Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Trump And His Traitorous Allies Are Plotting Marshal Law

The Trumpty Dumpty Report

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

No legacy is so rich as honesty-William Shakespeare

Let us not become the evil we despise.

Just Gimme Some Truth

Stayin' Inside

George Carlin

WorldoMeter on Coronavirus

         COVID-19 Deaths In America

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project ad reviews Trump's last three years to a patient who woke up from a three year long coma. 
See it here. 

And, Don's Next Con. See it here. 

Trump's donors get fleeced. See it here.

                                   Watch This Video!!!! It is a must!! 


                 The Washington Post's COVID Death Map

                                                           a book by John Lithgow

   The country is being attacked by Trump as he and others: Michael Flynn, Rudy ‘Ghouliani’, Mark Meadows, and Sidney Powell, plot to use the military, or militias, to declare Marshal Law in order to remain in power. These people are traitors and should be arrested immediately. But, sadly no one in power is doing a damn thing about it. This act of sedition would never had been tolerated had it been Barack Obama or anytime in the past. Could you imagine Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin tolerating such an action against our democracy? But, Mike—da’ Putz—Pence and the rest of those fascists sitting around The Trump Oval Office Tiny Tot Table are failing to remove his asshole from office. The military has already publicly stated they would not respond to Trump’s takeover commands. 

   In The Atlantic magazine, “Trump Is Losing His Mind,” by Peter Wehner, an old school Republican and anti-Trumpster, said that “Donald Trump’s descent into madness continues.” He has displayed a “disordered personality, emotional and mental instability, and… sociopathic tendencies.” Trump “would detach himself even further from reality” once his presidency began to collapse following the pandemic, a cratering real economy, and an election defeat. As a result of being a mentally unstable and dysfunctional person, he began to fall into rage, anger, bitterness, while at the same time, showed a “desperate and despondent” personality that resulted into his pre-morbid personality that has been filled with files upon files of conspiracy theories stored in his small, and insanely weak mind.

   Trump has consumed the Party of Trump, which is actually The Cult of Trump, into becoming “an instrument of illiberalism and nihilism.” Now he is mounting a self-coup, while those within The Cult of Trump look silently on. His party has turned into the ultimate cowards. Everyone of them will be further known as complicit participants of this self-coup. On the outside of the Beltway, “[d]uring the past four years, the right-wing ecosystem became more and more rabid.” Joining the Trump automaton zombie field soldiers are rabid evangelicals, Q’Anon Kool-Aid drinkers, militia groups, such as Neo-Nazis and the Proud Boys, One America News, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Lou Dobbs, and the list goes on.

   Wehner wrote, “…we have to remind ourselves that we are not powerless to shape the future; that much of what has been broken can be repaired; that though we are many we can be one; and that fatalism and cynicism are unwarranted and corrosive.” But we are now living in the present, while the future still awaits us. That repair will take a long time because of the MIA members of Congress who side with Trump during his most dangerous time—a planned self-coup. One being Pat Toomey, who cared more about the power of the Federal Reserve, and Trump, who he voted for in this past election. Pat Toomey’s silence, as well as his fellow Re-Q-publicans in Congress, is perverted and sick as his Cult Demagogic Leader plans an insurrection with his crazy allies. Toomey has known perfectly well what Autocratic Trump has been all about for the past four years, yet this Harvard elitist voted for him anyway. So Toomey has gone along with Trump’s disastrous pandemic response, which has led the country into poverty, joblessness, food insecurity and closed schools, and he still voted for the impeached traitor. So, what does that make Pat Toomey? As traitor, too!

   On Sunday, Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) caved to public pressures. His PA voice mailbox was full on Saturday. Therefore, people began to fill up his D.C. mailbox, as well. Mr. Harvard Elitist decided to vote for the bill that would immediately help the American people who have been devastated by Toomey’s president and incompetent dealmaker, all the while, ignoring the Trump Virus that killed jobs and businesses and medical practices, and more, all around the country. The big question is why did Toomey decide to be the lone wolf and not vote for the relief bill? Who did he owe a favor to? Did The Cretin give him “da squeeze” whereby he would become a Twitter target? Now that Toomey’s time spent in the Senate is coming to an end, we can say good-riddens; but, we still have two more years to go. Now PA can choose a new Senator who will useful.

