clorox Cocktails, shining light into the body in order to kill the virus, fake drug treatments, a total lack of mobilization of American manufacturing resources to supply our first responders, and to allow the Trump Virus to rabidly spread across the nation. 

   "CDC director Robert Redfield ordered the deletion of an email showing political interference in COVID-19 guidance deemed damaging to President Donald Trump, according to Jim Clyburn (D-GA), head of the House Subcommittee on Coronavirus." No doubt, with the approval and direction from The Putz.

   Currently, it is the worst it has ever been. We are all waiting for Mikey to come out of the closet, where he has been hiding his entire life, now that he has received this prestigious award.

   The third Nitwit award prize goes to Moscow Mitch McConnell, who is very likely a Russian Idiot Asset and a hater of democracy and a supporter of Market-Corporate Leninism, as well as a Nazi sympathizer. A total obstructionist to democracy. He is a person who allowed his home state to fall into poverty, illiteracy, and illness. Moscow Mitch since 2011, ignored that the Kentucky State Trooper manual quoted passages from Hitler’s Mein Kampf in order to inspire new cadets entering the force. Now that two hard working and clever high school students, who had engaged in some serious investigative reporting, uncovered these evil and anti-American Nazi training passages, and brought it into the light, the Kentucky governor came out apologizing for this gross incompetence to the Kentucky Jewish community and pledged that he will do whatever is necessary to make it right. But, Moscow Mitch, with his connections to Kentucky law enforcement ignored that Nazism had been included in training manuals. What does that say about Comrade Mitch? 

   The runner up Nitwit award prize goes to Senator Lindsey Graham-Cracker. He has become a total fascist hypocrite, and bold face liar. He has committed voter intimidation and interference in the state of Georgia’s election process, even though he supposedly lives in South Carolina. Voter election official intimidation and interference is a crime and could be prosecuted by Georgia’s attorney general. We are all waiting for Lindsey to come out of his closet, as well, where he has been hiding his entire life, along with Mikey. Maybe the two actually met back in Indiana at a gay conversion overnight camp, which the Pence’s are now affiliated with. That must be where they both learned to try and pray the gay away.

   These are the 2020 Nitwit Awards. May these four morons and traitors to democracy display these prizes on their fireplace mantles with honor.

When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln  

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