Just Gimme Some Truth
Stayin' Inside
George Carlin
COVID-19 Deaths In America
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma.
See it here.
And, Don's Next Con. See it here.
Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.
The Washington Post's COVID Death Map
In the excellent article written by Zeynep Tufekci, in The Atlantic, he details what a coup actually is, and how Turkey has has a number of coups over time. He defines what Trump and the 310 Congressional Republi-Q-Cans are doing is called a self-coup, which is a coup to maintain one’s own power. A standard coup is when a leader overthrows a standing leader in order to take power. He also discusses how state legislatures around the country gerrymander districts in order for a party to hold onto political power as, for example, a red state that is beginning to turn blue, or a red state guaranteeing that it would never turn blue. He said that in America, we really don’t have enough words to describe what Trump has been doing to discredit our election system in order to hold on to his fascist regime, along with convincing around 74M of his automaton followers to believe that, in fact, his votes were stolen from him.
Tufekci lists the method to Trump’s madness in order to hold onto power from day one:
- Trump continues to hammer home, on a daily basis, his fantastical belief, and we actually don’t know if he believes it or not, that the election was stolen from him. He spews his Magic 8 Ball response that there is a conspiracy underfoot to remove him from his rightful place on the throne. Facts be damned!!
- Trump and his Brownshirts have called for state legislatures, only in Democratic strongholds, to appoint new electors to hand over the win not to Biden, but to the “Fuhrer” Donald.
- He has re-aligned our judicial system with chosen Republican leaning judges all around the country that could swing court decisions in his regime’s favor. He has picked one-third of all federal judgeships for lifetime circuit-court judicial appointments. Believing he can control their decisions, he has asked those judges to “throw out valid votes wholesale, especially in cities with minority voters.”
- One of Trump’s foot soldiers in his authoritarian Twilight Zone reality show said after this current election, “We’re waiting for the United States Supreme Court — of which the president has nominated three justices— to step in and do something. And hopefully Amy Coney Barrett will come through.” This illustrates just how insane Trump actually is. He actually believes that he now has complete control over the courts and the justices he has appointed, and in return for those appointments, they will decide cases in his favor. He actually believes that the Constitution Be Damned!
- At Trump’s Fantasy Island final Nightmare on Elm Street episode, which he calls rallies, his automatons, who are sending him small amounts of their non-expendable cash reserves to his personal slush fund so he can spend it on himself, his little cretins, his midnight run to McDonalds, his future legal defense fund, his debt relief fund and air travel for his final world clown show tour, we hear droning voices calling out for the Governor of Georgia’s head on a platter when they chant “Lock Him Up” as directed by their cult choir leader just before he tells them to get ready to beam up to heaven’s gate.
- The Cretin has demanded that Wayne County, Michigan’s two Republican canvassers to sign over their first born children, along with signed affidavits to try and recall the state’s vote count, which already had been state certified. Wayne County includes Detroit, which is primarily Democratic and Black. Trump’s new red Putin hat slogan, to go along with Putin’s red tie, has been changed from MAGA, to “Let Me Steal The Vote.”
- Trump’s fascist-supporting attorneys have been working to overturn as many swing state votes that went to Biden over to The Cretin by insisting that those Republican legislatures do a switch-a-roo. Of course, no one will notice!!
- Trump pardoned Michael Flynn, an Idiot Russian asset, who lied about his ties to those in the Russian Communist Party, and then was appointed as Trump’s national security advisor. WOW. Appointing a Russian asset as Trump’s national security advisors, who would then advise Trump that Putin wasn’t such a bad guy after all so let’s loosen the sanctions on him, stood by Trump’s side until he resigned, and then later, changed into an orange jumpsuit. Now Flynn is flying high as a free man still holding a conviction, but pardoned. He is out there calling for Trump to stop the presses and declare Marshal Law, “suspend the Constitution and hold another election” or two or three until the numbers show that he won a second, then third, then fourth term.
- When the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, within the Department of Homeland Security, Chris Krebs, said that the election was legit and there was no hanky panky in the voting systems, The Cretin had no tolerance for such insubordination, and fired him. Facts don’t matter in Trump World.