   Toomey’s master, Donald Trump, is also about to cross that bridge over trouble waters as he becomes a man without a country or house to go to rest his tired feet before having to defend himself in court. He is hated in Miami-Dade County, and he is hated in New York City. Now the question is will, or should, Biden un-pardon The Cretin if he pardons himself in his final days playing in the White House sandbox. 

   Ken Gormley, an expert on the U.S. Constitution and president of Duquesne University, wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post “that Biden should not let Trump get away with breaking precedent by giving himself broad protection against potential prosecution. Responding to reports that he was considering issuing himself a pardon, Gormley wrote that it was not clear if Trump even held the legal capability to issue a self-pardon, but Biden should take a stand if he were to try it. Joe Biden should reverse it and take the protection away. In part because it’s unlikely that the legitimacy of such an audacious act would be determined in court, it’s important for the new president, with the advice of his Justice Department, to take a stand against this dangerous precedent.”

   This nation should not let Trump get away with sleazing his exit from being the worst president in our entire history as a county. Biden cannot let this evil twatwaffler get away with future federal prosecutions by pardoning himself. He should face a federal judge and answer to crimes, just as he will be facing state judges for crimes he committed as a corrupt two-bit crime syndicate business tycoon. 

   Another question people are asking is—why is Trump so incompetent? Why has he allowed his virus to do such damage to the country? In The Washington Post, Yasmeen Abutaleb, Ashley Parker, Josh Dawsey & Philip Rucker, wrote in The inside story of how Trump’s denial, mismanagement and magical thinking led to the pandemic’s dark winter,” “…it has been compounded over time by a host of damaging presidential traits — his skepticism of science, impatience with health restrictions, prioritization of personal politics over public safety, undisciplined communications, chaotic management style, indulgence of conspiracies, proclivity toward magical thinking, allowance of turf wars and flagrant disregard for the well-being of those around him.” 

   Trump has been consumed with spreading misinformation, and using his bully-pulpit to attack our voting system that gave Joe Biden a victory and gave Trump a loss. Trump has been missing in action for the past 11 months!! Once the Trump Virus exploded and his cockamamie ideas that oozed out of his brain before the American people by suggesting that to cure the Trump Virus was to shine light inside the body, or to mix together his special evening cocktail mixer of Clorox and water and chug it nightly until you drop dead! 

   The nation’s death count is rising steadily as well, this past week surpassing 300,000 — a total that had seemed unfathomable earlier this year. The dark winter is here, hospitalizations risk breaching capacities, and health professionals predict it will get worse before it gets better.”

      Now that there are vaccines available, Trump and his failing Operation Warp Speed, i.e. renamed Warped Speed because their response has been broken and warped, cannot execute their most important responsibility of logistical operations. Their most important job, at this very moment, was to direct Pfizer where to send their millions of doses that are sitting frozen in their warehouses collecting frozen dust. More incompetence!!! Trump has bragged that he is the best dealmaker, and the be-bestest salesman, business executive and manager, yet he cannot demonstrate the most basic management skills that would get the product (vaccine) sitting in a warehouse out to the users (hospitals, doctors, nursing homes) of that product. No wonder he had multiple bankruptcies and is about to see his empty Atlantic City casino, which has been an eye-sore and abandoned by the Trump Organization, about to be blown up as a fundraiser by the city.

   “We were always going to have spread in the fall and the winter, but it didn’t have to be nearly this bad,” said Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA commissioner in the Trump administration. “We could have done better galvanizing collective action, getting more adherence to masks. The idea that we had this national debate on the question of whether masks infringed on your liberty was deeply unfortunate. It put us in a bad position.” 

  Kyle McGowan, former Chief of Staff at the CDC said,  “It was a series of multiple decisions that showed a lack of desire to listen to the actual scientists and also a lack of leadership in general, and that put us on this progression of where we’re at today.” 

   The article mentions how Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, has been hostile toward government’s career doctors and officials who want to talk about the damaging effects of the Trump Virus, be transparent, and to follow, as well as share the recommended public guidelines. Meadows threatened them. If they did speak out, then they would be at risk of getting fired. More authoritarianism. 

   “Olivia Troye, a former Pence adviser and task force aide who resigned in the summer and campaigned against Trump’s reelection, said the nation’s trauma is a result of the president’s mismanagement of the crisis early on, and is being prolonged by his disinterest in it now.” We also have to include Mikey da’Putz Pence, the head of the Trump Task Force, who followed Trump’s orders that ultimately led to the massive failure of containing the Trump Virus.

   Trump downplayed the seriousness of this deadly virus when he met with Tucker Carlson at Mar-A-Lago back in March. Even Carlson told Trump that he could lose the election because of his lack of critical response to contain the contagion. Trump would not heed the warning that explained to him that if he didn’t act fast, it could get out of hand and spread wildly across the country. “As the country began to shut down in March, Trump and his administration found themselves in the early throes of denialism and dysfunction. Despite the warnings of Carlson and others, Trump continued to downplay the severity of the virus, and turf wars and unclear chains of command roiled the administration’s fledgling response.” 

   In March, as the nation began to lock down, the idiot Kushner, who has an MBA, or Moron Bullshit Asshole degree, stepped in to reveal his superpowers, which fizzled out because he, too, showed his total business management incompetence was of the highest order. “Max Kennedy Jr., a senior associate at a private growth equity firm when he joined Kushner’s effort as a volunteer, was so alarmed by what he witnessed that he initially filed an anonymous whistleblower report.” ““The knock against Jared has always been that he’s a dilettante who will dabble in this and dabble in that without doing the homework or really engaging in a long-term, sustained, committed way, but will be there to claim credit if things go well and disappear if things go poorly,” a former senior administration official said. “And this is another example of that.” We all remember that Kushner over paid for 666 5th Ave property without ever doing his financial crash homework. In 2007, when many of us were following that the banks were over leveraged, and big crash was coming our way, Kushner leaped in with both feet to pay $1.8B for it. What a fool!!! The sellers were jumping for joy after that sale changed hands. In 2019 dollar terms, $1.8B equals $2.2B. Kushner had to go looking for a bailout from Qatar or Saudi Arabia because he lost his puffy shirt over the deal and was on the verge of bankruptcy. He is an MBA for sure.!!

   Trump did everything he could to stand in the way of containing the virus. He bragged about insane cures, revealed his idiot ideas of the most ridiculous and possibly dangerous treatments, wildly spread misinformation, boasted about how well he and his Task Force were doing to attack their war on the virus, which he upstaged from Pence by grabbing all the limelight for himself, because he always had to be the center of attention, even during a time of critical crisis. “Skepticism of masks became a hallmark of the Trump administration’s pandemic response. On April 3, when the CDC recommended that all Americans wear masks, Trump announced that he would not do so because he could not envision himself sitting behind the Resolute Desk with his face covered as he greeted visiting dignitaries. The president stressed that mask-wearing was “voluntary,” effectively permitting his legions of followers to disregard the CDC’s recommendation.”

   Then Dr. Scott Atlas was brought into the circus tent. This guy had absolutely no experience in infectious disease ultimately failing at his job, and actually caused more deaths and infections because he lauded the idea of herd immunity when the virus was spreading out of control. “Atlas pushed a controversial “herd immunity” strategy — of letting the virus spread freely among the young and healthy — and clashed with others on the task force, many of whom described him as combative and condescending. He lorded his seemingly unfettered access to the president over the group and, as one senior adviser said, “The science just got totally perverted with Scott in the room.” Atlas eventually resigned in shame. “Dr. Scott Atlas has caused people to lose their lives because he stood at the White House podium and told people masks may not work and he told people we should get over it and build up herd immunity,” said McGowan, the former CDC chief of staff. “He’s telling the world lies from a bully pulpit, from a position of power, and I believe people died because of that.” But the Trump cult of automatons waving MAGA flags ate up the idea of going maskless and and joining the roaming herd of zombie fools into the false sense of immunity. So, they had their parties, went to Thanksgiving dinners, headed off to church, traveled throughout the country, flaunting masklessness, and spiked the Trump Virus into the stratosphere, overwhelming our healthcare system and hospital ICU beds to the point where parking lots and lobbies were turned into ICU treatment centers. Hospitals had to set up ICU beds in makeshift tents in the parking lots of hospitals where the virus was dangerously spreading, such as in California and Texas. Is Florida next?

   In this terrific article “ The Inside Story of how Trump’s denial and mismanagement led to the pandemic’s dark winter.” We now have entered the dark winter that was brought about by a criminal president, who is and has been totally unfit to lead the country during a time of his self-declared “China Virus War” caused by a virus that morphed into the Trump Virus, one that he can now own, which is now referred as the Trump Virus because it spread its spike proteins far worse than anywhere else in the world. Now we have to be concerned about two other coronaviruses that have been tracked in England and South Africa. England is getting hammered. These two viruses can spread very quickly. What happens is that this mutant COVID-19 virus spreads its viral load more rapidly and more virulently than the one we currently have in the U.S. Also, this new strain can be spread from person to person more rapidly because of the heavy viral load. At this time, we don’t know if the current vaccines will guard against these two mutant coronaviruses, but it is assumed it will be; although, there is no data to prove it. This is why we should be most grateful that Trump is about to leave the scene, and a much more competent person will take charge of protecting the country from more viral invasions. We will then have medical professionals in charge of the process replacing the hacks. We will have a CDC unencumbered by stooges within an administration that has denied the dangers of the virus.