- One of Trump’s fascist attorneys, Joey- da’hitman—diGenova said that Krebs “should be “taken out at dawn and shot””. “Hey, I was only jokin’. I mean nothin’ by it. Can’t he take a joke?”
- And then, there was the call to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden following the impeachment of The Cretin. Trump then said, “I’m gonna investigate dem two myself. The results will by YUUGE. Like nothin’ you’d ever seen in your life. Really big. YUUGE.”
- Once on a firing roll, Trump decided to fire his chief of the Pentagon, as well as others who didn’t tote his fascist line. It got too much for top military brass to see The Cretin want to use active-duty military soldiers to go after civilian protesters in American cities.
- Tufekci writes “What makes this moment deeply alarming—and makes Republicans’ overwhelming silence and tacit approval deeply dangerous, rather than merely an attempt to run out the clock on the president’s clownish behavior—is that Trump’s attempt to steal this election builds on a process that has already entrenched minority rule around the country.” The author then proceeds, in his article, how gerrymandering district maps have been securing minority rule in districts that if were fairly drawn would vote for the opposing political party. Many of these districts that have been redrawn are in minority districts, Black and Brown districts, which were redrawn to include a majority of White Republi-Q-can voters.
Yet, you hear nothing from the far-right talking heads that around 200,000 voters were wrongly purged from Georgia's voting rolls prior to this election. These voters were typically Black and Brown voters, and many from rural and semi-rural areas of the state. This illegal action by state officials is now about to face a judge in court, in hopes to reinstate their rightful status of legitimate voters prior to the January runoff election.
In David Frum’s October article in The Atlantic, “The Raw Desperation of the Republican Party”, he writes “Republicans are in danger of losing something more than seats and chambers in 2020. They are in danger of losing an entire system of political control.” “The secret of Republican success….to redraw maps in 2011 to favor their own party. That redrawing occurred at a time when a conservative federal judiciary was stepping back from oversight of voting processes.” “…a partisan gerrymander is inevitably a racial gerrymander, not only in result, but by intent.” “The anti-Trump coalition is not only much larger than the pro-Trump coalition; it includes groups whose voting rights have historically been respected and protected.” “But as the pro-Trump minority dwindles, the old dark arts no longer suffice. The manipulation of the vote needed to save Trump becomes so extreme as to delegitimize itself.” “The central gambit of Trump-style authoritarianism is to claim legitimacy as a representative of “the people” while selectively disenfranchising and disempowering more and more of those people. The U.S. Constitution in many ways protects minorities against majorities. In the Trump era, we see instead politicians like [Utah Senator Mike] Lee trying to pretend that minorities are majorities—and to grab the powers that legitimately belong to majorities away from them. That’s the thing that needs to stop. That’s the thing that needs to change. And if Trump and his allies seem in these final days to act more frantically, more abusively, than usual, perhaps it is because they sense that the change is coming.”
As Mary Trump continues to say that her Drunk Uncle Donnie is a dangerous and desperate person in his final days, as he proceeds to break everything he can get his hands on as he exits stage far-right. And, on his way out, he has 310 Congressional Republi-Q-cans allowing him to do so as they do their Can-Can dance routine as their crime boss leaves the theater, which also includes The Putz, formerly known as Pence. The Putz has kissed his political ambitions good-bye as he sat on the sidelines letting his crime boss smash his way out of the presidency before retiring to Mar-A-Lago in order to prepare for some serious New York State and Manhattan indictments. As Mary Trump says everyone involved in allowing Trump to commit crimes while in the White House needs to held criminally accountable for those crimes, which includes The Putz. So, Mikey, maybe you need to set up a Go-Fundme page for your legal defense fund, since all the available cash from Trump’s automatons is being funneled into his own personal bank accounts. Like we have said on this Blogspot, you better prepare to get that Pigs-In-A- Blanket food truck business up and running back in Indiana so you can begin funding your future legal defense fund.
It appears that BillyBob Barr is considering exiting stage far-right before Trump’s final routine is finished in order to get a jump on you as he prepares for his possible criminal federal charges as enabler-in-chief to Trump’s criminal federal crimes. We all have known, that The Putz has always been a little on the slow side.
When you have clowns running the show, you end up with a circus in chaos.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln
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