   David Frum wrote in The Atlantic, “How Long Can This Continue?”, “Trump is turning the Republican Party against democracy.” “On Friday, December 18, the secretary of the Army and the Army chief of staff formally disavowed any intention of participating in a military coup. “There is no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of an American election.” “To put it mildly, a military coup against the United States Constitution would require considerable planning….planning has not been a strong suit of the Trump Administration. Trump seems to be hoping that big talk can somehow substitute for hard work—criminal hard work in this case, but still work.” “What is the downside for humoring him…?…It’s not like he’s plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20.” “Trump’s projects have failed.” “Trump didn’t succeed in pressuring the president of Ukraine to endorse Guiliani’s scheme against  the Biden family. Trump didn’t reorient U.S. foreign policy to conform to Russian wishes. Trump didn’t shut down mail-in voting or stop the election count at midnight. And so on, down the list.” Trump did get away with stuff. “He did collect a stead flow of payments from domestic and foreign favor-seekers. He did successfully defy congressional subpoenas and did successfully obstruct a special-counsel investigation; he did use his pardon power to reward associates who kept silent to protect him.” “Even when Trump failed to get his way, he did [succeed] in doing enormous damage.”

   But Trump won’t stop his assault on our democracy. He has filed a Supreme Court challenge against Pennsylvania’s voting results, which went for Biden. Trump’s psychotic mind won’t let go of the fact that he is a LOSER. Tucker Higgins, writes for CNBC, in “Trump campaign files long shot Supreme Court challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania win,” “It comes as Trump continues to deny his loss even as judges around the country have resoundingly rejected his and his allies’ baseless allegations of fraud.”

    Even BillyBob Barr has said that he doesn’t believe that appointing a special counsel to investigate voter fraud, or even one to investigate Hunter Biden is warranted. He said that confiscating voting machines is unwarranted. Also, he said that he does believe that Russia is behind this latest cyberattack upon our government and private sector, even the while The Cretin says it could be China giving cover to his Russian asset handler, Vladimir Putin.

    “The filings asks the justices to reverse three decisions from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court easing some of the state’s election rules related to signature verification, Election Day observation and mail-in declarations. It says the state’s top court encroached on the authority given to state legislatures by the U.S. Constitution to carry out elections.” To argue the case is John Eastman, a law professor who questioned Kamala Harris’ eligibility to be president. This guy must be filled with racism, hate, and xenophobia deep into his core to believe that a person born in this country is not eligible to serve as president. So, part of the $200M donated to Trump’s slush fund is going to pay for this nonsensical waste of time, while the Supreme Court wastes its time hearing this ridiculous case. Let’s hope the court throws it out, or just refuses to hear the case.

   While Trump spins his wheels and avoids the reality of tens of millions of suffering Americans, the country is seeing more people fall into poverty. The poverty rate has risen to 11.7% from 9.3% in June. More people are going hungry. Around 27.4M adults or 12.7% in households were food insecure over a week’s time. Then there are those who are having trouble paying their bills. “More than 85.4M adults, or 35.6%” were having trouble making ends meet. And, there were those who were falling behind on rent or mortgage payments as a result of the pandemic crisis. “Nearly 13M adults, or 9.1% are not current on their rent or mortgage…” And, then there is the fear of losing wages. “Nearly 76.7M adults, or 31% expect to find themselves unemployed as more and more businesses shutter their doors. The outdoor retailer, REI, are now shuttering more store doors for good because they are less productive than their other stores. Many of their employees are part-time workers, who now will be out on the street, again. 

   We will have a new, and more competent president who will be coordinating any and all COVID-19 responses with other foreign leaders who are now experiencing a new and mutant viral spread in their cities and hamlets. This will become a global effort to track and manage and treat a contagion response effort, and not repeat the incompetence of Donald J. Trump, the GOP Death Cult President.

When you have Nitwit award winning clowns running the show, you end up with a Nitwit circus in chaos.



“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln

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